It is #BrexitDay and LibreSheets has reached "official" status. It has a project page on #GitLabยน and my first things on my to-do-list will be selecting an open source license and seriously considering writing the program from scratch.
I've heard that I could use Flutter to have a single code base for all platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac, Android, iOS and even possibly the Web?) but it would mean it'll take langer for a first prototype.
#brexitday #LibreSheets #gitlab
So this'll be my motivation to really create a new program for #musicians which'll be free for Linux and but for sale on W10, Google Play Store and if I can do it iTunes store (but I've heard that you need Apple hardware to build for that). I have the name #LibreSheets in mind and until I have that working I'll probably use a normal PDF reader (like Okular) and a special directory setup to help manage my sheets right now on Linux.