RT @SoliwRiLibya
African refugees in #Tripoli's #AlSarraj neighborhood, please stay home, stay safe ‼️
#EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya https://twitter.com/Benlondon70/status/1653836392877662216
#tripoli #alsarraj #LibyaIsNotSafe #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya
RT @SoliwRiLibya
Refugees in Libya, please stay home, stay safe 🙏🏾
Another Arab Anti-Black campaign is ongoing.
#BlackAfricanLivesMatter https://twitter.com/RefugeesinLibya/status/1653100463686930432
#libyaisracist #LibyaIsNotSafe #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya #BlackAfricanLivesMatter
RT @SoliwRiLibya
#TunisiaIsNotSafe, just like #LibyaIsNotSafe!
#EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya NOW ‼️ https://twitter.com/alarm_phone/status/1647875897771319298
#tunisiaisnotsafe #LibyaIsNotSafe #evacuaterefugeesfromtunisia #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya
#ClimateJustice #RiseUpForChange #DebtForClimate #DeCOALonize #ReinvestInOurPower #ClimateEmergency #AbolishFrontex #AbolishBorders #AbolishPrisons #AbolishPolice #NoBorders #SafePassage #StopRefugeeGenocide #TunisiaIsNotSafe #LibyaIsNotSafe #LeaveNoOneBehind #deportations
#climatejustice #riseupforchange #DebtForClimate #decoalonize #reinvestinourpower #climateemergency #abolishfrontex #abolishborders #abolishprisons #abolishpolice #noborders #safepassage #stoprefugeegenocide #tunisiaisnotsafe #LibyaIsNotSafe #leavenoonebehind #deportations
RT @RefugeesinLibya
Latest 🔔
The protest of our comrades @RefugeesTunisia is under attack by the police.
We call for the immediate release of those who have been forcibly arrested and arbitrarily detained.
#EvacuateRefugeesFromTunisia https://twitter.com/eliziavolkmann/status/1645748088584261633
#LibyaIsNotSafe #tunisisisnotsafe #evacuaterefugeesfromtunisia
#TunisiaIsNotSafe #LibyaIsNotSafe
#AbolishFrontex #NoBorders #SafePassage #FreedomOfMovement
#stoprefugeegenocide #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya #evacuaterefugeesfromtunisia #tunisiaisnotsafe #LibyaIsNotSafe #abolishfrontex #noborders #safepassage #freedomofmovement
RT @UNFAIR_agency
Why are there militias in front of your door brutally beating people in need for help and treatment?
We demand answers, @UNHCRLibya & @Refugees ! We're waiting!
#evacuate #RefugeesInLibya #UNFAIRagency #LibyaIsNotSafe
RT @SoliwRiLibya
It's not xenophobia @newhumanitarian, you need to call it by it's name: anti-Black racism !
#EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya https://twitter.com/Pablo09270686/status/1644073395431014400
#tunisiaisnotsafe #LibyaIsNotSafe #evacuaterefugeesfromtunisia #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya
RT @SoliwRiLibya
#EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya https://twitter.com/RefugeesinLibya/status/1637834763678482434
#freethemall #LibyaIsNotSafe #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya
RT @SoliwRiLibya
“They started to beat us with irons and sticks and fired live bullets at us. At 1:15 am, I was shot down with a gun”
WE CALL FOR #SolidarityWithMajed & FOR DONATIONS for medical treatment!
#SolidarityWithRefugees #LibyaIsNotSafe
#solidaritywithmajed #solidaritywithrefugees #LibyaIsNotSafe
RT @SoliwRiLibya
Despite Mazin’s release, there is a very urgent security risk for Mazin and his family: Mazin as well as his three siblings are at imminent risk of being kidnapped and abused by human traffickers again #𝐄𝐯𝐚𝐜𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐌𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧 #𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐲𝐚𝐈𝐬𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞 @RefugeesinLibya 1/3
#evacuatemazin #LibyaIsNotSafe
RT @SoliwRiLibya
When will you start listening to the voices of @RefugeesinLibya?
#StopRefugeeGenocide https://twitter.com/RefugeesinLibya/status/1618943319106781191
#LibyaIsNotSafe #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya #stoprefugeegenocide
RT @SoliwRiLibya@twitter.com
Libérez tous les manifestants pacifiques emprisonnés depuis 1 an pour avoir demandé protection et évacuation vers des pays sûrs
📅 10 janvier 2023 - 16:30
📍Bruxelles: UNHCR Belgique- av. Louise 283
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SoliwRiLibya/status/1612042273059131395
#freethemall #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya #freedomformazin #LibyaIsNotSafe
RT @SoliwRiLibya
“We need protection, [...] we need medical assistance, [...] we need to be evacuated, we need to be taken care of !” - young comrade from @RefugeesinLibya during the protests in '21
DONATE NOW – All donations reach those most affected!👉🏾 https://gofund.me/59c1b819
RT @UNFAIR_agency@twitter.com
Our comrade Musa was released from the hospital today. He is back on the street with NO further support. Musa is protesting again in front of the @UNHCRLibya@twitter.com HQ - the same place where his life was in immediate danger of death 10 days ago! #LibyaIsNotSafe @RefugeesInLibya@twitter.com
RT @IuventaCrew
#StopPushbacksNotPeople https://twitter.com/RefugeesinLibya/status/1597834723912736768
#LibyaIsNotSafe #stoppushbacksnotpeople
RT Solidarity with Refugees in LibyaOur demands still stand and we cannot rely on any governments,...We rely on the power of the people ✊🏾#Libyaisnotsafe & the struggles continues! Join us online to network & organize. RSVP via DM or email to solidaritywithrefugeesinlibya@riseup.net. #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya
#EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya #LibyaIsNotSafe
Ein Video, dass die brutale Misshandlung eines entführten 15-Jährigen zeigt, hat die alltägl. Gewalt, die Geflüchtete in #Libyen erfahren, für einen Moment sichtbar gemacht.
Selten werden Videos von diesen Misshandlungen öffentlich: "Kurze Zeit nach der Veröffentlichung [des Videos] wurde der Vater des Jungen Berichten zufolge von bewaffneten Männern aus seinem Haus im Westen Libyens mitgenommen".
#LibyaIsNotSafe #libyen #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya
RT Solidarity With the Refugees in LibyaThanks to the deadly EU border regime @RefugeesinLibya/#RiL find themselves in an active #Warzone in #Tripoli.This is the result of funding militias in Libya.@EU_Commission @ABaerbock you have blood on your hands.#LibyaIsNotSafe#EvacuateRefugeesFromLibyaRefugees In Libya: Under such circumstances,Refugees and civilians whose life depends on daily activities for bread and water become the first to be victimized, some are shot by floating bullets and their crime is that they wanted to exist in a peaceful environment@hrw @SoliwRiLibya @Pm_govly_ar
#LibyaIsNotSafe #tripoli #warzone