RT Refugees In LibyaTragedy‼️‼️Yesterday a boat carrying 80 people from #Alkhoms-en route to the other shores of Mediterranean, sank off the coast of Qasr Al Khyar. 11 bodies have been recovered, and 7 alive while 62 people are still missing in the depths of the sea graveyard.#LibyaNotSafe
RT @RefugeesinLibya
Yesterday a boat carrying 80 people from #Alkhoms-en route to the other shores of Mediterranean, sank off the coast of Qasr Al Khyar. 11 bodies have been recovered, and 7 alive while 62 people are still missing in the depths of the sea graveyard.
RT @SarahSpasiano
It's time for a critical perspective on UNHCR and especially the situation in Libya. The situation for @Refugees in Libya finally has to change.
@UNFAIR_agency @RefugeesinLibya @SoliwRiLibya
#CallToGeneva https://twitter.com/UNFAIR_agency/status/1588491279604015107
#LibyaNotSafe #UNFAIRagency #CallToGeneva
RT Sarah SpasianoIt's time for a critical perspective on UNHCR and especially the situation in Libya. The situation for @refugees in Libya finally has to change.#LibyaNotSafe#UNFAIRagency@UNFAIR_agency @RefugeesinLibya @SoliwRiLibya #CallToGenevaUNFAIR Agency: A campaign of @RefugeesinLibya and @SoliwRiLibya amplifying the voices of #refugees neglected by @UNHCRLibya. Follow our call for protest in front of the #UNHCR HQ in #Geneva on 9/10 December 2022. https://unfairagency.org/
#geneva #unhcr #refugees #CallToGenevaUNFAIR #LibyaNotSafe