Veranstaltungswerbung: Die #FörTaxCon2 - Förderung von #taxonimischem #Wissen als Grundlage für den #Naturschutz - findet am 24.+25.11.23 online und kostenlos statt! Mehr Infos und Bewerbung bis 10.9. (23.11. für reine Teilnahme) hier:
Vielleicht auch was für die EnthusiastInnen der
#bloomscrolling #mosstodon #lichensubscribe Communities?
#fortaxcon2 #taxonimischem #wissen #Naturschutz #bloomscrolling #Mosstodon #LichenSubscribe
@bondo you might also enjoy #LichenSubscribe and #bloomscrolling
#LichenSubscribe #bloomscrolling
What are the latest reports from Plains, GA?
I’m sure Jimmy has learnt the spell Imprisonment. And we have sealed the pact to bestow him the gift of the Book of Vile Darkness.
It goes without saying he has crafted a phylactery. Fool, what do you think he was doing at Habitat for Humanity all this time?
And Rosalyn has brewed a Potion of Transformation.
Once the Ascension Ritual is complete, Jimmy can begin to feed his phylactery.
#DnD #uspol #lich #LichenSubscribe #carter #tootfic
Nice bit of lichen growing on top of a post at the Dornoch Firth Green Shores saltmarsh restoration site. Beautiful day for a site visit, some observations, measurements and plans made.
#LichenSubscribe #Saltmarsh #NatureRestorationFund
#LichenSubscribe #SaltMarsh #naturerestorationfund
Mes 2 nouveaux hashtags préférés : #Mosstodon et #LichenSubscribe (du jeu de mot de qualité !)
Last one for tonight: my favourite photo from today includes moss, sundews, lichen and a tiny dwarf greenhood flower.
#mosstodon #LichenSubscribe #bloomscrolling
I was looking for orchids in the bush near my home today. I didn't find much, but I did take some pictures of #lichen. Unlike the lichens that cling to rocks and trees, these lichens grow on the ground, but are not attached to it. They dry out and look quite dead in summer, but in winter they absorb water and get more colourful.
@design_law there are many amazing hashtags even if I don't fully understand what's going on, for example #LichenSubscribe
Hey new friends here on this app I'm enjoying my delightfully curated timeline and wanted to be sure you know about
#ThickTrunkTuesday #Asstodon #LichenSubscribe #Mosstodon #BloomScrolling #WedsNeigh #WednesBray and #FoxNews in addition, obviously to #DogsOfMastodon and #catstodon etc., etc.
#thicktrunktuesday #asstodon #LichenSubscribe #mosstodon #bloomscrolling #wedsneigh #wednesbray #foxnews #DogsOfMastodon #catstodon #FediTips #NewHere #addtothislistifyouwant
@illuminaudhd Mastodon has the CUTEST plant based hashtags not just #bloomscrolling
There's #LichenSubscribe and #Mosstodon that bring such joy to my life.
#bloomscrolling #LichenSubscribe #Mosstodon
Ptit conseil pour tout le monde :
Une fonctionnalité sympa de masto, c'est de pouvoir s'abonner a des hashtags, comme ça tous les posts taggés avec apparaissent dans votre fil.
Quelques uns que j'aime bien :
#FleurisTonFil (#BloomScrolling en en)
#TongueOutTuesday (que j'aime d'amour)
(note: le post est pas public, donc je suis pas en train de spammer 15 hashtags :blobPikaUvU: )
#fleuristonfil #bloomscrolling #jeujeudi #frostodon #Mosstodon #LichenSubscribe #tongueouttuesday #waterfallwednesday #FungiFriday #silentsunday #moncielaujourdhui
We're new to the fediverse, but happy to join in the hashtag fun. These are commonly spotted lichens from the estuary shores.
These ones are on a concrete block placed as a hard sea defence.
Got to explore this morning before they came with an electric chain saw and started cutting off the smaller branches. Got some sample branches, some with a half-dozen - to my inexperienced lichen eyes - species.
First of many observations to come.
#Lichens #LichenSubscribe #Oaks #Quercus #iNaturalist #Naturalists #MotherNaturesSon #Adirondacks
#lichens #LichenSubscribe #oaks #Quercus #inaturalist #naturalists #mothernaturesson #adirondacks
And I'm out here now, doin' my thang.
THE SETUP v. THE SHOT (low-res)
#iNaturalist #MacroPhotography #Lichens #Fungi #MushToDon #Botany #Naturalist #SmallThings #Photography #LichenSubscribe
#inaturalist #macrophotography #lichens #fungi #mushtodon #botany #naturalist #smallthings #photography #LichenSubscribe
@levampyre Should be #sporespondence - also #LichenSubscribe for the alga-associated ones!
#sporespondence #LichenSubscribe
@WalksTheAges oh, also, some plant-related groups/hashtags to follow:
flowers: #florespondence #BloomScrolling
trees: #ThickTrunkTuesday
moss: #Mosstodon
i'm not sure if there are any specific plant/gardening/pepper hashtags aside from just hashtagging the words themselves!
edit: wait i just saw you're into fungi too, in which case
#sporespondence #Mushtodon #LichenSubscribe (as well as just #fungi, etc.)
#sporespondence #mushtodon #LichenSubscribe #fungi #florespondence #bloomscrolling #thicktrunktuesday #Mosstodon