#DukinfieldCC club run, 20/08/2023, from The Rising Sun, #HazelGrove, #Stockport, is to the Pool Cafe (underneath the #lido), in #Hathersage, #HopeValley.
If you're in the Stockport/Manchester area and fancy a nice, hilly(ish) 80km bike ride with a nice climb up #AbneyMoor after the cafe stop, come along!
We meet at the back of the #RisingSun at 9.30am for a 9.45am set off.
All are welcome and NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND!
#Duks #ClubRun #cycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter #SundayCycling #BringYourTrunksOrCossie #LeisureCycling #Manchester #ManchesterCyclists #StockportCyclists
#dukinfieldcc #hazelgrove #stockport #Lido #hathersage #hopevalley #abneymoor #risingsun #duks #clubrun #cycling #biketoot #BikeTooter #sundaycycling #bringyourtrunksorcossie #leisurecycling #manchester #manchestercyclists #stockportcyclists
Question: During covid, I set up a petition to rebuild the Lido in Victoria Park. After picking up the odd signature over the last couple of years, it’s suddenly gotten traction and has shot up to 600 signatures.
I feel I ought to capitalise on this sudden uptick of interest, but I don’t really know where to start. Any tips? Should I call a meeting?
#VictoriaPark #Lido #Community #Swimming #TowerHamlets #LocalActivism
#victoriapark #Lido #community #swimming #towerhamlets #localActivism
Won’t be long before summer starts! #ClaireBloom and #RodSteiger with a journalist at Venice, Italy, 1965.
📸 Archivio Cameraphoto Epoche
keywords #cinemastodon #cinema #classicmovies #oldhollywood #HollywoodOnTheTiber #italy #venice #1960s #actors #candid #summer #lido
#Lido #Summer #candid #actors #1960s #venice #Italy #hollywoodonthetiber #oldhollywood #classicmovies #cinema #cinemastodon #RodSteiger #clairebloom
Won’t be long before summer starts! #ClaireBloom and #RodSteiger with a journalist at Venice, Italy, 1965.
📸 Archivio Cameraphoto Epoche
keywords #cinemastodon #cinema #classicmovies #oldhollywood #HollywoodOnTheTiber #italy #venice #1960s #actors #candid #summer #lido
#Lido #Summer #candid #actors #1960s #venice #Italy #hollywoodonthetiber #oldhollywood #classicmovies #cinema #cinemastodon #RodSteiger #clairebloom
Walked back from dropping car off for its MOT and service and a few repairs via the new street art that's gone up around Hilsea Lido in the north of the city. Had to get there before the local oiks tag it and scrawl all over the artwork, because they almost certainly will do. Here's a small sample of the pieces, including that fabulous My Dog Sighs (eye) and Fark (seagulls) collaboration.
#Portsmouth #Photography #StreetArt #MyDogSighs #Fark #Mook #Hilsea #Lido #HilseaLido #MastoArt
#MastoArt #hilsealido #Lido #hilsea #mook #fark #mydogsighs #StreetArt #Photography #portsmouth
Just seen that the two main street artists in #Portsmouth - #Fark and #MyDogSighs - have collaborated on a piece in #Hilsea near the #Lido in the city. Looking forward to seeing this for ourselves soon. The #eye motif is probably MyDog's most recognisable work these days, whether here in #Pompey or across the country or even abroad. He also happens to be a fantastically approachable artist to chat to if you ever meet him.
Photo by MDS.
#Art #MastoArt #StreetArt #pompey #eye #Lido #hilsea #mydogsighs #fark #portsmouth
Last Sunday's Lido visit, already looking forward to March's visit.
I wussed out and only dipped
The cafe onsite @littlealsatthelido is amazing too, highly recommend.
#openwaterswimming #wildswimming #droitwichlido #Lido #bluetitschillswimmers
$LDO | 45m
The price is holding its position above $2.80. If it manages to close above the trend line, we can anticipate resistance at higher levels.
On the other hand, as #Lido Finance is a #LiquidStaking protocol, I'm optimistic about its mid-term performance. (cf. $APT)
#Guildford #Lido is also due to reopen in the Spring having been closed this #Winter while the drainage system is replaced. Doubt if I’d have been going #swimming this morning given the -5C “feels like”temperature. I’ve missed it during the mild weather we’ve been having though. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/jan/18/lidos-live-again-uk-braces-for-outdoor-swimming-pool-revival?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
#guildford #Lido #winter #swimming
Petite session #dessin pendant les pauses au #Lido où je fais la projection video du spectacle #cabaret
#dessin #Lido #cabaret #clipstudiopaint
And while we're on the the subject, here is also the #UK #winter #lido list, also courtesy of the #Outdoorswimming society. https://www.outdoorswimmingsociety.com/uk-winter-lido-list/ Image of #Bristol lido
#Bristol #outdoorswimming #Lido #Winter #UK
And while we're on the the subject, here is also the #UK #winter #lido list, also courtesy of the #Outdoorswimming society. https://www.outdoorswimmingsociety.com/uk-winter-lido-list/ Image of #Bristol lido
#Bristol #outdoorswimming #Lido #Winter #UK
"[...] Tenho #lido. E me salvado. De alguma forma.
Mas não tenho com quem conversar. Não tenho como me expressar.
Tento fugir da #loucura.
Estou tentando o #Mastodon por isso.
Lá ninguém me conhece. Ninguém me julga. A maioria são #Portugueses...
E, alguns, se interessam por algo que não seja bunda, sexo, ou televisão e ódio..."
#diario #oslivrosdemaria #Lido #loucura #mastodon #portugueses #nanocontos
Another lovely swim #southlondon #coldswim #excercise #fitness #lido
#southlondon #coldswim #excercise #fitness #Lido
What's not to like #lido #pool #coldswim #southlondon #art
#Lido #pool #coldswim #southlondon #art
Der aktuelle Newsletter ist raus, u.a. mit Infos #ausdembildarchiv zur Bedeutung von Austauschformaten wie #LIDO: https://prometheus.uni-koeln.de/de/newsletters/251/webview
Ungeachtet der Marktbedingungen könnte Lidos jüngster Schritt ETH hier stehen lassen. #Lido #ETH #Marktbedingungen https://cutt.ly/UMxjWMv