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#achtsamkeitschallenge #achtsamkeit #dankbar #selflove #lebensfreude #sinn #heldenreise #challenge #heldindeineslebens #motivation #jetzt #powerofnow #momblogger #iphone #smartphone #fotografieren #momentesucherin #lifeisbeautiful #inspiration #mindset #harmonie #kunstmitkindern #zeitmitkindern #glu #pers #nlichkeitsentwicklung #leichtigkeit #upswing
#upswing #Leichtigkeit #nlichkeitsentwicklung #pers #glu #zeitmitkindern #kunstmitkindern #harmonie #mindset #inspiration #LifeIsBeautiful #momentesucherin #fotografieren #smartphone #iphone #momblogger #powerofnow #jetzt #motivation #heldindeineslebens #challenge #heldenreise #sinn #lebensfreude #selflove #dankbar #achtsamkeit #achtsamkeitschallenge
I’ve been thinking a lot about how my life prior to coming out is staying with me. My name is still joel but sometimes pronounced jo-el. I don’t fuck with my voice too much, but I know it will evolve with time. The boy in me will always be with me. I’m too proud of what I’ve accomplished in that form. Now I get to package it all exactly how I’ve always wished. This transition is way too fun to burn it all down! #lifeisbeautiful #transition #transgender
#LifeIsBeautiful #transition #transgender