🤔”Er det bare mig, der synes, at det gik alt for hurtigt med at komme videre efter den her melding fra professor Lars Vedel Kessings store befolkningsstudie?
Mindst tre store spørgsmål trænger sig på:
Hvordan i alverden er vi havnet i den situation, at livet anno 2023 er så meget sværere end tidligere?…”
#mentalsundhed #psykisksårbare #psykisksygdom #trivsel #mistrivsel #stress #depression #angst #ensomhed #bedrepsykiatri #livsmestring
#lifeskills #livsfærdigheder
#livsfærdigheder #LifeSkills #livsmestring #bedrepsykiatri #ensomhed #angst #depression #stress #mistrivsel #trivsel #psykisksygdom #psykisksarbare #mentalsundhed
Ask a man his philosophy and he'll be annoying for an hour; teach a man to do philosophy and he'll be annoying for the rest of his life. (Keith Frankish)
#philosophy #LifeSkills #funny
Launched by Bicycling Monterey in April 2012 and still rolling in 2023: Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center bicycle repair and maintenance classes – the first high school bike tech classes in Monterey County. https://bikemonterey.org/probation-dept-youth-center-bike-education.html
#BikeTooter #MontereyCounty #Youth #BikeCommunity #VocationalSkills #CareerSkills #LifeSkills #bicycling #cycling #bikes #bicycles #FediBikes #Bicycle #cyclist
#BikeTooter #montereycounty #youth #bikecommunity #vocationalskills #careerskills #LifeSkills #Bicycling #cycling #bikes #bicycles #Fedibikes #bicycle #cyclist
Thousands gather for Dartmoor Ten Tors challenge
The best of luck to all.
Always a wonderful display of determination from teenagers.
At least the weather looks set fair this year. Could well be some mist or fog.
#Okehampton #Dartmoor #Devon #Hiking #TenTors #Challenge #Teenagers #YouthGroups #Schools #Stamina #TeamBuilding #LifeSkills #MapReading #Orienteering #Camping #Adventure #Military
#okehampton #dartmoor #devon #hiking #tentors #challenge #teenagers #youthgroups #schools #stamina #teambuilding #LifeSkills #mapreading #orienteering #camping #adventure #military
🧘♀️Approaching life with an open mind and flexibility can turn challenges into opportunities. Let go of preconceived notions and embrace the unexpected! 😃 #lifeskills #adaptability #mindsetshift
#LifeSkills #adaptability #mindsetshift
We finally got The Boy signed up for #swimming lessons today and for the first time, I really recognised the rate of #inflation over the past 20+ years. 😳
Worth every penny, mind.
Can’t put a price on a life skill that could potentially actually save his life one day.
Me and his mama are going halves, though!
He starts next Sunday. 🙂 🏊
#swimming #inflation #grandson #jdg #LifeSkills
RT @Mr_LeDune
So many #lifeskills #socialskills and #employabilityskills fostered by an environment that promotes #process above product. #STEM #STEMed #STEMEducation #PBL #teachers #education
#LifeSkills #socialskills #employabilityskills #process #stem #stemed #stemeducation #PBL #teachers #education
One of my favourite #RecoveryInc #RecoveryInternational meetings is tomorrow 11 am Eastern/Ohio time. I'm as likely to sleep through it as join it, but when I do join, I am always glad I did.
RI has helped with my #anxiety , stomach aches, #relationships , ability to cope, & general level of happiness.
You don't have to contact Cathy before joining.
Friday 10AM Central Via Zoom
ID: 86230704761 - Password: Recovery1
Cathy (847) 663-1670
#recoveryinc #recoveryinternational #anxiety #relationships #mentalhealth #LifeSkills
i love that DC teaches kids how to ride a bike in 2nd grade (and how to swim in 3rd). #LifeSkills
RT @GregGoldkind
2nd grade students @Powellelem are practicing for their 🚲 Bike in the Park 🚲 Cornerstone. @PowellPadres stay tuned for dates & details! #PhysicalEducation @dcpublicschools #GoPanthers
#LifeSkills #physicaleducation #gopanthers
@stephenyeargin Did they have any suggestions for what type of communication would work? Although there is some argument for them learning to manage their email. #LifeSkills I am also an inbox zero person.
My teenage daughter is in charge of grocery shopping for the two of us for the entire month of February.
Today is February 4th. We were supposed to go to the grocery store today. But she's tired and doesn't want to go today. So maybe we'll go tomorrow.
Thank goodness we have a well stocked freezer + pantry. I really think it's going to come in handy this month! 🤣
I'm getting ads for shoes that boost my height by two inches. Like I needed another thing about my appearance to worry over.
#LifeSkills #growingoldgayfully
Tell me you have kids without telling me you have kids
How to tell if a person is unstable/verging on being a dangerous sociopath:
1. Do they hold and share strong feelings about Meghan Markle?
2. Do they insist Covid is a scam and blame a vaccination shot for some health thing they clearly got through lifestyle choices
If you can answer yes to either or both, politely back away.
Boxing day breakfast: Two sausage rolls, a picking of turkey, three caramel kisses, spoonful of stuffing, a cheese cube and three antacids.
#boxingday #christmas #LifeSkills
Can you point me in the direction of #LifeCoach #development #LifeSkills who have proven track record?#Books #Author etc.
Much appreciated as its research for my #Consciousness #exploration.
#lifecoach #development #LifeSkills #books #author #consciousness #exploration
#lifeskills #teamPE #toobusyhavingfun
RT @HFletcherWood@twitter.com
4) "But when will I ever need this sir?"
Maths teachers are the most likely to have been asked when will we use this in the last week.
PE teachers are among the least likely.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HFletcherWood/status/1602723939544973313
#LifeSkills #teampe #toobusyhavingfun
Bloke who bought my flat a year ago is emailing me to whinge about a radiator not getting hot enough and asking me to arrange a fix. I almost responded, then hit delete. #LifeSkills