Life Is Strange True Colors
Un jeu que j'ai surtout regardé, étant sur le siège passager pendant la partie de @Libellule. Un jeu narratif profond, très maitrisé, qui vous fera ressentir de nombreuses émotions et restera dans votre cœur pendant longtemps.
#LifeisStrangeTrueColors #truecolors #lifeisstrange
Avui a #Betevé a la secció de #videojocs hem parlat d'algunes propostes per a l'estiu com:
👉 #Unpacking
👉 #LifeisStrangeTrueColors
👉 #IndianaJones aprofitant la peli i el proper joc
👉 #TheWitcher3 aprofitant la nova temporada ❤️
Hem dedicat un espai a #Starfield
I hem tancat agenda amb #IndieDevDay, #Gamescome i la final del primer campionat de #TotSimRacing
#beteve #videojocs #unpacking #LifeisStrangeTrueColors #indianajones #thewitcher3 #starfield #indiedevday #gamescome #totsimracing
Biggest beef: That ONE match that survived the hmhmhm and hadn't even broken! Come on!
Tiny beef: I wanted it to go on much longer. But it did feel so incredibly well rounded, it was also kind of satisfying to play it through in just three days or so.
Marvellous game. #LifeisStrangeTrueColors
We're a little over halfway through and omg, you all are going to love it! captured the essence of Life is Strange and Steph beautifully. I can't wait for everyone to read/listen to this story ❤️
#lifeisstrangetruecolors #stephsstory #stephgingrich
#LifeisStrangeTrueColors #stephsstory #stephgingrich
RT @meg_noel_art
replaying #LifeIsStrangeTrueColors AGAIN so here's some of my fav pieces I've done so far! #LifeIsStrange
#lifeisstrange #LifeisStrangeTrueColors
*“I guess I wonder if you've thought about what you need.”*
It is done ♥️♥️ first try at drawing them together. Decent effort. I’ll get better. #LifeisStrangeTrueColors #LifeisStrange #chenrich
#LifeisStrangeTrueColors #lifeisstrange #chenrich
Up next on my year-end tops, #videogames. I played about 15 games this year; here were my favorites.
1. #GodOfWarRagnarok
2. #APlagueTaleRequiem
3. #HorizonForbiddenWest
4. #LifeIsStrangeTrueColors
5. #GhostwireTokyo
There's a few games I didn't get around to yet, like the new #MonkeyIsland, so this might change eventually.
Over the next couple of days, I'll post my favorite movies & TV shows.
#videogames #GodOfWarRagnarok #APlagueTaleRequiem #HorizonForbiddenWest #LifeisStrangeTrueColors #ghostwiretokyo #monkeyisland #top10 #games #ps5
Happy Birthday to my favorite little bean Steph Gingrich ❤
Enjoy some Steph Cosplays from the vault to celebrate!
#LifeIsStrange #LifeisStrangeTrueColors
#lifeisstrange #LifeisStrangeTrueColors
RT @meg_noel_art
Post "one of us almost died" snuggles are actually my favorite🤲#chenrich #LifeisStrangeTrueColors
#LifeisStrangeTrueColors #chenrich
Well, some have told me True Colors is the best LiS game. Guess it's time to find out how true that is. #LifeisStrangeTrueColors #XboxShare
#XboxShare #LifeisStrangeTrueColors
#lifeisstrangetruecolorsalex #lifeisstrange #lifeisstrangetruecolorsfanart #lifeisstrangetruecolors #lifeisstrangefanart #lifeisstrangeart #fanart #digitalart #alexchen
#alexchen #digitalart #fanart #lifeisstrangeart #lifeisstrangefanart #LifeisStrangeTrueColors #lifeisstrangetruecolorsfanart #lifeisstrange #lifeisstrangetruecolorsalex
@jynersolives I'm 25 and should be working on my master's thesis instead of replaying #cyberpunk2077 for 3rd time. Mostly playing on my XBOX and I really want to get #SteamDeck soon.
In last few months I also played:
And many others. My gametag is GenuineSloth310 if you want to ping me up.
#gothic #nierreplicant #LifeisStrangeTrueColors #TheAscent #Moonscars #jedifallenorder #masseffect #SteamDeck #cyberpunk2077
#lifeisstrangefanart #lifeisstrangetruecolorsalex #lifeisstrangeart #lifeisstrangetruecolors #lifeisstrange #fanart #digitalart #alexchen
#alexchen #digitalart #fanart #lifeisstrange #LifeisStrangeTrueColors #lifeisstrangeart #lifeisstrangetruecolorsalex #lifeisstrangefanart
Out and Proud.
#lifeisstrangefanart #lifeisstrangechloe #lifeisstrangemax #lifeisstrangeart #lis #lifeisstrange #lifeisstrangetruecolorssteph #lifeisstrangetruecolorsfanart #lifeisstrangetruecolorsalex #lifeisstrangetruecolors #fanart #stephgingrich #alexchen #chloeprice #chengrich #chloeelizabethprice #maxcaulfield #maxinecaulfield #pricefield4life #pricefield #pricefieldforever
#pricefieldforever #pricefield #pricefield4life #maxinecaulfield #maxcaulfield #chloeelizabethprice #chengrich #chloeprice #alexchen #stephgingrich #fanart #LifeisStrangeTrueColors #lifeisstrangetruecolorsalex #lifeisstrangetruecolorsfanart #lifeisstrangetruecolorssteph #lifeisstrange #lis #lifeisstrangeart #lifeisstrangemax #lifeisstrangechloe #lifeisstrangefanart
En jouant au chapitre bonus de True Colors avec Steph je suis tombée sur une belle discussion sur l’appli de rencontre 💚 #LifeIsStrangeTrueColors
La plus grande peur de Steph à ce moment là était qu’Alex la rejette…
J’aime beaucoup cette scène et je kiffe beaucoup trop ce couple 💚 #LifeIsStrangeTrueColors
Ok c’est probablement la version la moins belle sur Switch. Mais j’y joue depuis hier et vraiment j’adore. #LifeIsStrangeTrueColors #NintendoSwitch
(PS: il manque une option pour acheter le t-shirt du dispensaire.)
#LifeisStrangeTrueColors #nintendoswitch