Slowly but surely, Blender's interface and tools are starting to feel more comfortable to me. It's still very early days for me, but I'm starting to feel that base beneath my digital feet firming.
Yesterday, I imported an SVG, separated it into component groups, utilized the grease pencil to create additional elements, animated keyframes and utilized the graph editor to refine movement.
Small steps making big progress.
#LifelongLearner #learning #Blender
@rachelcoldicutt it’s 50% “don’t forget to put your own mask on first! Work isn’t everything!”, 50% “omg look at all the books I’ve read this year, it’s eating into my food budget, lol #lifelonglearner,” with occasional Trumpism on the side that makes it all even eerier.
I think it's time for a re- #Introduction now that I'm more familiar with this place:
I am a #white #male #Canadian #Millennial, gender- #NonBinary #pansexual, #Atheist, #LifeLongLearner, #NonDrinker, #AbleBodied, #debtfree #homeowner. I have studied both #sociology and #business.
After hanging out on #Mastodon for a month or so, I've found that my favourite hashtags are #bcpoli, #atheism, and #nonbinary. I may post about these more in the future.
#atheism #bcpoli #Mastodon #business #sociology #homeowner #debtfree #ablebodied #nondrinker #LifelongLearner #Atheist #pansexual #NonBinary #millennial #canadian #male #white #Introduction