Monday 5:30AM PWR cycle at #LifetimeFitness. I have backed off of my previous efforts somewhat and it has helped with issue in my right quad. I got sucked into competing against this tri-athlete 25 years younger than me since the power numbers are displayed in class. I could keep up with him, but at the cost of a slight injury. So I’ll back off and slowly build up.
#Cycling #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Friday 5:30AM PWR cycling at #LifeTimeFitness. 4 challenges. Each challenge had a 5-minute power block followed by five sprints. The sprints in the first challenge were 60 seconds. Then 45, 30, and 15. After lifting and running yesterday, was a little worn out. But I powered through it. Actually not bad numbers overall.
#Cycling #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Monday 5:30AM cycling. EDG class at #LifetimeFitness. Lots of power work early, speed work later on. Tough workout, not much left in the tank by the end.
#fitby60 #fitness #fitnessjourney #Cycling #strava
#strava #Cycling #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Friday 5:30AM PWR Cycle at #LifeTimeFitness. Three challenges, all the same. Two 2-min blocks with 1st being 90 sec heavy climb and 30 sec sprint. 2nd block steady ride at FTP. Then 30-45-60-45-30 pyramid. I was able to hold heavy climb (max 65 RPM) at FTP (315W). Yes! Overall power and calories down, but this was a successful workout. Happy about power on climbs.
#Cycling #strava #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Friday 5:30AM PWR Cycling class at #LifetimeFitness. Three reverse ladders 2:30-2:00-1:30-1:00-30 at FTP, +10, +20, +30, +40. FTP at 315. Met all of the numbers. Good, hard workout. Ready for #parkrun tomorrow.
#Cycling #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitby60 #parkrun #LifetimeFitness
Wednesday 5:30AM PWR Cycling at #LifetimeFitness. Figured something out about Monday’s ride. We did a lot of low speed high resistance work and I struggled with that comparatively. On Wed, I did much better power and calorie wise, except for about a five minute stretch where we did the low speed work. I need to build strength to handle that kind of climbing.
#Cycling #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Monday 5:30AM EDG Cycling at #LifetimeFitness. I did 9.62 cal/min, which is down from last week. Heart rate down, too. The seat was lower than I usually have it and I got a looping motion in my left leg that I just couldn’t get out. Hard to tell if the seat being lower had much effect. But just couldn’t exert the energy that I did last week.
#postyourworkout #fitnessjourney #fitness #Cycling #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
WED PWR Cycle at #LifetimeFitness. 610* calories in 55:33 (10.98/min*). Pyramids 2-2:30-3-2:30-2; 1 -1:30-2-1:30-1; :30-1-1:30-1-:30. Then 3 15 second sprints. Maxed at 879* Watts 👀. FTP at 315*. Huge ride today. Real breakthrough this week. Heart rate up; working harder.
*new high
#postyourworkout #Cycling #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Monday 5:30AM EDG Cycle class at #LifetimeFitness. Burned 595 active calories (711 total). Up from 505 last Monday and 586 on Friday. Average power was 230 according to the bike, which is a new high. Average speed was 22.5, which is also a new high.
Focused extensively on increasing power during the challenges. Rode much harder the first half of the ride; hung on at the end. Still room for improvement. Heart rate up, pushed harder.
#postyourworkout #Cycling #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Morning morning 5:30 AM EDG Cycle class at #LifetimeFitness. Substitute instructor. It was Shannon who teaches power and is great. Three challenges. 4-3-2-1 power, power-speed alternate, and 10 one minute challenges. Really good class.
#fitby60 #fitness #fitnessjourney #Cycling #postyourworkout
#postyourworkout #Cycling #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Friday morning 5:30AM PWR cycling class at #LifetimeFitness. Total wattage down, but I’m focusing more on full effort during the actual on times and really backing off during recovery. I felt early on that maybe didn’t have it today. But finished strong during the final challenge (3 of 3). 609 max watts!! 559 calories. #fitby60 #fitness #fitnessjourney #cycling #postyourworkout
#postyourworkout #Cycling #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Wednesday morning PWR cycle class at #LifetimeFitness. First time doing the PWR class. It was somewhat different than the EDG class. I actually averaged fewer watts but the class was pretty tough. Lots of high power intervals followed by significant drop offs during rest periods. Great instructor, she is so organized and clear in her directions.
#postyourworkout #Cycling #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Sunday night bike workout. Recline bike for just short of an hour. #LifetimeFitness was closing so I had to leave. A typical bike workout, nothing extra strenuous but I needed something low impact and relatively easy to complete after a couple of really tough physical days. And that’s what this was #FitBy60 #Fitness #Cycling
#Cycling #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Monday evening workout. Stationary bike at #LifetimeFitness. Normally, I ride a recline bike. Tonight, I tried a more traditional stationary bike. I think I prefer the recline bike. I did not like the angle of the pedals relative to the seat. I did a lot of work today outside. that might also explain some of the less than stellar results tonight. But the good news is I went to the gym and rode bike for an hour. #FitBy60 #Fitness #Cycling
#Cycling #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Morning spin class at #LifetimeFitness. 21.5 miles in 58:27. 671 calories burned. I do spin classes twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays. The Friday class is far tougher. The instructor really pushes. #fitby60 #fitness #cycling
#Cycling #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Spin class this morning with a new instructor (new to me) at #LifetimeFitness. Wow. That was intense. 18.8 miles and 612 calories burned in 54 minutes. 20.6 MPH. #fitby60