RT @fulmolightning
It's demo time! 💻
The #LightningHacksprint is about to finish. Tune into the live stream at 6 pm CET to learn about the progress made this weekend! ⚡️
There are still plenty untapped challenges and ideas, so you can get inspired!
RT @RaspiBlitz
Version 1.7 is approaching quickly. We'll discuss the current release candidate and future features at 9 pm CET tonight during the #LightningHacksprint by @fulmolightning with @rootzoll and @openoms.
Join us! 🧙♂️⚡
RT @fulmolightning
The #LightningHacksprint starts in ~8 hours. First sessions will be held by @rootzoll, @alexbosworth and @netposmon. Learn about routing optimization on the #LightningNetwork, how to accept BTC/LN as a charity and free open source software in #Bitcoin. ⚡
#bitcoin #lightningnetwork #LightningHacksprint
RT @fulmolightning
The #LightningHacksprint starts in ~8 hours. First sessions will be held by @rootzoll, @alexbosworth and @netposmon. Learn about routing optimization on the #LightningNetwork, how to accept BTC/LN as a charity and free open source software in #Bitcoin. ⚡
#bitcoin #lightningnetwork #LightningHacksprint
RT @citlayik
Check out my Lightning powered spam protection extension for MediaWiki.
It can easily be installed on any wiki.
Pay a small invoice to become a trusted user so you can edit the wiki.
Source code and instructions: https://github.com/pseudozach/LightningPayment
#Lightninghacksprint https://twitter.com/citlayik/status/1344005060397682688
RT @lnbits
x4 0.015btc bounties for @lnbits extensions available during @fulmolightning #LightningHacksprint
Join us!
RT @fulmolightning
The food's all prepped 🍲, all presents wrapped? 🎁
There's one more thing: Brace yourselves for the #LightningHacksprint! ⚡
And just in case you've never used the #LightningNetwork before, here's some free money to get started. 💸
Merry Christmas! 🎄
#lightningnetwork #LightningHacksprint
RT @fulmolightning
You're building a great #LightningNetwork project and need help with review, translation, coding or bug testing?
Time for a challenge! Enter your challenge for the upcoming #LightningHacksprint from December 27th to 29th and start building your tribe. ⚡
#LightningHacksprint #lightningnetwork
RT @fulmolightning
Oh bolters, rejoice! ⚡
Another #LightningHacksprint is coming up, just between Christmas and New Years eve during the #37c3.
Get your projects and presentations ready! 💻
All information is available on the wiki: https://wiki.fulmo.org/wiki/Lightning_HackSprint_December_2020
Thank you Santa 🎅🏻 (aka @rootzoll)!
Making good progress with the #JoinMarket Joininbox menu during the #LightningHacksprint.
Can test on a #RaspiBlitz or a separate standalone box to help the menu appear in the next SDcard release.
#raspiblitz #LightningHacksprint #joinmarket
RT @fulmolightning@twitter.com
The second day of the #LightningHacksprint has started. One highlight amongst many is the roundtable with Q&A with @lightning@twitter.com developers @actuallyCarlaKC@twitter.com and @gugol@twitter.com. Ask them about LND, MPP, LSAT, Loop and more innovations! ⚡
Live on Jitsi at 3 pm CEST!
Got very impressed with the http://ThunderHub.io project while attending the 2nd @fulmo@twitter.com #LightningHackSprint today.
Already running it on my #RaspiBlitz and you can too:
#LND #keysend #rebalance #stats @hodlhodl@twitter.com
RT @tonyioi@twitter.com
For @RaspiBlitz@twitter.com users ⚡ Here is a gist from @openoms@twitter.com to install ThunderHub on your raspberry! https://gist.github.com/openoms/8ba963915c786ce01892f2c9fa2707bc
#stats #rebalance #keysend #lnd #raspiblitz #LightningHacksprint
For the #LightningHackSprint I've built a Bitcoin lightning donation tool for rubygems: http://github.com/bumi/bundler-thankyou
one command to send some sats to all your gem dependecies:
$ bundle thankyou
RT @rootzoll@twitter.com
To get a intro into the new release &ask your questions .. join the self-organized session on RaspiBlitz v1.5 during the #LightningHacksprint today 3pm (Berlin Time): https://wiki.fulmo.org/wiki/Self-organized_Sessions_May_2020
RT @fulmolightning@twitter.com
It's never too late to get started. The #LightningHacksprint this weekend is a perfect excuse to take action and contribute to free and open source projects on #Bitcoin and the #LightningNetwork. ⚡
What better place than here, what better time than now?
#lightningnetwork #bitcoin #LightningHacksprint
RT @fulmolightning@twitter.com
Mark your calendars: @rootzoll@twitter.com will kick off the #LightningHacksprint this Saturday, 1 pm GMT+2 (Berlin time). It's just one click away.
You can contribute to some great #LightningNetwork projects conveniently from home. Or just start your own challenge.
#lightningnetwork #LightningHacksprint
@waxwing @belcher I do think a possible way forward is to include JM in these preconfigured packages we provide with the RaspiBlitz with the modified install process helping with the connection to bitcoin RPC, later password changes and activating the virtual environment too.
Will work on helping the users with the syntax of the different commands and running yg as a service too.
Planning to work on this this weekend on the Fulmo #LightningHackSprint.
RT @fulmolightning@twitter.com
Ready for the #LightningHacksprint this weekend? A good number of challenges already in, add your own challenge to work on during the weekend!
The #LightningHacksprint is about improving existing open source #LightningNetwork projects!
Go go Bolters! ⚡
#lightningnetwork #LightningHacksprint
RT @fulmolightning@twitter.com
Heads up: The next #LightningHacksprint will happen on May 9th/10th 2020. One weekend of #LightningNetwork progress. Help existing projects, start a new one, work on a challenge, claim a bounty! ⚡
Check https://wiki.fulmo.org and https://mm.fulmo.org for more information.
#lightningnetwork #LightningHacksprint
RT @talentpierre@twitter.com
#easteregg. my first project #KivyLightningATM.
this project startet at @fulmolightning@twitter.com's #LightningHacksprint. based on/ inspired by @21isenough@twitter.com's #LightningATM. Instead of e-ink, i used a touchscreen. #opensource #free #welldocumented #pythonbeginner
#pythonbeginner #welldocumented #free #opensource #LightningATM #LightningHacksprint #KivyLightningATM #easteregg