#Lilium vor Kapitalerhöhung um 250 Mill. #Dollar
More details of the #Lilium here...
Worth a watch
Why have I not encountered this machine until now?
A fully electric VTOL craft designed to speed passengers efficiently from place to place with minimal infrastructure at pick up and drop off points...
Seems well along its development curve... #Lilium Jet
#Lilium is perhaps the most audacious of the #eVTOL OEMs, with a unique #electric #jet concept, a beautiful design, and past-bleeding edge #battery requirements. They've had a great 2022 but several difficult years ahead, no doubt. https://lilium.com/newsroom-detail/2022-lilium-year-in-review #UAM #Mobility #Aviation
#aviation #mobility #UAM #battery #jet #electric #eVTOL #Lilium
#Lilium 'Brunswick', L. 'Terrace City Group' (which is L. #martagon var album x L. #hansonii) x L. #tsingtauense - O. Beutnagel (pre-1998).
#Photography #Flowers #lily #Gardening #garden #tsingtauense #hansonii #Martagon #Lilium