A lived by a mountain lake in the Valley, where it decimated the herds of farmers. So they decided to stuff a dead calf with quicklime and use it as bait. The ate it and started writhing in pain. In doing so, he broke through a large rock face and the water dammed behind it tumbled into the valley. The entire Malta Valley was flooded and the old village of was completely washed away. Source: drachen.fandom.com/de/wiki/Der
Where the mountain lake used to be, huge masses of water are now dammed behind the
RT @NeuKelte
: The legend "The Lindworm of Goggausee" tells that a seven-year-old rooster once laid a red egg in a dunghill, from which a …

#Lindworm #malta #dragon #kolnbreinsperre #folklore #folklorethursday #lindwo

Last updated 2 years ago

The legend "The Lindworm of Goggausee" tells that a seven-year-old rooster once laid a red egg in a dunghill, from which a hatched after three years. The worm grew quickly and ate the cattle of the farmers in the area, so they made plans to kill the creature.
A sorcerer who lived in the area had the saving idea. He hid a poisonous black lump in a hay cart, and harnessed two oxen to the device. However, since no one dared to steer the cart to the dragon, a mentally handicapped servant was sent off with the cart. When the servant led the wagon past the Goggausee, the dragon jumped out and swallowed it along with the servant and the oxen. A short time later he died of the poison.
Source: drachen.fandom.com/de/wiki/Lin
RT @NeuKelte
: To relieve the peasants from the , the Duke of made them built a huge, strong tower at the limits of the s…

#Lindworm #folklore #FairyTaleTuesday #carinthia

Last updated 2 years ago

To relieve the peasants from the , the Duke of made them built a huge, strong tower at the limits of the swamps. Fearless knights hid there, and a stout bull tied to a chain with barbs was presented as a bait. Soon the winged Lindworm appeared and devoured the bull - and hung wriggling on the chain like a fish on the hook. At once he was slain by the knights. Later the swamps were drained, and the tower was replaced by a castle. Thus the town Klagenfurt was founded. The city-arms still show tower and dragon to remind us of this heroic deed. @9020tweets
Source: Lindwurm story (aau.at)
RT @NeuKelte
: A grew up in the swamp around the beautiful lake near in & fattened itself on horses. When nothing was l…

#Lindworm #carinthia #WyrdWednesday #Mallnitz #austria

Last updated 2 years ago

There is a legend that there was once a large lake where the in opens today. But one day, on the advice of a mountain gnome, a charcoal burner set out to penetrate deep into the earth, where a was guarding a great treasure. But instead of just taking a few gems, the man got greedy and stole his golden egg from the dragon. When the mighty creature noticed this, it raged so terribly that the mountains split and the lake flowed through the resulting gorge.
Source: blog.mountainbatchers.de/regio
RT @NeuKelte
: To relieve the peasants from the , the Duke of made them built a huge, strong tower at the limits of the swa…

#Loibltal #carinthia #Lindworm #WyrdWednesday

Last updated 2 years ago

: A grew up in the swamp around the beautiful lake near in & fattened itself on horses. When nothing was left to devour, this mighty creature ate himself through a rockslide, leaving a lovely gorge, where you still can see his bite marks
RT @NeuKelte
RT + : A lived by a mountain lake in the Valley, where it decimated the herds of farmers. So they decided to stuff …

#WyrdWednesday #Lindworm #Mallnitz #austria #dragon #malta

Last updated 2 years ago

A lived by a mountain lake in the Valley, where it decimated the herds of farmers. So they decided to stuff a dead calf with quicklime and use it as bait. The ate it and started writhing in pain. In doing so, he broke through a large rock face and the water dammed behind it tumbled into the valley. The entire Malta Valley was flooded and the old village of was completely washed away. Source: drachen.fandom.com/de/wiki/Der
RT @NeuKelte

: The legend "The Lindworm of Goggausee" te…

#dragon #malta #Lindworm #WyrdWednesday

Last updated 2 years ago

: The legend "The Lindworm of Goggausee" tells that a seven-year-old rooster once laid a red egg in a dunghill, from which a hatched after three years. The worm grew quickly and ate the cattle of the farmers in the area, so they made plans to kill the creature.
A sorcerer who lived in the area had the saving idea. He hid a poisonous black lump in a hay cart, and harnessed two oxen to the device. However, since no one dared to steer the cart to the dragon, a mentally handicapped servant was sent off with the cart. When the servant led the wagon past the Goggausee, the dragon jumped out and swallowed it along with the servant and the oxen. A short time later he died of the poison.
Source: drachen.fandom.com/de/wiki/Lin
RT @QuoteGoldFr
20,56 EUR ↔ 27,1 EUR

#WyrdWednesday #Lindworm #pg

Last updated 2 years ago

There is a legend that there was once a large lake where the in opens today. But one day, on the advice of a mountain gnome, a charcoal burner set out to penetrate deep into the earth, where a was guarding a great treasure. But instead of just taking a few gems, the man got greedy and stole his golden egg from the dragon. When the mighty creature noticed this, it raged so terribly that the mountains split and the lake flowed through the resulting gorge.
RT @NeuKelte
: A lived by a mountain lake in the Valley, where it decimated the herds of farmers. So they decided to stuff a de…

#Loibltal #carinthia #Lindworm #FairyTaleTuesday #dragon #malta

Last updated 2 years ago

To relieve the peasants from the , the Duke of made them built a huge, strong tower at the limits of the swamps. Fearless knights hid there, and a stout bull tied to a chain with barbs was presented as a bait. Soon the winged Lindworm appeared and devoured the bull - and hung wriggling on the chain like a fish on the hook. At once he was slain by the knights. Later the swamps were drained, and the tower was replaced by a castle. Thus the town Klagenfurt was founded. The city-arms still show tower and dragon to remind us of this heroic deed.
Source: Lindwurm story (aau.at)
RT @NeuKelte
: A grew up in the swamp around the beautiful lake near in and fattened itself on horses. When nothi…

#Lindworm #carinthia #FairyTaleTuesday #Mallnitz #austria

Last updated 2 years ago

A lived by a mountain lake in the Valley, where it decimated the herds of farmers. So they decided to stuff a dead calf with quicklime and use it as bait. The ate it and started writhing in pain. In doing so, he broke through a large rock face and the water dammed behind it tumbled into the valley. The entire Malta Valley was flooded and the old village of was completely washed away. Source: drachen.fandom.com/de/wiki/Der
RT @NeuKelte
: To relieve the peasants from the , the Duke of made them built a huge, strong tower at the limits of the swamp…

#dragon #malta #Lindworm #FairyTaleTuesday #carinthia

Last updated 2 years ago

: A grew up in the swamp around the beautiful lake near in and fattened itself on horses. When nothing was left to devour, this mighty creature ate himself through a rockslide, leaving a gorge, where his bite marks still can be seen.
RT @NeuKelte
: The legend "The Lindworm of Goggausee" tells that a seven-year-old rooster once laid a red egg in a dunghill, from which a …

#FairyTaleTuesday #Lindworm #Mallnitz #austria #Li

Last updated 2 years ago

The legend "The Lindworm of Goggausee" tells that a seven-year-old rooster once laid a red egg in a dunghill, from which a hatched after three years. The worm grew quickly and ate the cattle of the farmers in the area, so they made plans to kill the creature.
A sorcerer who lived in the area had the saving idea. He hid a poisonous black lump in a hay cart, and harnessed two oxen to the device. However, since no one dared to steer the cart to the dragon, a mentally handicapped servant was sent off with the cart. When the servant led the wagon past the Goggausee, the dragon jumped out and swallowed it along with the servant and the oxen. A short time later he died of the poison.
Source: drachen.fandom.com/de/wiki/Lin
RT @QuoteGoldFr
20,56 EUR ↔ 27,1 EUR

#Lindworm #pg #greatabbeysofaustria #klagenfurt #argent #piece #numismatique

Last updated 2 years ago

: There is a legend that there was once a large lake where the opens today. But one day, on the advice of a mountain gnome, a charcoal burner set out to penetrate deep into the earth, where a was guarding a great treasure.

#FairytaleThursday #Loibltal #Lindworm

Last updated 2 years ago

To relieve the peasants from the , the Duke of made them built a huge, strong tower at the limits of the swamps. Fearless knights hid there, and a stout bull tied to a chain with barbs was presented as a bait. Soon the winged Lindworm appeared and devoured the bull - and hung wriggling on the chain like a fish on the hook. At once he was slain by the knights. Later the swamps were drained, and the tower was replaced by a castle. Thus the town Klagenfurt was founded. The city-arms still show tower and dragon to remind us of this heroic deed.
Source:Β Lindwurm story (aau.at)

#Lindworm #carinthia

Last updated 2 years ago

: A lived by a mountain lake in the Valley, where it decimated the herds of farmers. So they decided to stuff a dead calf with quicklime and use it as bait. The ate it and started writhing in pain. In doing so, he broke through a large rock face and the water dammed behind it tumbled into the valley. The entire Malta Valley was flooded and the old village of was completely washed away. Source: drachen.fandom.com/de/wiki/Der
Where the mountain lake used to be, huge masses of water are now dammed behind the

#FolkloreSunday #dragon #malta #Lindworm #KΓΆlnbreinsperre

Last updated 2 years ago

: To relieve the peasants from the , the Duke of made them built a huge, strong tower at the limits of the swamps. Fearless knights hid there, and a stout bull tied to a chain with barbs was presented as a bait. Soon the winged Lindworm appeared and devoured the bull - and hung wriggling on the chain like a fish on the hook. At once he was slain by the knights. Later the swamps were drained, and the tower was replaced by a castle. Thus the town Klagenfurt was founded. The city-arms still show tower and dragon to remind us of this heroic deed.
Source: Lindwurm story (aau.at)

#FaustianFriday #Lindworm #carinthia

Last updated 2 years ago

The depictions of the in the coats of arms of and are amazingly similar. Although in older representations, the in 's coat of arms is shown with two legs, like a .

#Lindworm #klagenfurt #ljubljana #wyvern #FolkloreSunday

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @NeuKelte@twitter.com

: The , Part 2: After leaving the dwelled in the swamps near the river Glan, where now lies. Detractors say, he was feeding on virgins and finally ran out of replenishment. But that`s wrong! Here`s the true story:
1/2 twitter.com/NeuKelte/status/15

#SwampSunday #Lindwurm #myth #Mallnitz #Lindworm #klagenfurt

Last updated 2 years ago

: A lived by a mountain lake in the Valley, where it decimated the herds of farmers. So they decided to stuff a dead calf with quicklime and use it as bait. The ate it and started writhing in pain. In doing so, he broke through a large rock face and the water dammed behind it tumbled into the valley. The entire Malta Valley was flooded and the old village of was completely washed away. Source: drachen.fandom.com/de/wiki/Der

#celtic #FairyTaleTuesday #Lindworm #malta

Last updated 2 years ago

: Another lived by a mountain lake in the Valley, where it decimated the herds of farmers. So they decided to stuff a dead calf with quicklime and use it as bait. The ate it and started writhing in pain. In doing so, he broke through a large rock face and the water dammed behind it tumbled into the valley. The entire Malta Valley was flooded and the old village of was completely washed away. Source: drachen.fandom.com/de/wiki/Der

#SwampSunday #Lindworm #malta #dragon

Last updated 2 years ago