Yesterday I published a blog post and linked to it on #Mastodon, #Facebook and #LinkedIn. Here is the comparison:
Mastodon - 9 boosts, 12 favorites, 70 click-throughs.
Facebook - 0 shares, 3 likes, 10 click-throughs.
LinkedIn - 0 shares, 0 likes, 0 click-throughs.
Draw your own conclusions.
»#LinkedIn, the 20-year-old job networking site known for professional, is cool now, according to Bloomberg. If you need a sign that the social media age is well past its prime, here it is.« #tech #media
The sheer amount of chaos that would happen if #Microsoft bought #FetLife, merged it with #LinkedIn and successfully merged duplicate accounts from both sites.
Mostly because you know the grindset influencers and venture capitalists are either going to be into findom or have some 50 Shades ideas of BDSM... and be ashamed of it.
Super, #linkedIn schickt mir jetzt Vorschläge für meine Blockliste direkt per Email. » 🚀 Am 5.5.2003 ging #LinkedIn live. ❓ Seit wann nutzt Du LinkedIn? »
Entrei no #linkedin pra catar exportar alguns contatos, e aquilo lá está cada vez pior: praticamente todos os usuários têm uma "veia coach" e pouco se discute sobre questões importantes, como o #mercadodetrabalho e regulamentação de profissões, por exemplo.
Schon witzig, dieses LinkedIn. Die gesamte Bigotterie unseres "Wirtschaftens" in einem Userbeispiel.
Eine Woche postet ein "Berater"... "Wie Ihr anhand von KPI Euren XY-Wert bestimmt!".
Gleicher "Berater" - eine Woche später. "Warum KPI total überbewertet sind..."
Li essa reportagem que compartilharam no #linkedin e é incrível que eu nem cheguei nos 40 ainda, e vivencio volta e meia esse etarismo.
Volta e meia, as vagas que surgem deixam claras, nas entrelinhas, que querem pessoas novas. Seja pelo salário que pagam ou pelo famoso requisito de "estar cursando a faculdade tal".
#LinkedIn #mercadodetrabalho #emprego
With #ChatGPT, #Notion and #Artifact, my homescreen has changed a lot for the first time in many months. #Mastodon, on the other hand, has not been news for a long time and was able to defend its position together with #LinkedIn. What's on your #homescreen?
#chatgpt #Notion #artifact #mastodon #LinkedIn #homescreen
Meine #LinkedIn-Timeline ist komplett dicht mit wütenden Beiträgen zum #Elterngeld und das wirft ein sehr klares Licht darauf, wer sich auf dieser Plattform vorrangig tummelt.
"Nach Ablauf der Aktionsperiode wird dir die anfallende Gebühr für eine Mitgliedschaft deinem Wunsch entsprechend entweder auf monatlicher oder jährlicher Basis in Rechnung gestellt, sofern du nicht kündigst. Dieses Angebot endet am $\{dayadd(.now, 8)?string("d. MMMM yyyy")}."
Ok, #LinkedIn, ich glaube, wir haben einen Deal!
Today's #linkedin experience:
Doesn't work in Firefox with the usual privacy-protecting add-ons (although NoScript got permissions for linkedin domains)
Can't activate "looking for a job" without a specific job description.
Can't search within a friend's 1000+ contacts where I'm looking for a specific person.
Doesn't provide 2FA with FIDO2.
Had to close the very same annoying messaging popup dialogs multiple times.
I don't know what #Linkedin really is for me. However, it's definitely not a great UX once for every few months. It didn't help me finding new #jobs when I was looking for (I'm not at the moment).
It nags me to activate "I'm searching for a new job" and requires strict job descriptions which is not a clever move at all since all my previous jobs had completely different job descriptions.
If you create a service to connect companies & potential employees, don't do it like that.
#Linkedin is such a miserable platform: if you don't have an account, you can't see anything at all.
Stop using it as your profile URL.
Gerade auf #linkedin gesehen, dass man bei #reddit wohl über #Schulden spricht. Finde ich spannend, weil man das sonst nie macht.
Hier noch eine gute 3/4 Mio. EUR an Darlehen offen, wobei ehrlicherweise auch hohe Immobilienwerte dem gegenüberstehen und die Gehälter das Abbezahlen als machbar erscheinen lassen. Dennoch eine Stange Geld 💸💰, bei der mir manchmal schwindelig wird.
#LinkedIn #reddit #schulden #ubergeldsprichtman