First time I use #Obsidian on the mobile to organize some thoughts. Excellent #linter plugin, I wish IDEs would have as good #Markdown formatters. Obsidian implements 2 features I was missing from #AsciiDoc: internal links and includes. A good experience, even if it stays below #IntelliJ with the #AsciiDoc plugin.
#intellij #asciidoc #markdown #Linter #obsidian
@rust_discussions "In the follow up discussion we can learn more about the idea for the new linter[...] by using abstract syntax tree (AST) to understand the code structure and organize it nicely."
How else would someone lint code if not with an #AST? What algorithm/data structure does #ESLint use currently?
#abstractsyntaxtree #parser #Linter #compiler #eslint #ast
Gibt es hier Nutzer des #Atom #Editor?
Welche #Alternative würdet ihr empfehlen?
#atom #editor #alternative #markdown #code #markdowneditor #python #Linter #git