RT LPI_CE: Bereitest Du Dich auf die LPI Linux Essentials Prüfung vor? http://learning.lpi.org ist Deine zentrale Anlaufstelle für Lernmaterial: https://bit.ly/2ZnChN1 #OpenSource #LPI #LinuxEssentials
#opensource #lpi #LinuxEssentials
RT @LPIConnect@twitter.com
Linux Essentials Learning Materials from the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) are now available in Italian. Learn more about it: https://lpi.org/Z3Z #LPI #LinuxEssentials #LearningMaterials
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LPIConnect/status/1381915038353657857
#LearningMaterials #LinuxEssentials #lpi
RT @LPIConnect@twitter.com
Linux Professional Institute (LPI) sets the worldwide standard for #Linux and #OpenSource certification. Whether you are a open source novice or a professional, LPI has the right certification for you: https://bit.ly/39BkSWP #LPI #BSD #DevOps #LinuxEssentials #certification
#certification #LinuxEssentials #devops #bsd #lpi #opensource #linux
RT LPI_CE: Linux Professional Institute (LPI) exams at @FOSDEM will start at 9:30. Hurry up if you want to join them. #FOSDEM2020 #LPIC #DevOps #BSD #LinuxEssentials
#fosdem2020 #LPIC #devops #bsd #LinuxEssentials