Windows is such bloatware! What Linux distro are you using? I took a gamble on Mint a few years back, and I love it :)
Upgrading my laptop from Linux Mint 20.3 to Linux Mint 21.1. The mintupgrade package make it easy. And, yes, I did take a Timeswitch snapshot first.
#linuxmint #LinuxMint21 #linux
#LinuxMint21 ja l'he engegat en mode proves. Quan tingui més temps miraré si em funciona el cd i com es pot connectar i desconnectar el WiFi
Tutorial – Como fazer Upgrade para o Linux Mint 21.1 (Vera) Edição Cinnamon
Nesse vídeo eu ensino como atualizar o sistema operacional Linux Mint da versão 21 para versão 21.1 na minha máquina principal.
Ou Digite no YouTube: lord daniel salem
#tutorial #linuxmintupgrade #linuxmint211 #linuxmintvera #linuxmint21 #linuxmint #Ubuntu #ubuntu2204lts #linuxmintcinnamon #dell #dellinspiron #linux
#tutorial #linuxmintupgrade #linuxmint211 #linuxmintvera #LinuxMint21 #linuxmint #ubuntu #Ubuntu2204LTS #linuxmintcinnamon #dell #DellInspiron #linux
#LinuxMint21 users, is it worth the headache to try and get optane working on my dell? It was working in windows, but I'm wondering if any performance boost it worth it.. 16GB optane with a 2TB HDD.
#LinuxMint21 users, is it worth the headache to try and get optane working on my dell? It was working in windows, but I'm wondering if any performance boost it worth it.. 16GB optane with a 2TB HDD.
Tutorial - Como Instalar o HEROIC GAMES LAUNCHER no Linux Mint
Nesse vídeo eu ensino como instalar o Heroic Games Launcher em AppImage no meu sistema operacional Linux Mint.
Link: https://youtu.be/GjGd6ybq0WQ
Ou Digite no YouTube: lord daniel salem
#tutorial #heroicgameslauncher #gogcom #epicgames #appimagelauncher #SimpleScreenRecorder #cartãodevisitadigitaleinterativo #cartaodevisitadigital #linuxmint21 #linuxmint #Ubuntu #ubuntu2204lts #linuxmintcinnamon #dell #dellinspiron #linux
#tutorial #heroicgameslauncher #gogcom #epicgames #AppImageLauncher #simplescreenrecorder #cartaodevisitadigitaleinterativo #cartaodevisitadigital #LinuxMint21 #linuxmint #ubuntu #Ubuntu2204LTS #linuxmintcinnamon #dell #DellInspiron #linux
Wyjebane mam. Zmieniam #Debian11Bullseye na #LinuxMint21 bo na tym debianie nic nie ma. Zero aktualizacji i nawet paru programów brakuje w aptcie.
Próbowałem coś skompilować w cargo, a tu błąd bo chyba za stary cargo.
Zachciało mi się debiana, a tu się okazuje że miczego nie ma, sudo nawet skonfigurowane nie było. i tam pare rzeczy.
Ale żeby nawet yunohost się nie dało postawić, to jakieś jaja.
Rhvoice też się nie dało postawić. No nie wiem dla kogo ten system jest. Chyba dla tych, żeby tylko postawić i tyle. Może pod nasa czy serwer www żeby stało i się nie martwić niczym, i aktualizować go jedynie co 2 lata.
Nudny ten debian jest i poza tym ma stare jądro. 5.10, a w mincie jest chyba 5.16.
#Debian11Bullseye #LinuxMint21
#linuxmint21 Cinnamon installiert auf einem ThinkPad x201 von 2010. Alles läuft, schnell und ohne zu ruckeln. Wird gespendet. #digitalenachhaltigkeit #Opensource #resourcen
#LinuxMint21 #digitalenachhaltigkeit #opensource #resourcen
Ich liebe #FLOSS!
Habe heute eine Dissertation über "...#Brutentnahme bei der #Honigbiene..." bekommen - knapp 250 S. PDF. Das lese ich so nicht auf den Smartphone.
#Calibre auf mein #Linuxmint21 gezogen, die #PDFnachEPUB #konvertiert. Hat ne Weile gerödelt (die PDF hatte 3,3 MB, die EPUB-Version hat knapp 1 MB), aber sauber! Kann man problemlos auf dem Smartphone mit #Librera lesen!
Man kann damit wohl auch #kindle in ein beliebiges Format konvertieren und sich den #Kindlereader sparen.
#floss #Brutentnahme #Honigbiene #calibre #LinuxMint21 #PDFnachEPUB #konvertiert #librera #kindle #Kindlereader
#Mintupgrade Damit ist den #Linuxmint -Leuten ein richtig gutes #Tool gelungen!
#MajorUpgrade von #Linuxmint20.3 zu #Linuxmint21 fluffig durchgelaufen!
Wirklich sahnig!
Das Tool hat nur gefragt, ob es zwei Fremdpakete löschen (die ziehe ich mir bei Bedarf wieder) und einige weitere downgraden darf - bestätigt und weiter ging's.
Vgl. https://linuxmint-user-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/upgrade-to-mint-20.html und https://linuxmint-user-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/upgrade-to-mint-21.html
Bin wirklich begeistert! #LinuxmintRocks
#Mintupgrade #linuxmint #tool #MajorUpgrade #LinuxMint20 #LinuxMint21 #LinuxmintRocks
After being out of Linux for a while, I’m looking to play with a new install. I have an old laptop (i3 6th gen, 8GB ram, 1TB SSD) with Win10. I’ve partitioned it up and installed several distributions: #Fedora37, #OpenSuseTumbleweed, #Kubuntu, #Pop!_OS, and #LinuxMint21 to start. One question I had was if it would make sense to setup a single /home partition to share amongst them, or would that potentially cause problems if some distros are on different versions of apps?
#Fedora37 #opensusetumbleweed #kubuntu #pop #LinuxMint21
@valon0388 can I ask you why? I am using #LinuxMint21 but when I decide that, I was thibking about #Manjaro or #LinuxMint 🤔 At this moment I have the eyes on #Fedora37 too 🤔🤔
#LinuxMint21 #manjaro #linuxmint #Fedora37
Por cierrrto, la alegría que me da arrancar #LinuxMint21 sin tener que cambiar la configuración para que reconozca la ubicación de ambos monitores... No tiene precio.
RT @Asterion3
#LinuxMint21 #Linux #ViernesDeEscritorio
#viernesdeescritorio #linux #LinuxMint21
New Features in Linux Mint 21 [Quick Look] https://odysee.com/@itsfoss:0/new-features-in-linux-mint-21-quick-look:2?r=6arvEJd7jm88YQy3F5PD6FCGGsacnMRK #Odysee #LinuxMint21 #Linux #OS #OperatingSystem
#Odysee #LinuxMint21 #linux #os #operatingsystem
Some thoughts from me to #LInuxMint21:
I am not currently using it myself, but I know it well from 2 friends. A great achievement of #Mint is to open up new less IT-affine user groups for #Linux, especially with the #Cinnamon #Desktop switcher from #Windows.
No matter what hardcore advocates of the #commandline or the #GNU purists say now:
This deserves respect!
#LinuxMint21 #mint #linux #cinnamon #desktop #windows #commandline #gnu #linuxmint
Linux Mint 20.3 Users Can Now Upgrade to Linux Mint 21, Here’s How
#upgradetutorial #LinuxMint21 #Tutorials #LinuxMint
#upgradetutorial #LinuxMint21 #tutorials #linuxmint
Since #linuxmint21 it appears they've enabled the PW prompt-response by default. Something I really like as I always forget where to enable it again after a clean-install 😹
Thanks LM! 🙏