Happy Solstice!
Today marks the winter solstice for me. It is the time when the Wandering Goddess returns from her journey. It is a time for celebration, feasts, jokes, stories, and music. It is a homecoming, when family unites and the world starts to get a little brighter.
May your solstice be joyful and full of love!
#kemetic #kemeticpolytheism #kemeticism #pagan #LionGod #mythology #Solar #Solstice
#Kemetic #kemeticpolytheism #kemeticism #Pagan #LionGod #mythology #solar #Solstice
This time of year is the time of Anhur.
There is a myth of the Wandering Goddess which Anhur plays a large part of. The myth goes that Ra and the goddess get into a disagreement. And she storms off. She ends up running south into Nubia and Ra is forlorn. The world becomes dark and Ra must have the goddess return. So he calls on Djehuty and Anhur to find her. The pair go south and end up finding the goddess in Nubia in the shape of a wild cat. She is wild and fierce. The two must win her over with jokes, stories, and promises of feasts to come. They lure her back with these things, escorting her home day after day and night after night. By the time she reaches Ra again, the goddess is herself and returns pacified. Anhur becomes her consort, continuing their chase and find every year.
Anhur is a war god who can be depicted as a lion or man. He wears the four feathers headdress that represents the four winds. He is a form of Shu and the Wandering Goddess is often a form of Tefnut. The myth relates about the solar cycles and the solstices.
This myth is one of my favorites and is the one that plays the biggest part in my shrines.
#kemetic #kemeticpolytheism #kemeticism #pagan #LionGod #mythology #Solar #Solstice
#Solstice #solar #mythology #LionGod #Pagan #kemeticism #kemeticpolytheism #Kemetic
A couple old watercolors of Sekhmet. One very active and one more passive. She has many sides, not all of them aggressive.
#Kemetic #kemeticism #kemeticpolytheism #watercolor #Sekhmet #LionGod
#LionGod #sekhmet #watercolor #kemeticpolytheism #kemeticism #Kemetic
Breaking out the wreath I maid for She is Led Back! A myth about the Wandering Goddess and bringing her home. I’ll tell you about that another time. I love crafting.
#kemeticism #festival #holiday #WinterSolstice #LionGod
#LionGod #WinterSolstice #holiday #festival #kemeticism
Ok, today we will talk about Ma’ahes. (Mihos)
His name means ‘grim lion’ and is sometimes an epithet of other gods.
Ma’ahes is primarily known as the son of either Sekhmet or Bast. He is a solar god of battle who took the form of a lion. He can often be connected and interchangeable with his brother, Nefertem, in their roles as protectors. Ma’ahes was considered an extremely fierce protector and was equated with the burning heat of the Sun. This linked him to the Eye of Ra.
By the Ptolemaic era, Ma’ahes was described as a god of storms. He became known as a defender of sacred places and the innocent. Many times Ma’ahes would be called upon to protect the king. The lion itself was a symbol of royal power and this further connected Ma’ahes to the king.
In modern practice, Ma’ahes is not often mentioned. He has very few devotees but his role as a protector remains his strongest attribute. He is known to protect sacred spaces and can be called upon for this purpose today.
#LionGod #kemeticpolytheism #kemeticism #Kemetic