Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: DJ Crazy Times Swapped Out Ms. Biljana Electronica for a Brunette, As If We Wouldn't Notice #Jezebel #biljanaelectronicaakamaraolney #entertainmentculture #biljanaelectronica #worldtradecenter #audreytrullinger #ashleesimpson #kylegordon #vengaboys #genepark #biljana #lipsync #grammy #biden #aqua
#jezebel #biljanaelectronicaakamaraolney #entertainmentculture #biljanaelectronica #worldtradecenter #audreytrullinger #ashleesimpson #kylegordon #vengaboys #genepark #biljana #Lipsync #grammy #Biden #Aqua
Among the tools we use on "Lunatics!", one of the least well-known is #PapagayoNG . The "NG" is for the pure-Python version of the software which was forked and maintained by @morevnaproject . This version was easier to adapt to our needs:
It's an editor that helps to time lipsync animation to dialog.
It's a big time-saver!
#PapagayoNG #lunaticsproject #OpenMovie #animation #Lipsync #opensource