#LiteraryTranslation puzzle: narrator being sent to stay with step-grandfather for the summer to study for exam resits. "Sechs Wochen bei dem Mann, den ich siezen musste, bis ich zehn war." Normally I'd use something involving surnames, but maybe "the man I’d had to call “sir” until I was ten"? Reflects the formality of the address but maybe not that Herr Professor doesn't treat step-family as family? Even his stepdaughter had to siezen him until recently... Any thoughts? #AmTranslating
#LiteraryTranslation #amtranslating
Open letter from "current and former students of the University of East Anglia, as well as members of the broader literary community" to protest about cuts to arts and humanities - please consider signing and sharing!
#UEA #saveUEA #LiteraryTranslation #CreativeWriting #ArtsAndHumanities
#UEA #saveuea #LiteraryTranslation #creativewriting #ArtsandHumanities
A better piece from the Guardian taking in the current row about the British Museum's use of Yilin Wang's translations without permission or credit. #NameTheTranslator #LiteraryTranslation #BritishMuseum #TranslatorsOnTheCover #translation #xl8
#NameTheTranslator #LiteraryTranslation #britishmuseum #translatorsonthecover #translation #xl8
The Language of Languages: Reflections on Translation by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o
#translation, #literarytranslation, #linguistics, #sociolinguistics, #colonialism, #Africanlanguages, #PanAfricanism, #languagepolicy, #languagepolicies
With clear, conversational prose, this is the first book dedicated entirely to Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s writings on translation.
Through his many critically acclaimed novels, stories, essays, plays, and memoirs, Kenyan writer Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o has been at the forefront of world literature for decades. He has also been, in his own words, “a language warrior,” fighting for indigenous African languages to find their rightful place in the literary world. Having begun his writing career in English, Ngũgĩ shifted to writing in his native language Gikũyũ in 1977, a stance both creatively and politically significant. For decades now, Ngũgĩ has been translating his Gikũyũ works into English himself, and he has used many platforms to champion the practice and cause of literary translations, which he calls “the language of languages.”
#translation #LiteraryTranslation #linguistics #sociolinguistics #colonialism #AfricanLanguages #panafricanism #languagepolicy #languagepolicies
A while ago, a fellow translator here was looking for other translators to follow. It’s been 5 months since her post, so I thought I’d ask the same thing: translators, where are you? Boost if you know any translators or professionals working in the translation industry. I’d love to meet fellow translators here so we can get discuss our routines, our joys, CPD, and everything in between.
#translation #translator #translators #LiteraryTranslation #localization
Arrived at the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators in Visby today. It would be hard to imagine a more enchanting setting for a residency!
/ Saavuin tänään Itämeren kirjailija- ja kääntäjäkeskukseen Visbyhyn. Lumoavampaa työskentely-ympäristöä on vaikea kuvitella!
#bcwt #balticcentreforwritersandtranslators #translatorresidency #literarytranslation #literarytranslators #kääntäjäresidenssi #kirjallisuudenkääntäminen #kirjallisuudenkääntäjät #visby @literarytranslation
#bcwt #balticcentreforwritersandtranslators #translatorresidency #LiteraryTranslation #literarytranslators #kaantajaresidenssi #kirjallisuudenkaantaminen #kirjallisuudenkaantajat #visby
RT @AronajiAji@twitter.com
Friends, near and far.
Today is the release date of this important volume, an essential-read by a giant of modern Turkish literature. Thank you NYRB-Classics for publishing it. original. #Turkishliterature, #translation, #literarytranslation, #flashfiction, #contemporaryfiction
#turkishliterature #translation #LiteraryTranslation #flashfiction #ContemporaryFiction
Book post!
I translated this play in 2022 for the Montenegrin National Theatre and got my gratis copies in the mail today. The play won the prize for Best New Montenegrin Play of 2019 (translation and publication were part of the prize).
I retain the rights to performance, if anyone's interested... (see replies for brief synopsis)
@literarytranslation #LiteraryTranslation #Theater #Translation #TheaterTranslation #TranslatedPlays #Montenegro #CrnaGora
#LiteraryTranslation #theater #translation #theatertranslation #translatedplays #montenegro #CrnaGora
Continuing the List of the #Books I love:
Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes (part1, chapter 6 of the 1885 John Ormsby translation)
#translationstudies #translator
#books #translationstudies #translator #LiteraryTranslation
The translator whose translation I'm editing just wrote:
"This whole process has been quite time-demanding but really fun, and such a pleasure working with you. Truly, your contributions have added additional sparkle and punch to the translation."
The greatest gift of all: Positive feedback 😍
#AmEditing #LiteraryTranslation #HappyChristmas #HappyHanukkah
#amediting #LiteraryTranslation #happychristmas #happyhanukkah
Does anyone know why publishers don't answer emails, even after they've given you positive feedback and an email saying they would get back to you "soon"?
Asking for a friend who has had a bizarre year.
Thank goodness for dogs...who never keep you waiting.
#translation #literarytranslation #Italianliterature
#LiteraryTranslation #italianliterature #publishing #books #translator #dogsofmastodon #translation
Does anyone know why publishers don't answer emails, even after they've given you positive feedback and an email saying they would get back to you "soon"?
Asking for a friend who has had a bizarre year.
Thank goodness for dogs...who never keep you waiting.
#translation #literarytranslation #Italianliterature
#LiteraryTranslation #italianliterature #publishing #books #translator #dogsofmastodon #translation
#CfP for the #conference "Literary Self-Translation and its Metadiscourse Power Relations in #Postcolonial Contexts", which will be held
at Université de Liège and
KU Leuven, October 26-27, 2023.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: February 15, 2023
📌More Info:
https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/callforpapers/literary-self-translation-and-its-metadiscourse-power-relations-in-postcolonial-contexts/ #fidavlnews @litstudies @translationstudies #LiteraryTranslation #PostcolonialStudies
#cfp #conference #Postcolonial #fidavlnews #LiteraryTranslation #PostcolonialStudies
Bristol Translates is a Literary Translation Summer School aimed at practising translators at any stage of their career and at language enthusiasts who want to explore the world of literary translation. The Summer School offers the opportunity to work with leading professional translators to translate texts across the literary genres into English.
#translation #LiteraryTranslation
#LiteraryTranslation #translation
Laboratori di #traduzione letteraria eng-ita [online], da gennaio '23, a cura del fab lab di @minimumfax #literarytranslation #translation
RT @minimumlab
A gennaio parte il nostro laboratorio di traduzione: in tre moduli intensivi faremo pratica su testi letterari in inglese, guarderemo in dettaglio un contratto di traduzione e capiremo come proporsi a una casa editrice.
Qui i dettagli: http://bit.ly/LaboratorioTraduzione
#traduzione #LiteraryTranslation #translation
Laboratori di #traduzione letteraria eng-ita [online], da gennaio '23, a cura del fab lab di @minimumfax #literarytranslation #translation
RT @minimumlab
A gennaio parte il nostro laboratorio di traduzione: in tre moduli intensivi faremo pratica su testi letterari in inglese, guarderemo in dettaglio un contratto di traduzione e capiremo come proporsi a una casa editrice.
Qui i dettagli: http://bit.ly/LaboratorioTraduzione
#traduzione #LiteraryTranslation #translation
Stoked that my translation of THE LISBON SYNDROME by Eduardo Sánchez Rugeles was named one of World Literature Today's 75 Notable Translations of 2022. Thank you to Michelle Johnson, World Literature Today, and Turtle Point Press for championing #Venezuelan literature in translation. Huge congratulations to all the other translators on the list.
#Translators #TranslatedFiction #LiteraryTranslation #Literature #Books #Bookstodon
#venezuelan #translators #translatedfiction #LiteraryTranslation #literature #Books #bookstodon
New in #translation from In geveb (which is not yet on Mastodon)- Annabel Cohen's translation from #Yiddish of Abraham Sutzkever's #poem "Paris" which he wrote in 1946 on his first return to #Europe after the #Holocaust. #literarytranslation #literature
#translation #yiddish #poem #europe #holocaust #LiteraryTranslation #literature
"The Arno here still has tremors of freshness― and is occupied by the profoundest of silences―in the canal of the low, monotonous hills, touching the small Etruscan towns, alike now all the way to the river mouths..." #DinoCampana #Florence Ponte Santa Trinita reflected...
#poetry #translationstudies #Italianliterature #literarytranslation #photography
#dinocampana #florence #poetry #translationstudies #italianliterature #LiteraryTranslation #photography
Day 3 of #bookishadvent, #SmallPress edition! “How the first sparks became visible” is a beautiful — in materiality and content — #chapbook from The Emma Press, written by Simone Atangana Bekono and translated from the Dutch by David Colmer. It’s a surreal exploration of Blackness in the NL, caringly and intentionally translated.
#poetry #translation #bookstodon #LiteraryCommunity #PoetryCommunity #LiteraryTranslation @bookstodon
#bookishadvent #smallpress #chapbook #poetry #translation #bookstodon #LiteraryCommunity #poetrycommunity #LiteraryTranslation