Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2071 followers · 14632 posts · Server

@syndikalista I'm hampered, as is typically the case, by the lack of consideration e-reader tools give to any level of organisation or metadata (the BOOX lacks even the ability to edit file metadata: author, title, pubdate, serial, etc.). I tag most of these into the filename if possible, though that's painful and slow.

Also by the lack of sufficient storage on the device. 64 GB is large for an eBook reader, but barely sufficient. 512 GB would probably be the scope of no concern, for now. (I follow numerous podcasts as well as books, audio takes up far more storage, even when limiting downloads and removing items after listening.)

I'd be quite interested in how others manage.

My catalogue is rougly 10--15k items stored in Pocket (also a fucking disaster), and another 10--15k articles, books, and misc documents managed under bookreaders (PDF, ePub, DJVU, and similar formats).


#ebookreaders #workflow #bibliography #LiteratureManagement #cataloguing

Last updated 3 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2071 followers · 14632 posts · Server

@syndikalista My workflow such as it exists:

  • Identiitfy materials of interest from numerous sources, though online references, citations in other works, and catalogue / index searches are principle methods.
  • Sourcing is typically LibGen / Sci-Hub /, with a few others. These are downloaded to the device.
  • I try to loosly organise materials by topic, in a vaguely-ish LoC classification top-level grouping. Those are implemented as directories ("folders") on the device filesystem.
  • I also try to keep tabs of what I'm currently principally reading or planning to read, though this is among the weaker parts of my "system".


#cataloguing #LiteratureManagement #bibliography #workflow #ebookreaders

Last updated 3 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2071 followers · 14632 posts · Server

@syndikalista Poorly, as seems par for the course.

I've never gotten on the Zotero train. For numerous reasons. I don't grok the workflow, and its Android apps seem to presume a desktop presence rather than being free-standing. My inclination is to create my own system, which is probably several degrees of insanity, but yo, I do me.


#ebookreaders #workflow #bibliography #LiteratureManagement #cataloguing

Last updated 3 years ago