A successful trip to the Goodwill Outlet yesterday: bought as many "subversive" books as I could for stocking in local #LittleFreeLibraries . A good number of kids' science and multicultural books, too. If I can find a cheap source of #BannedBooks I'd like to share as many as possible. I'm also leaving printouts with local #abortion and reproductive health contact numbers, adapted from #CoriBush 's website; would like pamphlets, but haven't found a source.
#coribush #abortion #bannedbooks #LittleFreeLibraries
@anuckols @NoahH @uppityokie I'm thinking to consistently stock nearby #LittleFreeLibraries with cheap copies of #BannedBooks, local #abortion access, birth control information, etc. No guarantee it'll reach everyone who needs it, but more copies on untraceable paper seems wise. I've started looking for some local fliers I can print; maybe there's already a site listing cheap sources of important books/booklets? I'll likely start one, if not.
#bannedbooks #abortion #LittleFreeLibraries
A propos of nothing I love how in my west end #toronto neighborhood my neighbours have been hacking the #LittleFreeLibraries concept & creating dioramas or, as here, an “art gallery”. Still enhancing collective life but doing so by inviting passersby to slow down and look.
Alt text: a glass fronted box topped by a piece of wood on which one reads the words “Montrose Art Gallery.” Inside, a card on the shelf reads “free gifts of comfort & joy.” And it’s surrounded by various craft objects.
@wayoflife I’ve been using both the #LittleFreeLibraries *and* my local #BuyNothing group. BN is best for specialized/niche titles.
#LittleFreeLibraries #BuyNothing