@rbreich And what people did to change that was mass protest, demanding humane work hours and livable wages. They protested and shut down the economy and their profits until their demands were ratified.
We have to do the same and demand change. Humane work hours and livable wages along with these other tags that go hand in hand with true progress. #5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #UniversalHealthcare #QualityEducationSystems #ProgressiveEducationSystems
#5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages #universalhealthcare #qualityeducationsystems #progressiveeducationsystems #affortableeducationsystems #certifiedbcorporations
And what people did to change that was mass protest, demanding humane work hours and livable wages. They protested and shut down the economy and their profits until their demands were ratified.
We have to do the same and demand change. Humane work hours and livable wages along with these other tags that go hand in hand with true progress. #5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #UniversalHealthcare #QualityEducationSystems #ProgressiveEducationSystems
#5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages #universalhealthcare #qualityeducationsystems #progressiveeducationsystems #affortableeducationsystems #certifiedbcorporations
@igd_news what’s amazing is that people will organize a protest for this, but won’t do it to demand livable wages, and reduce work hours so they can actually enjoy the life experience, instead of getting exploited by corporations who take all that money and create all these other problems to keep up the dread. 🤦♂️🤦♂️
#Protest with these tags on signs that have rippling effects in other areas that people are protesting in.
#5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #UniversalHealthcare #QualityEducationSystems #ProgressiveEducationSystems
#protest #5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages #universalhealthcare #qualityeducationsystems #progressiveeducationsystems #affortableeducationsystems #certifiedbcorporations
@rbreich Question still remains, if you’re not part of that nazi party with all their gaslighting, sexism, racism etc, what are you planning on doing about it???
Just going to sit there, post smart comments, let them continue brainwashing the majority and hope for the best?
We need to protest. Day after day, week after week, month after month, with rotating groups of protesters. Group A of a thousands people then group B of a thousand people take over letting A rest, Group C, etc. that’s how Iran banned the morality police.
We need to demand mass change.
You are groomed and conditioned to accept 8hrs as fair working standard, but if you take the time to do the math, you’re only left with 2hrs, maybe 3hrs, to yourself, per day (forget that if you have kids), while working for meager wages. All the while, they’re collecting record breaking profits from this exploitation. You get to enjoy your life 96/365 (weekends. 1 day a week (48/365) if you do chores from the week on one of those days), the rest goes to their profits.
From door to door and back, after meal prep and eating, you’re left with 2-3hrs to yourself, unless you want to be haggard and have less sleep. Why? So they can exploit you more? Does that seem right to you? You might only have 1 chance to experience life and this is how you want it to go? Think about that for a minute.
Voting was plan A, plan B is to organize protests. We have seen through history that when people come together (which politicians, capitalists/fascists and corporations have been working 365 days to ensure you don’t) that change takes place. It happened in 1800s when ppl demanded a change from the 11-13hr work shifts to 8hrs.
With terrible wages, terrible education systems, awful food prices and advertisements, fascist social interaction and behavior (superior/inferior, alpha/beta, better than/less than to keep you fighting each other rather than band together for change) to keep you subservient, sickly, pressed, fighting and ego battling each other, while blaming YOU for unsustainability, economic disasters and environmental problems, all the while exploiting and damaging all those things through the process of maintaining profits and exploitation.
You want the rest of your life to be this? You have to organize and protest by the thousands at the capital, day after day, week after week, month after month with rotating groups of protesters. You will be doomed to fascism otherwise, especially at the rate that they’re gerrymandering, exploiting loopholes, bribing and coercing politicians, you cant JUST rely on voting.
An eight-hour work day has its origins in the 16th century Spain,[1] but the modern movement dates back to the Industrial Revolution in Britain, where industrial production in large factories transformed working life. At that time, the working day could range from 10 to 16 hours, the work week was typically six days a week and the use of child labour was common.[2][3] The first country that introduced the 8-hour work day by law for factory and fortification workers was Spain in 1593.[1] In contemporary era, it was established for all professions by the Soviet Union in 1917.[4]
In 1864, the eight-hour day quickly became a central demand of the Chicago labor movement. The Illinois General Assembly passed a law in early 1867 granting an eight-hour day but it had so many loopholes that it was largely ineffective. A citywide strike that began on 1 May 1867 shut down the city's economy for a week before collapsing.
In August 1866, the National Labor Union at Baltimore passed a resolution that said, "The first and great necessity of the present to free labor of this country from capitalist slavery, is the passing of a law by which eight hours shall be the normal working day in all States of the American Union. We are resolved to put forth all our strength until this glorious result is achieved."
Take the time and imagine what your day is going to be like if you worked 5hrs max, when you would get home and how much extra time you would have per day, you’ll even have time to take classes to learn something new and get better jobs, or take on a hobby. Split shifts would create more jobs and keep businesses open later. You would be less anxious at work waiting for the clock to run out, and your mood would be better day to day, which means ppl will be less frustrated with each other, leading to less aggression in general.
Now remind yourself what it’s like now. What it’s like now is what causes drug and alcohol abuse, where people want to escape the long hours drudgery, meager wages and exploitation. Corporations/capitalists/fascists made the same arguments back then, about changing work hours and wages, as they will now. Exercise your first amendment right, especially now!
Protest with signs that have these tags> #5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #UniversalHealthcare #ProgressiveEducationSystems
#5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages #universalhealthcare #progressiveeducationsystems #qualityeducationsystems #affortableeducationsystems #certifiedbcorporations
Question still remains, if you’re not part of that nazi party with all their gaslighting, sexism, racism etc, what are you planning on doing about it???
Just going to sit there, post smart comments, let them continue brainwashing the majority and hope for the best?
We need to protest. Day after day, week after week with rotating groups of protesters. Group A of a thousands people then group B of a thousand people take over letting A rest, Group C, etc.
We need to demand mass change.
You are groomed and conditioned to accept 8hrs as fair working standard, but if you take the time to do the math, you’re only left with 2hrs, maybe 3hrs, to yourself, per day (forget that if you have kids), while working for meager wages. All the while, they’re collecting record breaking profits from this exploitation. You get to enjoy your life 96/365 (weekends. 1 day a week (48/365) if you do chores from the week on one of those days), the rest goes to their profits.
From door to door and back, after meal prep and eating, you’re left with 2-3hrs to yourself, unless you want to be haggard and have less sleep. Why? So they can exploit you more? Does that seem right to you? You might only have 1 chance to experience life and this is how you want it to go? Think about that for a minute.
Voting was plan A, plan B is to organize protests. We have seen through history that when people come together (which politicians, capitalists/fascists and corporations have been working 365 days to ensure you don’t) that change takes place. It happened in 1800s when ppl demanded a change from the 11-13hr work shifts to 8hrs.
With terrible wages, terrible education systems, awful food prices and advertisements, fascist social interaction and behavior (superior/inferior, alpha/beta, better than/less than to keep you fighting each other rather than band together for change) to keep you subservient, sickly, pressed, fighting and ego battling each other, while blaming YOU for unsustainability, economic disasters and environmental problems, all the while exploiting and damaging all those things through the process of maintaining profits and exploitation.
You want the rest of your life to be this? You have to organize and protest by the thousands at the capital, day after day, week after week, month after month with rotating groups of protesters. You will be doomed to fascism otherwise, especially at the rate that they’re gerrymandering, exploiting loopholes, bribing and coercing politicians, you cant JUST rely on voting.
An eight-hour work day has its origins in the 16th century Spain,[1] but the modern movement dates back to the Industrial Revolution in Britain, where industrial production in large factories transformed working life. At that time, the working day could range from 10 to 16 hours, the work week was typically six days a week and the use of child labour was common.[2][3] The first country that introduced the 8-hour work day by law for factory and fortification workers was Spain in 1593.[1] In contemporary era, it was established for all professions by the Soviet Union in 1917.[4]
In 1864, the eight-hour day quickly became a central demand of the Chicago labor movement. The Illinois General Assembly passed a law in early 1867 granting an eight-hour day but it had so many loopholes that it was largely ineffective. A citywide strike that began on 1 May 1867 shut down the city's economy for a week before collapsing.
In August 1866, the National Labor Union at Baltimore passed a resolution that said, "The first and great necessity of the present to free labor of this country from capitalist slavery, is the passing of a law by which eight hours shall be the normal working day in all States of the American Union. We are resolved to put forth all our strength until this glorious result is achieved."
Take the time and imagine what your day is going to be like if you worked 5hrs max, when you would get home and how much extra time you would have per day, you’ll even have time to take classes to learn something new and get better jobs, or take on a hobby. Split shifts would create more jobs and keep businesses open later. You would be less anxious at work waiting for the clock to run out, and your mood would be better day to day, which means ppl will be less frustrated with each other, leading to less aggression in general.
Now remind yourself what it’s like now. What it’s like now is what causes drug and alcohol abuse, where people want to escape the long hours drudgery, meager wages and exploitation. Corporations/capitalists/fascists made the same arguments back then, about changing work hours and wages, as they will now. Exercise your first amendment right, especially now!
Protest with signs that have these tags> #5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #UniversalHealthcare #ProgressiveEducationSystems
#5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages #universalhealthcare #progressiveeducationsystems #qualityeducationsystems #affortableeducationsystems #certifiedbcorporations
@OldSquida2 meanwhile another corporation that exploits the environment the economy/society got tax breaks, government handouts and bailouts from the same people unhoused who pay taxes daily.
Mass protest with these tags on signs until they’re implemented immediately otherwise shutting down the economy and profits. Take your life back from exploitation, greed, gaslighting, arrogance, and tyranny and demand accountability, progressive change and quality life for the taxes you pay that are supposed to do that!
#5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #UniversalHealthcare #QualityEducationSystems #ProgressiveEducationSystems
#5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages #universalhealthcare #qualityeducationsystems #progressiveeducationsystems #affortableeducationsystems #certifiedbcorporations
@nnz @chadloder the common pattern is it’s a party of brats. You have to wonder where do all the spoiled brats go to when they grow up?
What doesn’t brat behavior look like? Laughing at all the bullshit they got away with, never taking any accountability for mistakes, wrong doings, temper tantrums, lies, rage, deceiving people, manipulating family and friends, harassment to get what they want, double standards etc. there’s more, but my point is, this describes kid behavior.
Now ask yourself, is there a point where that all suddenly changes, especially if nobody ever holds them accountable, or does it get worse? Does the level of each of those behaviors go up a notch with every scenario they get away with using those behaviors?
This is why they hide behind religion, to cover up the complete opposite of their deranged arrogant, sociopathic, narcissistic and psychopathic behavior that gets worse and worse the more they get away with.
This is human behavior, which is why we find fascism all over the world, it’s not a “race” or gender problem, it’s parental upbringing. People who behave this way fall in the fascist category and all share these deranged behaviors. The hate you speak of is projection to escape any responsibility for their shit behaviors.
“It’s not my nasty personality, it’s women” “it’s not my two faced personality it’s black people, Jews, gays” “it’s not my lack of accountability for my behaviors, it’s men” (there are fascist women as well because it’s a mental condition that everyone is susceptible to) “it’s not my rage because I always want my way and can’t deal with any reject, it’s Asians” “it’s not my arrogance, it’s white people”
It’s a mental disorder and form of delusion that comes from sweeping self problems under the rug, hubris. People (regardless of age, gender, skin color, region etc) just run with it and find and connect with others who do the same and label it things like “alpha” “superior” “dominant” “clever” “witty” as ways to sugar coat their mental disorder they keep coddling.
My question is, what do we do about all this fascist uprising? Do we continue to enable their shit behavior and repulsive personalities, make deals, compromise and appease them, while the rest of us keep living under their deranged behaviors and egomaniac personalities that get off on repressing and oppressing others to feel better about how mentally damaged they are? (Because it will absolutely keep getting worse) Or do we start protests and band together and address all the problems that come from their nazi fascist behaviors?
We need livable wages, we need less work hours to break away from their deranged environment and take our lives away from their exploitation.
#5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #UniversalHealthcare #QualityEducationSystems #ProgressiveEducationSystems
All these tags are the antithesis of their lack of accountability and ability to exploit, recruit, gaslight and keep using everyone for their deranged amusement. All these tags represent what needs to change in order for us to flip the script, and the way we do that is by protesting, day after day, week after week, month after month like in Iran, demanding these tags to go into effect, especially 5hrs max work days and livable wages, otherwise protests will continue.
Rotating groups of protesters (group A of a 1000 people, than group B of a 1000 people takes over, letting group A rest, group C, etc) will allow this to continue, otherwise companies and fascist in the government will wait it out and continue to exploit loopholes, buy out lawmakers etc.
Has education gotten better or worse since the 60s? Have wages gotten better since the 70s? Has racism dissipated since the 80s?
Change has to come from protests, as protests will shut down profits, and the economy. it’s a waste of time waiting for politicians or politics to do it because in that scenario, corruption will have the upper hand because they’ll cross ALL lines (as we’ve been witnessing) to get what they want (brats).
#5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages #universalhealthcare #qualityeducationsystems #progressiveeducationsystems #affortableeducationsystems #certifiedbcorporations
What’s the point of the constitution if it’s not upheld? Amendment 14 section 3 says if you supported an insurrection in any way, you’re banned from government work. 2 years laters, they’re still there.
This is why we need to take matters into our own hands and start mass protesting like in Iran. They’re 2 wings to a body just flapping away with our taxes while degrading the economy, our livelihood and exploiting us while stuffing their pockets and their special interests, with our hard earned and meager wages.
Unions should band with other unions to mass protest for the people, not just the group they’re unionized for to make mass change more effective.
Protest like in Iran, day after day, week after week, month after month with rotating groups of protesters (group A of a thousands protesters, than group B takes over, letting group A rest, group C etc)
Otherwise, they’ll just wait it out like they usually do, and continue to degradate and exploit for their own benefit and your subservience, and they’ll see the complacency as an opportunity to exploit more and more.
2 years later and “inflation”(corporate press down for subservience and profits) is skyrocketing with food, gas, rent, utilities, while wage increases are denied and workers are doing 3 ppls jobs (corporate fascism), yet barely anything is done by people who stuff their pockets with our taxes instead of doing their job and improve our livelihood which is what their job is.
The right (nazi party) owns or is in debt to a lot of these corporate fascists, and they’re doing this intentionally to have material to harp on for elections, blaming democrats for all the road blocks, and economy destabilization that the nazi party created. #NoCorporateMoneyInElections or the legislative process. It should strictly be tax based.
Corporations received bailouts, tax brakes and paid zero taxes in 2020 while whining about people getting handouts. Also why they want the nazi party to take over the government and will continue to pour money into these posers in the government to continue to get these benefits, while whining about no government in the “free-market”!
Capitalists/Capitalism, exploits and depletes the economy they heavily depend on, and could never survive without, but want zero liability, be indebted to and responsibility for.
You’re just going to let them keep exploiting you while you get old and your quality of life keeps dwindling, as they laugh their way to the bank?
#5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #UniversalHealthcare #QualityEducationSystems #ProgressiveEducationSystems
#protest with these tags on signs.
5 hrs max work days is essential and will create more jobs with livable wages since they would need multiple shifts to stay open later, and will give you your life back, instead of dedicating, what could be your only chance to be alive, to serve and get exploited by companies who want/wanted you to catch a killer virus and die so they can meet their annual profits quota. #corporatefascism
#nocorporatemoneyinelections #5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages #universalhealthcare #qualityeducationsystems #progressiveeducationsystems #affortableeducationsystems #certifiedbcorporations #protest #corporatefascism
@rbreich what’s the point of the constitution if it’s not upheld? Amendment 14 section 3 says if you supported an insurrection in any way, you’re banned from government work. 2 years laters, they’re still there. This is why we need to take matters into our own hands and start mass protesting like in Iran. They’re 2 wings to a body just flapping away with our taxes while degrading the economy, our livelihood and exploiting us while stuffing their pockets and their special interests, with our hard earned and meager wages. Unions should band with other unions to mass protest for the people, not just the group they’re unionized for to make mass change more effective. Protest like in Iran, day after day, week after week, month after month with rotating groups of protesters (group A of a thousands protesters, than group B takes over, letting group A rest, group C etc) Otherwise, they’ll just wait it out like they usually do, and continue to degradate and exploit for their own benefit and your subservience. and they’ll see the complacency as an opportunity to exploit more and more. 2 years later and “inflation”(corporate press down for subservience and profits) is skyrocketing with food, gas, rent, utilities and barely anything is done by people who stuff their pockets with our taxes instead of doing their job and improve our livelihood which is what their job is. You’re just going to let them keep exploiting you while you get old and your quality of life keeps dwindling, as they laugh their way to the bank? #5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #UniversalHealthcare #QualityEducationSystems #ProgressiveEducationSystems #AffortableEducationSystems #CertifiedBCorporations protest with these tags on signs. 5 hrs max work days is essential and will create more jobs since they would need multiple shifts to stay open later, and will give you your life back, instead of dedicating, what could be your only chance to be alive, to serve and get exploited by companies who want/wanted you to catch a killer virus and die so they can meet their annual profits quota. #corporatefascism
#5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages #universalhealthcare #qualityeducationsystems #progressiveeducationsystems #affortableeducationsystems #certifiedbcorporations #corporatefascism
@QasimRashid what’s the point of the constitution if it’s not upheld? Amendment 14 section 3 says if you supported an insurrection in any way, you’re banned from government work. 2 years laters, they’re still there.
This is why we need to take matters into our own hands and start mass protesting like in Iran. They’re 2 wings to a body just flapping away with our taxes while degrading the economy, our livelihood and exploiting us while stuffing their pockets and their special interests, with our hard earned and meager wages.
Unions should band with other unions to mass protest for the people, not just the group they’re unionized for to make mass change more effective.
Protest like in Iran, day after day, week after week, month after month with rotating groups of protesters (group A of a thousands protesters, than group B takes over, letting group A rest, group C etc)
Otherwise, they’ll just wait it out like they usually do, and continue to degradate and exploit for their own benefit and your subservience. and they’ll see the complacency as an opportunity to exploit more and more.
2 years later and “inflation”(corporate press down for subservience and profits) is skyrocketing with food, gas, rent, utilities and barely anything is done by people who stuff their pockets with our taxes instead of doing their job and improve our livelihood which is what their job is.
You’re just going to let them keep exploiting you while you get old and your quality of life keeps dwindling, as they laugh their way to the bank?
#5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #UniversalHealthcare #QualityEducationSystems #ProgressiveEducationSystems
#CertifiedBCorporations protest with these tags on signs.
5 hrs max work days is essential and will create more jobs since they would need multiple shifts to stay open later, and will give you your life back, instead of dedicating, what could be your only chance to be alive, to serve and get exploited by companies who want/wanted you to catch a killer virus and die so they can meet their annual profits quota. #corporatefascism
#5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages #universalhealthcare #qualityeducationsystems #progressiveeducationsystems #affortableeducationsystems #certifiedbcorporations #corporatefascism
@rbreich Without we the people, there are no profits, companies or economy. #protest with these tags on signs #5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #UniversalHealthcare #QualityEducationSystems #ProgressiveEducationSystems
#protest #5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages #universalhealthcare #qualityeducationsystems #progressiveeducationsystems #affortableeducationsystems #certifiedbcorporations
@dsastanislaus the fact that this was the case before this whole fiasco, doesn’t make it an accomplishment. This isn’t progress, progress would imply that there was a move forward. This was one step forward two steps back and one step forward again.
This is a political stunt to make the public think there was some sort of accomplishment done by the administration. Taking something away then putting it back in place is just a sham.
If we want progress it has to be through mass protests. Otherwise we continue to put our fate in the hands of the very same people who have been tarnishing it for generations now, while throwing crumbs after starving society and waiting for praise and appreciation. #5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages <THESE things improve life, society and the economy.
Anything else is distraction and gaslighting, so they can continue to exploit, and stuff their pockets with our taxes, work and time, while forcing us to continue to depend on them, so they can continue to do all those things.
#5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages
@rbreich All this info is great, but if people don’t protest, exercising their first amendment right, protected by law, all this info is absolutely useless. What’s the point here? It’s like a gambler knowing they have an addiction to gambling while going to gamble more. Fruitless realizations, unless there is change of action. People nation wide should be protesting, demanding change. Iran, one of the most oppressed countries, has been protesting for months, meanwhile a country with way less restrictions, barely stands a couple of days. We need to protest day after day, week after week, month after month, with rotating groups of protesters (group A goes back and rests, group B takes their spot, group C etc.). We have to show that we as a society can shut down the economy and their profits, that they demanded mid peak of the pandemic, for these fascists fucks. There are millions if not billions of people who want to see better work environments, living conditions and wages, there are just a couple thousands who are holding them hostage. If millions of people unite and protest together, it’ll send a clear message that we want them out of economic decisions, out of companies and out of our pockets and we won’t stop until they’re removed. We won’t stop until we have #5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #UniversalHealthcare #QualityEducationSystems #ProgressiveEducationSystems #AffortableEducationSystems #CertifiedBCorporations Politicians want you depending on them. They won’t create this change or sign things into law unless their position is under fire. We have to create change as people, united againsted this deranged fascist escalation. It will absolutely get worse otherwise. There are millions of us, only thousands of them, if even. Read more about this #protest in my profile post
#5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages #universalhealthcare #qualityeducationsystems #progressiveeducationsystems #affortableeducationsystems #certifiedbcorporations #protest
@blackflaglibrary uniting people under the same cause can be a powerful movement. Everyone benefits from 5hr max work days and livable wages. That’s something that no matter what religion or sub culture you’re in, you’ll benefit from it.
From there people will have time and money to contribute and build to improve society and the economy. Having livable wages means people can help invest in schools to make quality education affordable to majority, if not free. People will have time to think and contribute thoughts and some of their free time to improve those things or any problems that will, absolutely, arise from them. But first, we need to unite to implement #5hrsmax #livablewages otherwise, as I mentioned no matter what idea you come up with, people will be too tired, irritated, less tolerant and overworked to care or contribute. Time is everything.
People need to pay rent and for very basic and minimal necessities regardless what needs to be done. Right now the only way that’s possible is through jobs that consume all the time ppl have.
Spread this concept around and talk to people about it to get them on board for mass protests. If we protest by the thousands as I mentioned in my profile, like Iran has been protesting (consecutively and monthly), we will get closer to attaining goals that will make other progressive matters possible. Until then, social media will just be a venting ground while ppl continue the grind and their own exploitation, while getting older and older.
@rbreich to see the bigger picture of how much of a mental problem the US has, there are a bunch of people who also voted for a person as crazy as the people he surrounds himself with. The US, without a doubt and unequivocally is infested with Nazis. Your grandparents didn’t die in WW 2 for this to happen.
You have to protest like you’re seeing in Iran, consecutively, daily, weekly and monthly demanding them to be removed and demanding change that will bring prosperity. We are paying taxes so the candidates who promised us hard work, do some god damn work! Protest with these tags on signs and visit my profile to read more about them. #5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #UniversalHealthcare #QualityEducationSystems #ProgressiveEducationSystems
#5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages #universalhealthcare #qualityeducationsystems #progressiveeducationsystems #affortableeducationsystems #certifiedbcorporations
Take the time and imagine what your day is going to be like if you worked 5hrs max, when you would get home and how much extra time you would have per day, you’ll even have time to take classes to learn something new and get better jobs, or take on a hobby. Split shifts would create more jobs and keep businesses open later. You would be less anxious at work waiting for the clock to run out, and your mood would be better day to day, which means ppl will be less frustrated with each other, leading to less aggression in general. Now remind yourself what it’s like now. What it’s like now is what causes drug and alcohol abuse, where people want to escape the long hours drudgery, meager wages and exploitation. Corporations/capitalists/fascists made the same arguments back then, about changing work hours and wages, as they will now. Exercise your first amendment right, especially now! Protest with signs that have these tags> #5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #UniversalHealthcare #ProgressiveEducationSystems
#5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages #universalhealthcare #progressiveeducationsystems #qualityeducationsystems #affortableeducationsystems #certifiedbcorporations
Take the time and imagine what your day is going to be like if you worked 5hrs max, when you would get home and how much extra time you would have per day, you’ll even have time to take classes to learn something new and get better jobs, or take on a hobby. Split shifts would create more jobs and keep businesses open later. You would be less anxious at work waiting for the clock to run out, and your mood would be better day to day, which means ppl will be less frustrated with each other, leading to less aggression in general. Now remind yourself what it’s like now. What it’s like now is what causes drug and alcohol abuse, where people want to escape the long hours drudgery, meager wages and exploitation. Corporations/capitalists/fascists made the same arguments back then, about changing work hours and wages, as they will now. Exercise your first amendment right, especially now! Protest with signs that have these tags> #5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #UniversalHealthcare #ProgressiveEducationSystems #QualityEducationSystems #AffortableEducationSystems #CertifiedBCorporations
#5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages #universalhealthcare #progressiveeducationsystems #qualityeducationsystems #affortableeducationsystems #certifiedbcorporations
You are groomed and conditioned to accept 8hrs as fair working standard, but if you take the time to do the math, you’re only left with 2hrs, maybe 3hrs, to yourself, per day (forget that if you have kids), while working for meager wages. All the while, they’re collecting record breaking profits from this exploitation. You get to enjoy your life 96/365 (weekends. 1 day a week (48/365) if you do chores from the week on one of those days), the rest goes to their profits. From door to door and back, after meal prep and eating, you’re left with 2-3hrs to yourself, unless you want to be haggard and have less sleep. Why? So they can exploit you more? Does that seem right to you? You might only have 1 chance to experience life and this is how you want it to go?
Voting was plan A, plan B is to organize protests. We have seen through history that when people come together (which politicians, capitalists/fascists and corporations have been working 365 days to ensure you don’t) that change takes place. It happened in 1800s when ppl demanded a change from the 11-13hr work shifts to 8hrs. With terrible wages, terrible education systems, awful food prices and advertisements, fascist social interaction and behavior (superior/inferior, alpha/beta, better than/less than to keep you fighting each other rather than band together for change) to keep you subservient, sickly, pressed, fighting and ego battling each other, while blaming YOU for unsustainability, economic disasters and environmental problems, all the while exploiting and damaging all those things through the process of maintaining profits and exploitation. You want the rest of your life to be this? You have to organize and protest by the thousands at the capital, day after day, week after week, month after month with rotating groups of protesters. You will be doomed to fascism otherwise, especially at the rate that they’re gerrymandering, exploiting loopholes, bribing and coercing politicians, you cant JUST rely on voting.
An eight-hour work day has its origins in the 16th century Spain,[1] but the modern movement dates back to the Industrial Revolution in Britain, where industrial production in large factories transformed working life. At that time, the working day could range from 10 to 16 hours, the work week was typically six days a week and the use of child labour was common.[2][3] The first country that introduced the 8-hour work day by law for factory and fortification workers was Spain in 1593.[1] In contemporary era, it was established for all professions by the Soviet Union in 1917.[4]
In 1864, the eight-hour day quickly became a central demand of the Chicago labor movement. The Illinois General Assembly passed a law in early 1867 granting an eight-hour day but it had so many loopholes that it was largely ineffective. A citywide strike that began on 1 May 1867 shut down the city's economy for a week before collapsing.
In August 1866, the National Labor Union at Baltimore passed a resolution that said, "The first and great necessity of the present to free labor of this country from capitalist slavery, is the passing of a law by which eight hours shall be the normal working day in all States of the American Union. We are resolved to put forth all our strength until this glorious result is achieved."
Take the time and imagine what your day is going to be like if you worked 5hrs max, when you would get home and how much extra time you would have per day, you’ll even have time to take classes to learn something new and get better jobs, or take on a hobby. Split shifts would create more jobs and keep businesses open later. You would be less anxious at work waiting for the clock to run out, and your mood would be better day to day, which means ppl will be less frustrated with each other, leading to less aggression in general. Now remind yourself what it’s like now. What it’s like now is what causes drug and alcohol abuse, where people want to escape the long hours drudgery, meager wages and exploitation. Corporations/capitalists/fascists made the same arguments back then, about changing work hours and wages, as they will now. Exercise your first amendment right, especially now! Protest with signs that have these tags> #5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #UniversalHealthcare #ProgressiveEducationSystems
#5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages #universalhealthcare #progressiveeducationsystems #qualityeducationsystems #affortableeducationsystems #certifiedbcorporations
@rbreich All this info is great, but if people don’t protest, exercising their first amendment right, protected by law, all this info is absolutely useless. What’s the point here? It’s like a gambler knowing they have an addiction to gambling while going to gamble more. Fruitless realizations, unless there is change of action.
People nation wide should be protesting, demanding change. Iran, one of the most oppressed countries, has been protesting for months, meanwhile a country with way less restrictions, barely stands a couple of days. We need to protest day after day, week after week, month after month, with rotating groups of protesters (group A goes back and rests, group B takes their spot, group C etc.).
We have to show that we as a society can shut down the economy and their profits, that they demanded mid peak of the pandemic, for these fascists fucks. There are millions if not billions of people who want to see better work environments, living conditions and wages, there are just a couple thousands who are holding them hostage. If millions of people unite and protest together, it’ll send a clear message that we want them out of economic decisions, out of companies and out of our pockets and we won’t stop until they’re removed. We won’t stop until we have #5HrsMaxWorkDays #LivableWages #UniversalHealthcare #QualityEducationSystems #ProgressiveEducationSystems
Politicians want you depending on them. They won’t create this change or sign things into law unless their position is under fire. We have to create change as people, united againsted this deranged fascist escalation. It will absolutely get worse otherwise. There are millions of us, only thousands of them, if even.
#5hrsmaxworkdays #LivableWages #universalhealthcare #qualityeducationsystems #progressiveeducationsystems #affortableeducationsystems #certifiedbcorporations