Just sitting on the patio working our sudoku high fives together only to witness two hummingbirds come to visit a new plant for this year and they sang to each other and hung around long enough to get many photos. If anyone knows how to convert a #LivePhoto to a short video, a leg up on the task would be appreciated! #Hummingbird
Dominik Gusch of Induction live on stage at Konzertfabrik Z7 Pratteln/Switzerland, 24 November 2022.
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#lepsysphotos #lepsysphotography #mcsaxonphotography #concertphoto #concertphotography #concertphotographer #HobbyPhotographer #hobbyconcertphotography #liveperformance #LivePhoto #stageperformance #induction #inductionlive #dominikgusch #lepsysfavouriteband #bassplayer #bassguitarist #bassguitar #dingwall #atomicfirerecords #bornfromfire #pyramidstrings