One application of the #LivingPlanet index, is the creation of #biodiversity stripes.
Created by Miles Richardson ( and based on the warming stripes developed by Ed Hawkins, they illustrate the decline of populations in the same striking way as the warming stripes illustrate #GlobalWarming .
Here both are combined for the globe.
More info:
#showyourstripes #GlobalWarming #biodiversity #LivingPlanet
Glenn Hurowitz is CEO of #MightyEarth , “a #global #advocacy organization working to defend a #LivingPlanet ”.
Their #investigation into #Michelin was published two years ago, but now appears to have been picked up by #Voxeurop .
#greenwashing #CoverUp #Indonesia #StopEcocide #ClimateChange #environmental #Rubber #StopDeforestation #StopClearcuts #ProtectForests #geopolitics #OneEarth #WattsUpWithThat #CorporateGreed #GreedKills #Corruption #IndustryLies
#mightyearth #global #advocacy #LivingPlanet #investigation #michelin #voxeurop #greenwashing #coverup #indonesia #stopecocide #climatechange #environmental #rubber #stopdeforestation #stopclearcuts #protectforests #geopolitics #OneEarth #WattsUpWithThat #corporategreed #greedkills #corruption #industrylies
Want a foretaste of what @MakeAPlanetPod will be about? Here's paleoecologist @JacquelynGill live tweeting a talk by @PhoebeFossil! #sustcomm #livingplanet
RT @JacquelynGill
Live-tweeting a talk by @PhoebeFossil on the evolution of complex life in the fossil record. She starts off with another story—when she started grad school, there was this strong culture of individualism and competition in science. She decided to be collabora…
Another shot of my 'up close and personal' experience with the giant otters of Manu National Park. Moments of contact with such intelligent and magnificent creatures are what makes life worth living!
In Peru, giant otters are known as Lobos del Rio...'River Wolves'...When you see them in action, you understand why...
Read more at:
#manunationalpark, #giantotters, #nature, #peru, #wildsouthamerica, #livingplanet, #amazonrainforest, #naturephotography
#manunationalpark #giantotters #nature #Peru #wildsouthamerica #LivingPlanet #amazonrainforest #naturephotography
Another shot of my 'up close and personal' experience with the giant otters of Manu National Park. Moments of contact with such intelligent and magnificent creatures are what makes life worth living!
In Peru, giant otters are known as Lobos del Rio...'River Wolves'...When you see them in action, you understand why...
Read more at:
#manunationalpark, #giantotters, #nature, #peru, #wildsouthamerica, #livingplanet, #amazonrainforest, #naturephotography
#manunationalpark #giantotters #nature #Peru #wildsouthamerica #LivingPlanet #amazonrainforest #naturephotography
RT @CopernicusEU: Volcanoes are the demonstration that #Earth is a #LivingPlanet
#Copernicus #Sentinel2 🇪🇺🛰️ captured, between July and October 2022, the formation of a new island in the Pacific Ocean caused by the 🌋eruption of the Home Reef volcano
#Earth #LivingPlanet #Copernicus #Sentinel2
RT @CopernicusEU: Volcanoes are the demonstration that #Earth is a #LivingPlanet
#Copernicus #Sentinel2 🇪🇺🛰️ captured, between July and October 2022, the formation of a new island in the Pacific Ocean caused by the 🌋eruption of the Home Reef volcano
#Earth #LivingPlanet #Copernicus #Sentinel2
Volcanoes are the demonstration that #Earth is a #LivingPlanet
#Copernicus #Sentinel2 🇪🇺🛰️ captured, between July and October 2022, the formation of a new island in the Pacific Ocean caused by the 🌋eruption of the Home Reef volcano
#Earth #LivingPlanet #Copernicus #Sentinel2
"Adaptation at heart of #COP27 – here's the reading:
the Adaptation #GAP Report
Just #Transition for Paris
📘 @WWF
#LivingPlanet Report
6th #AssessmentReport
📘 @Amnesty
Accounts of the #ClimateCrisis
📘 @GCAdaptation
State & Trends in #Adaptation 2022"
(Karolina) 🧵
#cop27 #GAP #transition #LivingPlanet #AssessmentReport #climatecrisis #adaptation #climateemergency
RT @VSinkevicius: The new @WWF #LivingPlanet Report is crystal clear:
69% of our world’s wildlife is gone since 1970.
We can change this global trend at #COP15 & here in Europe with our Nature Restoration Law!
We stand firm #ForNature.
#LivingPlanet #COP15 #ForNature #LPR2022
Alarm bells are ringing now, humanity is eroding the very foundations of life. Almost 70% of animal populations wiped out in only 50 years, report reveals. It’s us that need to take action, not our grandchildren in a distant future. #livingplanet
RT @WWFEU: BREAKING! 🚨 Species population numbers have plummeted by 69% on average since 1970.
Our life-line is in danger💔
🌍EU needs strong nature restoration & deforestation laws - now! 🌴🌳
#LivingPlanet #LPR2022 #Together4Forests #RestoreNature
RT @VSinkevicius: The new @WWF #LivingPlanet Report is crystal clear:
69% of our world’s wildlife is gone since 1970.
We can change this global trend at #COP15 & here in Europe with our Nature Restoration Law!
We stand firm #ForNature.
#LivingPlanet #COP15 #ForNature #LPR2022
RT @WWF: #BREAKING! Species population numbers have plummeted by 69% on average since 1970. 🚨
Nature is sending us an SOS: our life-line is in danger.💔
We need to turn things around – now. RT if you're with us #ForALivingPlanet! #LivingPlanet #LPR2022
#BREAKING #ForALivingPlanet #LivingPlanet #LPR2022
The new @WWF #LivingPlanet Report is crystal clear:
69% of our world’s wildlife is gone since 1970.
We can change this global trend at #COP15 & here in Europe with our Nature Restoration Law!
We stand firm #ForNature.
#LivingPlanet #COP15 #ForNature #LPR2022
> ..our gaze.. [is] turning.. the uncanny and improbable.. are beating at our doors.. have stirred a.. recognition.. awareness that humans were never alone.. always.. surrounded by beings.. who share elements of that which we had thought to be.. distinctive.. the capacities of will, thought, and consciousness.
#AmitavGhosh with The #GreatDerangement has me thinking of chickens and #Magpie's song on #LivingPlanet, #TheLandKnowsYoureThere. Great read after #HungryTide and #NutmegsCurse
#NutmegsCurse #HungryTide #TheLandKnowsYoureThere #LivingPlanet #magpie #GreatDerangement #AmitavGhosh
Seit 1970 ist die Anzahl der wildlebenden Tiere weltweit um 68% gesunken. (laut WWF #LivingPlanet Index) Dabei sollten sie durch die Konvention zum Erhalt der Biologischen Vielfalt (#CBD) seit 30 Jahren geschützt sein: via @ZDF #TagDerBiologischenVielfalt
#LivingPlanet #cbd #TagderbiologischenVielfalt
In 3 Stunden geht's los!👉Der #LivingPlanet-Talk zur #Energiewende und der großen Frage: Wie schaffen wir sie? Mit dabei ist die WWF-Klimachefin Viviane Raddatz. Ihr habt euch hoffentlich angemeldet, und seid beim #Streaming-Event dabei?
#LivingPlanet #Energiewende #streaming
#LivingPlanet-Talk: Am 19.05. sprechen wir ab 20:15 über die #Energiewende und wie wir sie schaffen können. Mit dabei ist die WWF Klimachefin @RaddatzWWF. Ihr müsst euch nur anmelden, um bei unserem exklusiven #Streaming-Event dabei zu sein:
#LivingPlanet #Energiewende #streaming
RT @ESA_EO: There are many cool places to learn about #EarthObservation, but the single place where you can learn the most is... the next #LivingPlanet Symposium #LPS22 😉
👉 Register now and secure yourself a seat at the Earth Observation event of the year:
#EarthObservation #LivingPlanet #LPS22