Karen Woodham ✅ · @karenwoodham
32 followers · 117 posts · Server mastodon.world

It's been a bit of another tough day today. After taking mum to the hospital for an appointment where it turned out the bump on her head had caused some "crystals" in her ear to dislodge that helps with balance, we got home and I've spent the last 3 hours looking for her TV remote that she lost 6 days ago in her bedroom.

Suffice to say it's not in her bedroom, so no idea what she has done with it!

#carerslife #dementiacarer #LivingWithDementia

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorna Simes · @lornasimes
52 followers · 271 posts · Server mastodon.scot

RT @LoreleiKing
What an extraordinary, original, movingly beautiful thing... 💙 twitter.com/rtenews/status/164

#actors #alzheimers #LivingWithDementia #dementia

Last updated 2 years ago

Thor · @thundergod97
19 followers · 141 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Just caught my dad, who has , jumping straight to the "well if you won't get it for me, I'll get it myself".

He thinks he can "headtalk", ie telepathy. Pretty sure he thought he headtalked me to ask me to get him a drink. When I didn't respond, he told me he'd get it. I told him I can't "headtalk" and that I require verbal communication, and got up to get him a drink.

#dementia #LivingWithDementia

Last updated 2 years ago

Thor · @thundergod97
19 followers · 141 posts · Server fosstodon.org

re after server move

Everything in my Profile of course

Couple other things:

I'm currently an unemployed former-Autozoner taking care of my elderly father who has dementia.

Been on Twitter a while as my primary social...but I can see some problems there and the potential.

I was on G+ before that and didn't hate it like most.

Never did Facebook much and have avoided them entirely in the VR space ()...not about to start with their AR either.

#introduction #caretaker #LivingWithDementia #vive

Last updated 2 years ago