Glad we got cold hardy chickens; overnight it officially dropped to -13F / -25C measured on our Davis weather station.
We monitor the chicken coop/run temp/humidity and the water level/temperature thru #HomeAssistant with #LoRaWan sensors thru #TheThingsNetwork
1. Never ceases to amaze me how durable chickens can be when healthy #FeatherPower
2. Very proud of my DIY water heater setup I did as the water *never* froze 😊
#homeassistant #LoRaWan #thethingsnetwork #featherpower
Ok all you HA gurus, I can use
some help. I want to use a Cubecell LoRa module to notify when trash is picked up. I want to do a deep sleep, and then use a wake up pin with something like a tilt switch to wake them up to beacon they are on their side. Trying to find a simple but reliable way to detect when it's at an angle to use on a wake pin of the MCU. Thanks! 😊
#homeassistant #homeautomation #LoRaWan
I love stuff like this... I know I could cut out TTN with ChirpStack, but it just works so no reason to at this time. Amazes me how fast the state change of the magnetic contact hits HA (usually in about a second or two). That includes a wake from a deep sleep on the LoRa sensor.
#homeautomation #homeassistant #LoRaWan
I'm a bit addicted to data collection, I don't know why. Sometimes it's annoying (like why does the water level sensor think it's so high, sigh.) But it's also surprising sometimes. I did a DIY water heater using an outdoor pipe heater wrapped around a 5 gallon bucket with insulation. It keeps it over 60F most of the time 😮 Curious when it gets colder this winter what it will be. It's a lot hotter than I thought it was... poor girls.
#homeautomation #homeassistant #chickens #LoRaWan