According to #LobbyFacts, BASF is one of the biggest corporate actors in Brussels …
Important new article by @FTM_nl and @peterteffer on the #revolvingdoors of EP assistants.
It uses #LobbyFacts data with @parltrack data to compile evidence for article.
Check out https://www.lobbyfacts.eu/
RT @FTM_eu
Former assistants of Members of the European Parliament have free rein to lobby on legislation they were involved with. Although the European Parliament can impose a temporary lobbying ban on them, it rarely does so. h…
It’s not just BASF of course.
On #LobbyFacts you can check out any lobby group active in Brussels – just so long as they are registered in the EU’s (voluntary) register.
See for example, #CreditSuisse with its €1million+ lobby budget
BASF is also a member of many other industry lobby groups. #LobbyFacts can track their spending today & in the past.
Meanwhile IntegrityWatch, run by @TI_EU, can help you explore (declared) meetings between BASF and MEPs.
Using #LobbyFacts and its “lobby client by name” search we also calculated that BASF or its subsidiaries have used 15 lobby or law firms since 2011. That’s a lot! You can explore these firms & their other clients
As #LobbyFacts holds an archive of lobby data from 2011, we calculated BASF’s declared spend as €29.6 million+ for 2011-21.
This week BASF updated its entry with its 2022 declared lobby spend: that’s another £3million+ to add to the tally.
According to #LobbyFacts, BASF is one of the biggest corporate actors in Brussels …
RT @lobbycontrol
Das EU-Transparenzregister bedankt sich bei LobbyControl & @corporateeurope, dass wir sie mithilfe von #Lobbyfacts auf über 400 fehlerhafte Einträge im Transparenzregister aufmerksam gemacht haben. Ca.40% davon sind aus dem Register geflogen, der Rest korrigiert. Gern geschehen🤓
RT @lobbycontrol@twitter.com
Schon merkwürdig: #Katar betreibt offensichtlich massiv Lobbyarbeit in Brüssel - und keine einzige Lobbyagentur im EU-Lobbyregister führt das Land als Kunden? Spricht für enorme Schlupflöcher im Register. Mit #Lobbyfacts kann man die wenigen Infos zu #Qatargate zusammenkratzen https://twitter.com/corporateeurope/status/1602347431244759040
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/lobbycontrol/status/1602618025907200002
RT @lobbycontrol@twitter.com
Schon merkwürdig: #Katar betreibt offensichtlich massiv Lobbyarbeit in Brüssel - und keine einzige Lobbyagentur im EU-Lobbyregister führt das Land als Kunden? Spricht für enorme Schlupflöcher im Register. Mit #Lobbyfacts kann man die wenigen Infos zu #Qatargate zusammenkratzen https://twitter.com/corporateeurope/status/1602347431244759040
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/lobbycontrol/status/1602618025907200002
RT @corporateeurope: 1/7 According to #LobbyFacts, there are no EU #lobby transparency register entries listed from #Qatar today.
👉 https://corporateeurope.org/en/2022/12/qatargate-time-close-door-repressive-regime-lobbying-0
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/joseggusmao/status/1602624452273278977
#LobbyFacts #lobby #Qatar #QatarGate
RT @corporateeurope: 1/7 According to #LobbyFacts, there are no EU #lobby transparency register entries listed from #Qatar today.
👉 https://corporateeurope.org/en/2022/12/qatargate-time-close-door-repressive-regime-lobbying-0
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Left_EU/status/1602348303538167808
#LobbyFacts #lobby #Qatar #QatarGate
More on #Uber's lobbying of EU is at #LobbyFacts with data going back to 2013