Yes, banning no-fault evictions is a good start. But renters are still at the mercy of rogue landlords | Dan Wilson Craw | The Guardian
#NoFaultEvictions #NoFaultEvictionBan #RogueLandlords #landlords #renters #section21 #HousingAct #RentersReformBill #homelessness #RentersReformCoalition #LocalHousingAllowance #Housebuilding
REVEALED: The Staggering Rises in Rent Shortfalls Caused by Housing Benefit Cuts – Byline Times
With the cost of living crisis pushing up rents and Local Housing Allowance frozen since 2020, more and more of the poorest private tenants are struggling to make ends meet
#HousingBenefit #housing #costoflivingcrisis #Rents #LocalHousingAllowance #HousingBenefitCuts #PrivateTenants #tenants