RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Repubblika president addresses Palermo event marking anniversary of Capaci bombing
#localnews #newsupdate #latestnews @repubblikaMT #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1661312341055623171
#LocalNews #newsupdate #latestnews #newsbookmalta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Police chief is 'biggest obstacle to justice'
@repubblikaMT #Localnews #newsupdate #Malta #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1658829438149165068
#LocalNews #newsupdate #Malta #newsbookmalta
Henry Winkler stops by eastern Oklahoma restaurant for dinner
You could t make it up. When @MaltaPolice need a car for an undercover operation, they lease a car l, with a data tracking device inside, from a known criminal. Otherwise how would the underworld know of the Police surveillance? @repubblikaMT
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: The police did not reply to the latest set of questions
#localnews #latestnews #newsupdate #Malta #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1643251647491997696
#LocalNews #latestnews #newsupdate #Malta #newsbookmalta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: On Wednesday, @repubblikaMT unfurled a large #banner that reads ‘corruption’, outside the publicly funded #office used by Muscat at Sa Maison in the wake of Friday’s historical #judgement.
Read more: https://newsbook.com.mt/en/you-should-be-in-jail-repubblika-holds-protest-outside-joseph-muscats-office/?utm_source=Newsbook+Front+Page&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Twitter
#protest #corruption #government #Malta #localnews
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1631182362129186818
#Banner #office #judgement #protest #Corruption #government #Malta #LocalNews
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Jistaqsi hux ġust li Joseph Muscat juża lill-Kabinett bħala paraventu quddiem id-deċiżjoni tal-Qorti
@EvaristBartolo @JosephMuscat_JM #politics #Malta #LocalNews
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1629421371536056322
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Il-Malta Police Union ordnat direttiva ġdida dalgħodu fejn qed titlob lill-membri tagħha biex ma jixtrux il-biljetti tal-Gozo Channel meta jkollhom jużawh fuq xogħol.
Aqra iktar: https://newsbook.com.mt/pulizija-ordnati-biex-ma-jixtrux-biljetti-tal-gozo-channel/?utm_source=Newsbook+Front+Page&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Twitter
#gozochannel #tickets #Transportation #Malta #LocalNews
📸 Miguela Xuereb
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1622906635495538688
#gozochannel #tickets #transportation #Malta #LocalNews
Gennata tal-prima klassi. Lanqas fl-iskejjel f’Arizona ma jaghmluha.
Ghandna dritt inkunu nafu x’inhi l-pozizzjoni tal-@PNmalta car u tond? Leadership not selfies. You can’t run with the hares & hunt with the hounds @BirdLife_Malta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Esibizzjoni ta’ kaċċa fl-iskejjel: “Jippromwovu l-armi fost it-tfal”
#Children #education #students #hunting #localnews #latestnews #Malta #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1619272845393301504
#children #education #Students #hunting #LocalNews #latestnews #Malta #newsbookmalta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: L-eks Ministru Laburista @EvaristBartolo saqsa jekk jagħmilx sens li tressaq “soluzzjoni li toħloq iżjed problemi”.
#abortion #localnews #newsupdate #Malta #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1616011147257290753
#abortion #LocalNews #newsupdate #Malta #newsbookmalta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Sostna li l-eks Kummissarju Cutajar telliflu d-dritt għall-pensjoni tas-servizz fil-korp
#localnews #latestnews #Malta #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1603375511341858818
#LocalNews #latestnews #Malta #newsbookmalta
A look inside Dallastowns New Brewery, Scrubby's https://susquehannasignal.com/a-look-inside-scrubbys-brewery/ #LocalNews
Behind the scenes in Red Lions Newest Bar & Tap Room https://susquehannasignal.com/behind-the-scenes-in-red-lions-newest-tasting-room/ #LocalNews #RedLion
Tackling poverty and inequality within poverty across the city
#CostOfLivingCrises #Aberdeen
RT @AberdeenBizNews: Councillors updated on measures to tackle poverty and inequality https://aberdeenbusinessnews.co.uk/councillors-updated-on-measures-to-tackle-poverty-and-inequality/ #localnews #aberdeen
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Christia_Allard/status/1595858076242178048
#CostOfLivingCrises #Aberdeen #LocalNews
I hope some people with more #MastodonExperience can tell us #newbies if there is a #translation function. There's no news like #LocalNews, and that comes in local language.
#MastodonExperience #newbies #translation #LocalNews
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: A court has rejected a request to admit former disgraced prime minister Joseph Muscat and his wife, Michelle, as parte civile, in criminal proceedings against former inspector Jonathan Ferris, who is being charged with perjury.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1577667601915944961
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Claiming that the magistrate’s refusal to rescue herself is breaching @repubblikaMT's human rights, the group’s president @RobertAquilina3 said “Magistrate Nadine Lia is denying us a fair hearing.”
#hearing #HumanRights #court #Malta #LocalNews
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1569327019715960833
#hearing #humanrights #court #Malta #LocalNews
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: "Irridu azzjoni kontra l-korruzzjoni" - @repubblikaMT
Għal din id-dimostrazzjoni attendew ukoll membri tal-ADPD u ta’ diversi NGOs fil-pajjiż.
Aqra iktar: https://newsbook.com.mt/ritratti-protesta-fit-toroq-tal-belt-kontra-l-korruzzjoni/?utm_source=Newsbook+Front+Page&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Twitter
#protest #anticorruption @RobertAquilina3 #Malta #localnews
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1567402025167601664
#protest #Anticorruption #Malta #LocalNews
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Transport Malta has not replied to questions on what will happen to candidates who passed their driving tests after receiving favourable treatment.
#driverslisence #transport #Malta #localnews #latestnews #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1565588102223220736
#driverslisence #Transport #Malta #LocalNews #latestnews #newsbookmalta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: “This is an unprecedented step in this country, we have never had civil society present in court a part of a magisterial inquiry,” Aquilina said at a press conference outside of the Law Courts on Thursday morning.
#localnews #Malta #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1565286108052819969
#LocalNews #Malta #newsbookmalta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Portelli’s residential units in Jerma up for sale, despite having no permit
Read more: https://i.newsbook.com.mt/FpK8J21
#Jerma #residentialunits #upforsale #nopermit #localnews #Malta #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1550466999247142913
#Jerma #residentialunits #upforsale #nopermit #LocalNews #Malta #newsbookmalta