I do miss the possibility to follow a #localTimeline from another server at my home server. It would make #Mastodon so much better with this #desiredFeature .
#LocalTimeline #mastodon #desiredfeature
I wrote this earlier in the month but my non-pinned toots self-destruct after a spell, so here it is again, pinned.
Instance cohorts, I generally don’t follow you. That’s nothing personal; it’s a decision based on how mastodon works. Since I already see all of your posts in the local timeline, I don’t need to see them in duplicate in my home timeline, too. Since the big twitter influx, my home timeline is now moving fast, almost too fast. So, partitioning becomes important.
Maybe a fluke, but i think the straight up advertising posts in #localTimeline are increasing. I'll be muting liberally.
On the birbsite i was blocking ad accounts on sight, and even there it made a difference.
Another thing to love about #mastodon: It has three speeds.
Casual walking speed: #HomeTimeLine
Touring biking speed:
Breakneck jet speed:
I mostly walk, but occasionally bike to change the scenery.
#mastodon #hometimeline #LocalTimeline #federatedtimeline
Is there a way of getting a #post / #toot onto the #localtimeline of another #instance, other than being a member of that other instance and posting/tooting it there again separately e.g. copy and paste? #tootorial
#post #toot #LocalTimeline #instance #tootorial
Is there a way of getting a #post / #toot onto the #localtimeline of another #instance, other than being a member of that other instance it and posting/tooting it there again separately e.g. copy and paste? #tootorial
#post #toot #LocalTimeline #instance #tootorial
You write a #post / #toot at time T2 in your #instance. Someone in a different instance #boosts #boost your post at time T1.
WHERE in the #localtimeline of the *other* instance of the boosting person does your post / toot appear ?
#post #toot #instance #boosts #boost #LocalTimeline
If you run a #mastodon #instance with #mastodon 4.0 #mastodon4 #mastodon4_0 then you can #follow #hashtags #followHashtags. Does it make sense to have a #personalInstance with no other members & #filter the #fediverse #timeline & follow hashtags instead of having any #localTimeline at all? The power of mastadon is less if sticking to a local timeline & having to ignore the fediverse timeline because it is has too many posts. Does a personal 4.0 server help? Or just wait for #fosstodon upgrade?
#mastodon #instance #Mastodon4 #mastodon4_0 #follow #hashtags #followhashtags #PersonalInstance #filter #fediverse #timeline #LocalTimeline #fosstodon
#localtimeline not working and #federatedtimeline working implies #fosstodon issue ? 19:25 CET 6-Nov-22
#LocalTimeline #federatedtimeline #fosstodon
@mhall119 @acutesailboat now that they added the #LocalTimeline to the official app it’s actually usable for me. One time that I just realized is missing from the official app is the ability to #bookmark toots :ac_question: Also searching for emoji using “:” doesn’t work as well as it does in the web app.
Apparently we're talking about the #LocalTimeline on account of it not being in the iPhone app.
It never really seemed well implemented to me anyway. Trouble is that it can't be read from outside the instance, and it can't be posted to from outside the instance.
So to join that group you gotta create a new account, and then manage multiple accounts.
Would probably be better to have some kind of proper intra-instance group function instead to be honest.
ฝากทุกท่าน onboarding สมาชิกใหม่ด้วยครับ โดยดูสมาชิกใหม่ได้จาก #ในเซิร์ฟเวอร์ครับ ( #LocalTimeline )
#ในเซิร์ฟเวอร์ครับ #LocalTimeline