Do you have a website/eepsites for this we can share with a hardware-oriented persons?
Have you heard of #LochaMesh, they are SouthAmerican-based we understand, they went on #KeiserReport to attract interest a couple years ago now.
We strongly, strongly recommend your progress on the software be matched by openHardware progress. This includes for your own safety.
@cjd @JackMeinoff @stux
Is it true that #Tor and #i2p are blocked in some cities where the #protests are?
If so that drives home the need for #meshnet (eg. #LochaMesh). Apparently there are people on the street using encrypted #walkieTalkies and #transponderLocators?
We've said it before but will repeat - the #US has devolved into an aggressive, #thirdWorld country.
#gentrification #privatePrisons #riodCops #steroids #militarisation #violence #homeToRoost #inequality #sovereignty #privacy #safety #policeState
#tor #i2p #protests #meshnet #LochaMesh #walkieTalkies #transponderLocators #us #ThirdWorld #gentrification #privateprisons #riodCops #steroids #militarisation #violence #homeToRoost #inequality #sovereignty #privacy #safety #policestate
Found! It's called #LochaMesh
#KeiserReport, #E1405
4 July 2019 #independenceDay
Video (or soundcloud):
(required js: rt.com, jwpcdn.com, soundcloud, sndcdn)
This appears to be LochaMesh's Github
#LochaMesh #KeiserReport #E1405 #independenceday
Found! It's called #LochaMesh
#KeiserReport, #E1405
4 July 2019 #independenceDay
Video (or soundcloud):
(required js: rt.com, soundcloud, sndcdn)
This appears to be LochaMesh's Github
#LochaMesh #KeiserReport #E1405 #independenceday