Do you have a website/eepsites for this we can share with a hardware-oriented persons?

Have you heard of , they are SouthAmerican-based we understand, they went on to attract interest a couple years ago now.

We strongly, strongly recommend your progress on the software be matched by openHardware progress. This includes for your own safety.
@cjd @JackMeinoff @stux

#LochaMesh #KeiserReport

Last updated 4 years ago

Is it true that and are blocked in some cities where the are?

If so that drives home the need for (eg. ). Apparently there are people on the street using encrypted and ?

We've said it before but will repeat - the has devolved into an aggressive, country.

#tor #i2p #protests #meshnet #LochaMesh #walkieTalkies #transponderLocators #us #ThirdWorld #gentrification #privateprisons #riodCops #steroids #militarisation #violence #homeToRoost #inequality #sovereignty #privacy #safety #policestate

Last updated 5 years ago

(see previously tagged)


Last updated 5 years ago

Found! It's called

4 July 2019

Video (or soundcloud):
(required js: rt.com, jwpcdn.com, soundcloud, sndcdn)

This appears to be LochaMesh's Github

#LochaMesh #KeiserReport #E1405 #independenceday

Last updated 5 years ago

Found! It's called

4 July 2019

Video (or soundcloud):
(required js: rt.com, soundcloud, sndcdn)

This appears to be LochaMesh's Github

#LochaMesh #KeiserReport #E1405 #independenceday

Last updated 5 years ago