#TrumptyDumpty never built a wall
#TrumptyDumpty is in for a great fall
All the #GOPTraitors
All his fellow felons
Finally convinced the people
To dump #TrumptyDumpty again & again
#trumpforprison #LockHimUpNow #goptraitors #trumptydumpty
How many people are gonna change their profile pics to Trumps mugshot? #FuckTrump #LockHimUpNow #DontDropSoap #BlackMastodon #Mastodon
#Mastodon #BlackMastodon #dontdropsoap #LockHimUpNow #fucktrump
After seeing all of the cases of the people involved. It's clear to me that if a jury were to be selected, and all this evidence got shown. THEY WOULD CONVICT!
#January6thCommittee #wewantjustice #dumptrump #LockHimUpNow #DemocracyWins
RT @Strandjunker@twitter.com
Trump stole documents on confidential informants in January 2021 and 9 months later CIA Counterintelligence sent a top secret cable warning an unusually high number of confidential informants had been killed, captured, or compromised. I feel like more people should mention that.
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/Strandjunker/status/1563881807384395776
Tja, blรถd gelaufen, auch, dass der Durchsuchungsbeschluss durch einen von Trump eingesetzten Richter erfolgte, finde ich eines Schmunzelns wรผrdig. #LockHimUpNow
RT @Dr_Alex_H_B@twitter.com
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/Dr_Alex_H_B/status/1557693139590193155
RT @tomeblen@twitter.com
Let's reflect a moment: the POTUS incited a mob of supporters to stage a violent, deadly insurrection at the Capitol. Trump must be removed from office ASAP and prosecuted. Republican enablers like @senatemajldr@twitter.com must lead the charge or be forever damned to shame. #LockHimUpNow
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/tomeblen/status/1347028985570582529