Periodic reminder that #LockTheClock legislation exists only for points scoring because the federal legislature will never approve year round DST. If this was serious, then it would be to #AbolishDST, which we could do this week.
Northern hemisphere daylight savings time date is approaching - could it be the last? Permanent standard time, which is better for human health, is gaining traction in USA...
RT @ErikHerzog
Thanks @mr_jay_pea! The growing number of states considering #pST (yellow dots on these maps) or rejecting #pDST (blue x) impresses…trending towards #permanentStandardTime #locktheclock. @SRBR_Outreach…
#LockTheClock #permanentstandardtime #pdst #pst
It's back, but this time it's looking like it's going to be referred to the voters.
#Oklahoma #LockTheClock #AbolishDST