5 Things Disabled People Should Never Feel Embarrassed About During The Covid pandemic
#corona #covid #lockdown #pandemic #virus
#Corona #COVID #Lockdown #Pandemic #virus
Red called me last night and begged to ‘come home’. During our long distance #lockdown #love we’d hastily proposed and chosen names for a child. This all fell apart once the realities of living together became apparent. She accused me of lying to her and leaving her with nothing. It’s hard to hear and piles on the guilt, but it was never going to work. I made it 💯 clear that it’s over. I’ll always care for her and hope she turns things around #relationships #breakup
#breakup #relationships #love #Lockdown
„Partygate“: Video zeigt britische Tories beim Feiern im #Lockdown https://orf.at/stories/3320680/
Behavioral Responses Of Terrestrial Mammals To COVID-19 Lockdowns
https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abo6499 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #WhereAnimalsGo #covid19 #lockdowns #lockdown #policy #policies #tracking #covid #opportunity #data #change #GPS #tracking #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #terrestrial #mammals #model #modeling #animals #animalbehavior #animalbehaviour #transportation #routes #avoidance #landscape #spatialdata #mobility
#gis #spatial #mapping #whereanimalsgo #COVID19 #lockdowns #Lockdown #policy #policies #Tracking #COVID #opportunity #data #change #gps #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #terrestrial #mammals #model #modeling #animals #AnimalBehavior #animalbehaviour #transportation #routes #avoidance #landscape #spatialdata #mobility
This popped up in my #FacebookMemories from 3 years ago.
#TheKifness I Get Locked Down (Tubthumping Parody)
#COVID #Pandemic #kifness #Lockdown #thekifness #facebookmemories
This popped up in my #FacebookMemories from 3 years ago.
#TheKifness I Get Locked Down (Tubthumping Parody)
#kifness #Lockdown #thekifness #facebookmemories
A #random woman having a #MentalHealthCrisis #attacks and beats a random 11-year old boy, who had two large bumps on his head, bruises, and wounds on his back.
#Police took the woman to the hospital for evaluation. And then, police just... let her... walk away.
She was not #arrested.
Because in #Georgia, what she did is only a #misdemeanor. 🤬
Beacon Hill #parent was accused of beating 11-year-old student two days before #lockdown | #Decaturish @Decaturish
#iamdb #decaturish #Lockdown #parent #misdemeanor #Georgia #arrested #Police #attacks #mentalhealthcrisis #random
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Beim Aufräumen des Autos im Handschuhfach ganz unten meine Bestätigungen von 2020 und 2021 wiederentdeckt über die Zugehörigkeit zu einer systemrelevanten Berufsgruppe. Meine Güte, war das eine Zeit! #COVID19 #Lockdown Gruselig leere Autobahnen und Raststätten ohne Betrieb, ein Flughafen völlig still, die Feuerwehr, die mit Durchsagen durch den Ort fuhr, letzte übereilte Einkäufe, bevor die Baumärkte schlossen, Ungewissheit über alles ... Inzwischen wieder unvorstellbar, dass es so mal war.
On this day, March 23rd 2020, the UK finally went into lockdown in response to the new and terrifying #SarsCov2 virus. As ex-PM Boris Johnson lies and blusters his way through the latest attempt to hold him to account, a reminder from the FT of that time. The main priority of Johnson and the then Chancellor Rishi Sunak was always money and profit for their friends and donors, not us, the people.
#OTD #Covid19 #Lockdown #BorisJohnson #RishiSunak #PeopleNotProfit
#PeopleNotProfit #RishiSunak #borisjohnson #Lockdown #COVID19 #otd #sarscov2
If a government was going to try to control the population, #COVID proved that doing it using a #lockdown would not only be bad, it would be counterintuitive. Profits for big companies went down, and in #China the amount of anti-government sentiment has reached a fever pitch.
Remember these? I just loved seeing how creative people were during lockdown. Seems like ages ago.
And these: https://time.com/5817117/coronavirus-art-history/
And: https://mymodernmet.com/recreate-art-history-challenge/
#COVID #Art #creative #coping #Lockdown
Good morning, Australia!
Good afternoon, Americas!
Good evening, Europe!
This is your last call to register and watch this webcast: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tq37Q52eTX6wKOk2DipCfg
In AU: Tue, Feb 14, 2023, 9-10 am AEDT
In US: Mon, Feb 13, 2023, 4-5 pm CST
In EU: Mon, Feb 13, 2023, 10-11 pm GMT
#24HourCities #24HourEconomy #24HourNation #Australia #Clubs #EmilyCollins #InvestmentNSW #Lockdown #Lockouts #MichaelRodrigues #Music #Musicians #MusicNSW #NewSouthWales #Nightlife #NighttimeEconomy #NSW #Sydney #Webinar
#webinar #sydney #nsw #nighttimeeconomy #nightlife #newsouthwales #musicnsw #Musicians #Music #michaelrodrigues #lockouts #Lockdown #investmentnsw #emilycollins #clubs #Australia #24hournation #24houreconomy #24hourcities
Cities around the world are struggling to regain their pre-pandemic nighttime vibrancy. #Sydney, #Australia, however, is soaring. Live music is part of its formula for success.
Learn from #MichaelRodrigues and #EmilyCollins during a free, 24HourNation web panel, "Sydney Unlocked."
In AU: Tue, Feb 14, 2023, 9-10 am AEDT
In USA: Mon, Feb 13, 2023, 4-5 pm CST
#Lockdown #Lockouts #Music #MusicNSW #Nightlife #NighttimeEconomy #Webinar
#webinar #nighttimeeconomy #nightlife #musicnsw #Music #lockouts #Lockdown #emilycollins #michaelrodrigues #Australia #sydney
24HourNation invites nighttime economy advocates from around the world to join us for a story of success.
In Australia: Tue, Feb 14, 2023, 9-10 am AEDT
In North America: Mon, Feb 13, 2023, 4-5 pm CST
#24HourCities #24HourEconomy #24HourNation #Australia #Clubs #EmilyCollins #Lockdown #Lockouts #MichaelRodrigues #Music #Musicians #MusicNSW #NewSouthWales #Nightlife #NighttimeEconomy #NSW #Sydney #Webinar #Webinars
#webinars #webinar #sydney #nsw #nighttimeeconomy #nightlife #newsouthwales #musicnsw #Musicians #Music #michaelrodrigues #lockouts #Lockdown #emilycollins #clubs #Australia #24hournation #24houreconomy #24hourcities
We were treated to a fascinating talk on science scepticism & vaccine hesistancy in Austria yesterday, Many thanks to Michaela Pfadenhauer (Uni Wien) for the talk, as well as Barbara Pfetsch (FUBerlin) and Steffen Mau (HU Berlin) for their commentary!
#sociology #vaccinehesitancy #scienceskepticism #Pandemic #lockdown
#Lockdown #Pandemic #scienceskepticism #vaccinehesitancy #sociology
What role has live music had in Sydney's nighttime economic stabilization and rebound? Let's find out!
We're pleased to announce that Emily Collins of #MusicNSW will be joining Michael Rodrigues for "Sydney Unlocked."
Why don't YOU join us, as well?
In Australia: Tue, Feb 14, 2023, 9-10 am AEDT
In North America: Mon, Feb 13, 2023, 4-5 pm CST
#Lockdown #Lockouts #NewSouthWales #Nightlife #NighttimeEconomy #Sydney #24HourNation #Webinar #Music
#Music #webinar #24hournation #sydney #nighttimeeconomy #nightlife #newsouthwales #lockouts #Lockdown #musicnsw
@dwnews_bot I just wish we'd also impose an actual #lockdown and stop forcing kids into unventilated classrooms...