I know we are fashionably late to the party, but we are enjoying #LockeAndKey so far.
We are half way through season 2.
There are a few elements of the storyline that are annoying me, some things haven't been explained at all and some of the characters need a good talking to, but other than that, all good...
And I haven't even started rewriting chunks of the dialogue and plot in my head yet. 😁
The opening scene of #LockeAndKey has a guy magically setting himself on fire? That is... a choice.
How the hell does #LockeAndKey on #netflix have a 7.3 rating on IMDb?? Shakes my confidence in the whole system. It's a 5 star pish rating btw 💩
#HitchhikersGuide #DouglasAdams
#Shannara #MagicKingdom #TerryBrooks
#Inheritance #ChristopherPaolini
#ButcherBird #RichardKadrey
#TheExpanse #JamesSACorey
#RiteOfPassage #AlexeiPanshin
#LockeAndKey #JoeHill
#Saga #BrianKVaughan
#HisDarkMaterials #PhilipPullman
#1984 #GeorgeOrwell
#AWrinkleInTime #MadeleineLEngle
#StrangerInAStrangeLand #RobertHeinlein
#Fahrenheit451 #RayBradbury
#WatershipDown #RichardAdams
#hitchhikersguide #douglasadams #shannara #magickingdom #TerryBrooks #inheritance #ChristopherPaolini #butcherbird #richardkadrey #theexpanse #jamessacorey #riteofpassage #alexeipanshin #LockeAndKey #joehill #saga #briankvaughan #hisdarkmaterials #philippullman #georgeorwell #awrinkleintime #madeleinelengle #strangerinastrangeland #robertheinlein #fahrenheit451 #raybradbury #watershipdown #richardadams
I'm working on #gideontheninth and the second volume of #LockeAndKey
Eine vom Schicksal geschlagene Familie erbt ein herrschaftliches Anwesen und zieht dafür in eine neue Gegend. Wärend die Mutter versucht, sich an die neuen Lebensumstände zu gewöhnen, entdecken die Kinder schnell, dass etwas nicht stimmt mit dem Haus: verschlossene Türen, mysteriöse Schlüssel, übernatürliche Begebenheiten. Und im Hintergrund lauert ein altes Böses auf seine Rückkehr!
#comics #comickritik #horror #grusel #review #lockeandkey #netflix #serie #haus #schlüssel #geister #lovecraft
#comics #comickritik #horror #grusel #review #LockeAndKey #netflix #serie #haus #schlussel #geister #lovecraft
Netflix is the hardest for me to do, because I give something a thumbs up and take it off my list when I'm done.
I watch a lot of #standupcomedy and a mix of shows.
This is a selection of it I can remember so far
I'm currently watching The Crown and I might be a season behind on Master of None. I started Money Heist.
Sci Fi/Fantasy/Comics
I'm a season behind on Raising Dion, Fate, Outlander, etc
Reality TV
I'm behind on #Blackish
Also AppleTV
Some of #WhoDoYouThinkYouAre
Sorry for the crazy posts. That's it for now 😜
#standupcomedy #avatarthelastairbender #thedragonprince #trollhunters #brooklynninenine #TheChair #thegoodplace #neverhaveiever #schittscreek #you #Murderville #squidgame #breakingbad #Bridgerton #Heartstopper #sexeducation #ThisIsUs #bureauofmagicalthings #lucifer #LockeAndKey #thesandman #sense8 #strangerthings #umbrellaacademy #BlingEmpire #datedandrelated #LoveIsBlind #IndianMatchmaking #toohottohandle #freshofftheboat #blackish #DefendingJacob #bigbangtheory #survivor #quantumleap #maskedsinger #whodoyouthinkyouare #poldark
Morgen startet der nächste Comicbattle! Falls ihr mit abstimmen wollt, schaut vorbei auf Tiktok: tiktok.com/@comickritik oder Instagram: instagram.com/comickritik
#comics #comickritik #comicbattle #batman #blackmirror #thedarkknightrises #ironmaiden #legacyofthebeast #infidel #Muslima #providence #hplovecraft #twd #thewalkingdead #zombies #horror #grusel #wettbewerb #abstimmung #LockeAndKey #TraumaTales #samsastraum
#comics #comickritik #comicbattle #batman #blackmirror #thedarkknightrises #ironmaiden #legacyofthebeast #infidel #Muslima #providence #hplovecraft #twd #thewalkingdead #zombies #horror #grusel #wettbewerb #abstimmung #LockeAndKey #TraumaTales #samsastraum
I finished the 3rd and final season of Locke & Key this week
The characters make all sorts of clumsy decisions, but the magic system is very neat
And an episode might introduce a new power, but they'll reuse it throughout the show instead of just conveniently forgetting about it
Nem vi que tinha saído nova temporada... Bora usar o que resta do domingo pra ver o que der...
#serie #Netflix #LockeAndKey
I watch @netflix shows like #StrangerThings #UmbrellaAcademy #lockeandkey #TheWitcher and I imagine they have a school where they train all their child actors until they're ready to graduate to a role in a show.
#strangerthings #umbrellaacademy #LockeAndKey #thewitcher
Bom dia, meus camaradas! Gravei um episódio bem legal sobre a nova série original da Netflix, Locke & Key. Escuta lá! http://mfn.bz/YqWn
#podcast #podcastbr #netflix #comics #LockeAndKey #JoeHill
Why is this still so bad? Is it because everyone is a teen and teens are the worst? But I liked the comics! #LockeAndKey