A voter would cast vote for Lok Sabha, State Assembly on single day under simulataneous polls #LokSabha #StateAssembly #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #stateassembly #LokSabha
#DNAWithSourabh Full Audio 🎧
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
• #NoConfidenceMotion: #RahulGandhi, #AmitShah clash on second day of debate (https://www.dnaindia.com/analysis/report-dna-special-rahul-gandhi-s-three-m-attack-on-centre-modi-manipur-and-mahila-3055204)
• #MoonRace: Will #Russia's #Luna25 beat #India's #Chandrayaan3? (https://www.dnaindia.com/india/video-dna-will-russia-s-luna-25-beat-chandrayaan-3-to-the-moon-3055227)
• #RefundScam: #Cybercriminals send fake #tax refund messages (https://www.dnaindia.com/personal-finance/report-beware-of-scam-fake-tax-refund-messages-circulating-warns-pib-fraud-3054996)
#BJP #Chandrayaan #Congress #cybercrime #cyberfraud #DNA #fraud #ISRO #LokSabha #Luna #mahila #Manipur #Modi #moonMission #news #podcast #women #ZeeNews
#ZeeNews #women #podcast #news #moonmission #modi #manipur #mahila #luna #LokSabha #isro #fraud #dna #cyberfraud #cybercrime #congress #chandrayaan #bjp #tax #cybercriminals #refundscam #Chandrayaan3 #india #luna25 #russia #moonrace #amitshah #RahulGandhi #NoConfidenceMotion #dnawithsourabh
#DNAWithSourabh #FullShow
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
🎞️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8k7L3Kj_eM
• #NoConfidenceMotion: #RahulGandhi, #AmitShah clash on second day of debate (https://www.dnaindia.com/analysis/report-dna-special-rahul-gandhi-s-three-m-attack-on-centre-modi-manipur-and-mahila-3055204)
• #MoonRace: Will #Russia's #Luna25 beat #India's #Chandrayaan3? (https://www.dnaindia.com/india/video-dna-will-russia-s-luna-25-beat-chandrayaan-3-to-the-moon-3055227)
• #RefundScam: #Cybercriminals send fake #tax refund messages (https://www.dnaindia.com/personal-finance/report-beware-of-scam-fake-tax-refund-messages-circulating-warns-pib-fraud-3054996)
#BJP #Chandrayaan #Congress #cybercrime #DNA #fraud #ISRO #LokSabha #Luna #mahila #Manipur #Modi #moonMission #news #women #ZeeNews
#ZeeNews #women #news #moonmission #modi #manipur #mahila #luna #LokSabha #isro #fraud #dna #cybercrime #congress #chandrayaan #bjp #tax #cybercriminals #refundscam #Chandrayaan3 #india #luna25 #russia #moonrace #amitshah #RahulGandhi #NoConfidenceMotion #fullshow #dnawithsourabh
#ComingUp on #DNAWithSourabh
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
• #NoConfidenceMotion: #Congress leader #RahulGandhi, Home Minister #AmitShah clash on second day of debate
• #MoonRace: Will #Russia's #Luna25 beat #India's #Chandrayaan3?
• #RefundScam: #Cybercriminals target #taxPayers with fake #tax refund messages
#BJP #Chandrayaan #cybercrime #DNA #fraud #incomeTaxReturn #ISRO #LokSabha #Luna #mahila #Manipur #Modi #moonMission #news #Roscosmos #women #ZeeNews
#ZeeNews #women #roscosmos #news #moonmission #modi #manipur #mahila #luna #LokSabha #isro #incometaxreturn #fraud #dna #cybercrime #chandrayaan #bjp #tax #taxpayers #cybercriminals #refundscam #Chandrayaan3 #india #luna25 #russia #moonrace #amitshah #RahulGandhi #congress #NoConfidenceMotion #dnawithsourabh #ComingUp
PM Modi to reply on no-confidence motion today in Lok Sabha #PMModi #LokSabha #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #LokSabha #PMModi
9 ஆண்டுகால பிஜேபி கொடூர மக்கள் விரோத ஆட்சிக்கு எதிராக தேசம் தழுவிய மாபெரும் இயக்கத்தில் பங்கேற்க மார்க்சிஸ்ட் கம்யூனிஸ்ட் கட்சியை அழைப்பு.
கொடுத்த வாக்குறுதி ஆண்டுக்கு 2 கோடி வேலை; ஆனால், உண்மையில் நடந்தது, வேலை இழப்பு தனியார்மயம், ஒப்பந்தக் கூலி.
மக்கள் விரோதிகளுக்கு எதிராக கிளர்ந்து எழுவோம்!
செப்டம்பர் 1-7, 2023 #CPIM மத்தியக்குழு அறைகூவல்!
#ModiFailed #NoConfidenceMotion #LokSabha #cpimprotest #BJPFails #RSSTerrorists #bjpmadedisaster #bjpterrorism #BJPHataoDeshBachao #modimadedisaster
#modimadedisaster #BJPHataoDeshBachao #BJPTerrorism #BJPMadeDisaster #RSSTerrorists #BJPFails #CPIMProtest #LokSabha #NoConfidenceMotion #modifailed #cpim
Chaos ensues in Lok Sabha as treasury benches, opposition clash #Chaos #LokSabha #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #LokSabha #chaos
‘I will contest from Hajipur seat in Lok Sabha poll’, says Pashupati Paras #‘I #Hajipur #LokSabha #PashupatiParas #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #pashupatiparas #LokSabha #hajipur
RT @_maadhyam_@twitter.com
Minister RK Singh moves to introduce #ElectricityAmendmentBill in #LokSabha
Faces severe opposition, some MPs start protesting
NK Premachandran opposes:
- provisions against federalism, violates Constitution
- Electricity in concurrent list item 38, should have consulted states
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/_maadhyam_/status/1556532996081319936
#LokSabha #ElectricityAmendmentBill
RT @_maadhyam_@twitter.com
Minister RK Singh moves to introduce #ElectricityAmendmentBill in #LokSabha
Faces severe opposition, some MPs start protesting
NK Premachandran opposes:
- provisions against federalism, violates Constitution
- Electricity in concurrent list item 38, should have consulted states
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/_maadhyam_/status/1556532996081319936
#LokSabha #ElectricityAmendmentBill
New parliamentary hack.
Arrest or interrogate any non BJP character (those in the BJP are, of course, pristine and untouchable), and adjourn the Rajya Sabha over the resulting protests.
Speaker and ED - such a deadly combination.
RT @DeccanHerald@twitter.com
#LokSabha, #RajyaSabha adjourned till noon amid protests by Opposition over #SanjayRaut's arrest.
https://www.deccanherald.com/national/parliament-monsoon-session-updates-live-opposition-agnipath-gst-narendra-modi-congress-crypto-economy-politics-1131908.html https://www.deccanherald.com/national/parliament-monsoon-session-updates-live-opposition-agnipath-gst-narendra-modi-congress-crypto-economy-politics-1131908.html#1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DeccanHerald/status/1553980483482025984
#MonsoonSession #parliament #SanjayRaut #rajyasabha #LokSabha
New parliamentary hack.
Arrest or interrogate any non BJP character (those in the BJP are, of course, pristine and untouchable), and adjourn the Rajya Sabha over the resulting protests.
Speaker and ED - such a deadly combination.
RT @DeccanHerald@twitter.com
#LokSabha, #RajyaSabha adjourned till noon amid protests by Opposition over #SanjayRaut's arrest.
https://www.deccanherald.com/national/parliament-monsoon-session-updates-live-opposition-agnipath-gst-narendra-modi-congress-crypto-economy-politics-1131908.html https://www.deccanherald.com/national/parliament-monsoon-session-updates-live-opposition-agnipath-gst-narendra-modi-congress-crypto-economy-politics-1131908.html#1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DeccanHerald/status/1553980483482025984
#MonsoonSession #parliament #SanjayRaut #rajyasabha #LokSabha
RT @_maadhyam_@twitter.com
Govt provides info on #UIDAI in #LokSabha:
- Rs.98159 lakh spent on enrolment since 2019, expenditure increasing more three times since 2019
- a child cannot be denied any subsidy for want of Aadhaar
- Till 31.03.2022, #Aadhaar cancelled for being duplicate, other reason- 598999
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/_maadhyam_/status/1549685123012268033
RT @_maadhyam_@twitter.com
Govt provides info on #UIDAI in #LokSabha:
- Rs.98159 lakh spent on enrolment since 2019, expenditure increasing more three times since 2019
- a child cannot be denied any subsidy for want of Aadhaar
- Till 31.03.2022, #Aadhaar cancelled for being duplicate, other reason- 598999
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/_maadhyam_/status/1549685123012268033
"Members should maintain decorum", but the Speaker can hack the Parliament all to hell and beyond with the execrable voice vote?
RT @DeccanHerald@twitter.com
#LokSabha Speaker #OmBirla on Thursday said no word has been banned from use in #Parliament and members are free to express their views while maintaining decorum of the House. https://www.deccanherald.com/national/no-words-banned-but-members-should-maintain-decorum-lok-sabha-speaker-om-birla-1126649.html
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DeccanHerald/status/1547579203347816451
#parliament #OmBirla #LokSabha
"Members should maintain decorum", but the Speaker can hack the Parliament all to hell and beyond with the execrable voice vote?
RT @DeccanHerald@twitter.com
#LokSabha Speaker #OmBirla on Thursday said no word has been banned from use in #Parliament and members are free to express their views while maintaining decorum of the House. https://www.deccanherald.com/national/no-words-banned-but-members-should-maintain-decorum-lok-sabha-speaker-om-birla-1126649.html
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DeccanHerald/status/1547579203347816451
#parliament #OmBirla #LokSabha
RT @SFLCin@twitter.com
The Criminal Procedure (Identification) Bill, 2022, prima facie, fails to satisfy the tests laid down by the Supreme Court in the landmark decision in K.S. Puttaswamy (2017).
#CriminalProcedureIdentificationBill2022 #LokSabha #surveillance #privacymatters
#privacymatters #Surveillance #LokSabha #CriminalProcedureIdentificationBill2022 #Breaking_News
RT @SFLCin@twitter.com
The Criminal Procedure (Identification) Bill, 2022, prima facie, fails to satisfy the tests laid down by the Supreme Court in the landmark decision in K.S. Puttaswamy (2017).
#CriminalProcedureIdentificationBill2022 #LokSabha #surveillance #privacymatters
#privacymatters #Surveillance #LokSabha #CriminalProcedureIdentificationBill2022 #Breaking_News
And we, the idiot citizens of this great country, will never get to know who were those 120 modern day Nazis who voted in favor of this atrocious assault on our Democracy.
RT @_maadhyam_@twitter.com
And with 120 votes in its favour and 58 against, the Criminal Procedure (Identification) Bill introduced in #LokSabha!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/_maadhyam_/status/1508345698097401858
And we, the idiot citizens of this great country, will never get to know who were those 120 modern day Nazis who voted in favor of this atrocious assault on our Democracy.
RT @_maadhyam_@twitter.com
And with 120 votes in its favour and 58 against, the Criminal Procedure (Identification) Bill introduced in #LokSabha!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/_maadhyam_/status/1508345698097401858