@karenyin Congratulations! LOVE Bel Canto in LB -- they've partnered with the Long Beach Public Library a couple of times for AAPI, LGBTQ, and BIPOC programs at the library.

#belcanto #LongBeachCA #lbpl #longbeachpubliclibrary

Last updated 2 years ago

I'm wondering how many Southern California folks are on Mastofdon? Especially Long Beach but really, wherever. I know our ex-mayor-now-Congressperson is on here @RobertGarcia and a local Congressperson @katieporteroc but any others?


#longbeach #LongBeachCA #socal #southerncalifornia #la #laca #losangeles #lakewood #signalhill #torrance

Last updated 2 years ago

BrianH · @BrianH
24 followers · 7 posts · Server mastodon.lol

I guess since I moved from another server, I should do this again.

Iā€™m part of the , enjoys , and all things ! I care about issues, which means I am also interested in to a certain extent, and . Parent to a .

Currently I commute between and

#introduction #socialmedia #migration #travel #music #food #aviation #movies #arts #theater #french #humanrights #lgbtq #politics #voteblue #dog #beagle #neworleans #LongBeachCA

Last updated 2 years ago