"What #LongCOVID investigators can learn from four decades of ME/CFS research"
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE @longcovid
#PwLC #PostCovidSyndrome #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC
#LongCovid #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #myalgice #pwlc #postcovidsyndrome #PostCovid #PostCovid19 #lc
"Yale School of Medicine (YSM) heeft op 18 augustus officieel haar nieuwe Center for Infection & Immunity (CII) gelanceerd, opgericht binnen de afdeling Immunobiologie. (-)
Onderzoekers zullen Long COVID, ME/CVS en de ziekte v Lyme onderzoeken.
(-) 10% van de infecties heeft geleid tot #LONGCOVID (-) Onderzoekers schatten dat wereldwijd 75 miljoen mensen aan de ziekte lijden, en aangezien er dagelijks nieuwe infecties ontstaan, is er “geen einde in zicht”, zegt Iwasaki."
#ABCovid; misschien ooit, over een jaar of tien komen we er achter dat #Covid19 en #LongCovid ook leiden tot sterfgevallen en hoge kosten.
Een veilige werkplek betekent ook #SchoneLucht
#SchoneLucht #LongCovid #COVID19 #abcovid
Mit #LongCovid kann man sich von ungefähr allen relevanten Aspekte des bisherigen Lebens verabschieden.
"Mein Alltag dreht sich nur noch darum zu planen, was mein Körper schafft und was nicht - wer mich zum Arzt fahren kann, wer für mich einkaufen, kochen, putzen oder andere Erledigungen machen kann."
"Inzwischen ist Daniela P. dauerhaft krankgeschrieben. An Arbeit ist nicht zu denken. "
#COVID19 #corona #PostCovid #LongCovid
3 days till Spring holidays!
I haven't had the stamina or energy to touch a wip for weeks, but with back to back days to rest, and give my #chronicpain and fatigue a kicking, I hope to return to #writing next week 😄
I'm glad to be at the stage of #longcovid recovery where my body only falls apart after 8-9 weeks of #teaching (used to be 5 🙃). This term is a huge improvement on last year!
#chronicpain #writing #LongCovid #teaching
And if you think I’m obsessed with #Covid it’s because I could see back in 2020 that #LongCovid was going to be a serious problem if covid wasn’t suppressed or eliminated, so I’m still bewildered by everything that has happened since then. If I knew, then the healthcare sector knew, politicians knew, influencers knew, they just pretended otherwise
And right now many people are sick again, and just accepting of it?
“Lockdowns” we’re sooo traumatic 🙄
I miss those days, now I’m the slow unfit one (thanks to #LongCovid) doing gentle Zumba in the corner of the room in my mask
Long-Covid-Betroffene besser versorgen: Noch gibt es wenig Anlaufstellen, Wartezeiten sind lang.
Über mögliche Lösungen spricht
#Bundesgesundheitsminister #Lauterbach heute mit Wissenschaftler:innen und Menschen aus dem #Gesundheitswesen.
https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/gesellschaft/longcovid-gesundheitsministerium-100.html; https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/lauterbach-runder-tisch-long-covid-100.html
@tagesschau, @ZDF
#LongCovid #Corona #Covid19 #Gesundheit
#gesundheit #COVID19 #Corona #LongCovid #Gesundheitswesen #lauterbach #Bundesgesundheitsminister
Terrific conversation amongst two absolute heroes of this pandemic… chief researcher Ziyad Al-Aly and chief communicator/scientist Eric Topol.
https://erictopol.substack.com/p/ziyad-al-aly-illuminating-long-covid?r=1urh5p&utm_medium=email Great podcast… We have some quiet super heroes wearing white coats without red capes… God bless all of them. #longcovid heroes
I cannot express how huge this is. Being able to get a diagnosis via blood test is so HUGE. For those lucky enough to have never experienced it, many of the conditions along with #MECFS that they hope this blood test could diagnose with over 90% certainty normally take YEARS to be diagnosed. #LongCovid #fibromyalgia #ms #LymeDisease
These are all life changing illnesses. The quicker you are diagnosed the quicker you can be treated.
#mecfs #LongCovid #fibromyalgia #ms #lymedisease
Another delay in latest data @Join_ZOE, and of course the UK's @ONS weekly surveillance reports have been suspended since March 2023. However, all the signs are that the virus (in whatever form it now takes) is spreading across the UK:
'Without infection, there is no #LongCovid
Meta blocks searches for "COVID", "long COVID", "porn", "sex", "gore" on #Threads because the company doesn't want to be controversial.
I'm sure this strategy will totally succeed and not be controversial at all.
Their whole strategy to avoid paying armies of moderators seems to be asking users to please only post fun stuff. Sure, Suck, that'll work.
Threads blocks searches related to covid and vaccines as cases rise
"#Yale School of Medicine (YSM) officially launched its new Center for #Infection & #Immunity (CII), established within the Department of #Immunobiology, on August 18."
"The mission of the new center will be to provide a greater understanding of the basic science behind infectious diseases, with an emphasis on #LongCOVID, post-treatment #Lyme disease, and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (#MECFS)."
#COVID19 #science #mecfs #lyme #LongCovid #immunobiology #immunity #infection #yale
@CassandraZeroCovid @cbarbermd Clearly written by someone who doesn't have #LongCovid
I see a sudden trend for purple lights on the ceiling of the newly-revamped parts of the White House. The press reports these as mood lighting when they really look very much like far UV.
Unless attendees revel in a nightclub toilet ambiance, I can't imagine the need for purple lights for any other reason than eliminating airborne viruses and bacteria.
But perhaps it's just ugly and weird.
Die Moderator*innen der "Aktuellen Stunde" im #WDR haben gerade über die steigenden #Corona-Zahlen, die Forderung der Ärzt*innen nach freiwilligem Masketragen und die Forderung des Apothekerverbands nach kostenfreien Bürgertests berichtet.
Der nachfolgende Beitrag zeigte dann eine von #LongCovid betroffene Abiturientin und ihren langwierigen Weg zurück zu mehr Normalität. Auch die ca. 1 Mio. Betroffenen in D wurden genannt.
War insgesamt sicher nicht perfekt, aber besser als nichts. Danke.
ME/CFS Activity Management with a Heart Rate Monitor from Workwell Foundation @4Workwell
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE @longcovid
#LongCovid #PwLC #PostCovidSyndrome #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC
#myalgicencephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #myalgice #LongCovid #pwLC #postcovidsyndrome #PostCovid #postCOVID19 #lc
Oh fuck I’m crashing!
Get pulse down…
Did I do too much just now? Was hardly anything! Overdid it yesterday? Felt mostly ok. The errands the day before? Thought I paced myself well…
Body aches…Nausea…Fog…No no no I really have to get to work—
*let it go, forgive yourself, back to bed, rest, day over*
Trying to gauge activity capacity is hard when post exertion malaise can hit 0–72h later with a big hard NOPE