Her way of indicating to me that she wants rat is by wrecking havoc in her viv. RIP cardboard tube! (Today she has eaten and is in a food coma).
#snakesaturday #snake #Longcat
Changed her water this morning, she comes up to analyse it.
#snake #LongCat #SnakesOfMastodon
#snake #Longcat #snakesofmastodon
Imagined conversation with #snake (based on real events).
- Human, my water is filthy! Change it at once!
- I just changed it! Then you went and peed in it.
*** 2 minutes later ***
- Human, where's my water bowl? It's gone!
// circles around where bowl was.
- It's disinfecting, I'll bring it back soon.
*** 5 minutes later ***
- Here's your fresh water!
- It smells funny. My scent is gone from the bowl. Are you sure you did the right thing?
// proceeds to sniff the water bowl for 5 minutes.
- ... Oh, there's new water in it. Yes, this seems acceptable.
// dunks her whole head underwater to drink
// coughs because she has water up her nose
#snake #snakesofmastodon #Longcat