I've just been for a slow walk around the local nature reserve, so still!
It took a lot longer than I normally take as the foot is playing up, quite painful!
#LongtonBrickcroft #Lancashire #NatureReserve #Reflections #OakApple
#LongtonBrickcroft #lancashire #naturereserve #reflections #oakapple
Sighted on a branch the model, Robin, waiting for a photographer to pass by!
#LongtonBrickcroft #Longton #preston #robin #bird
Spotted this mushroom from the road.
#mushroomdon #Longton #LongtonBrickcroft #Preston #Lancashire #NatureReserve
#mushroomdon #Longton #LongtonBrickcroft #preston #lancashire #naturereserve
Did an evening stroll tonight, as I have been a bit walkshy over the festivities. So today I've got up to 15k steps, taking 5k off my backlog!
Took a couple of nightscape photos!
#LongtonBrickcroft #NatureReserve #Night #Pond #Silhouette #Reflections #LightPollution #today
#today #LongtonBrickcroft #naturereserve #night #pond #silhouette #reflections #lightpollution
I'm not sure what these white birds are are that are perched in trees on the other side of the pond.
#whiteBirds #notSwans #perched #TreeBranches
#LongtonBrickcroft #Preston #Lancashire
#whiteBirds #notSwans #perched #TreeBranches #LongtonBrickcroft #preston #lancashire
Cormorant on a stump in the middle of the other pond at Longton Brickcroft, waiting patiently for some food!
#photo #cormorant #pond #LongtonBrickcroft
Waiting to fall! Unfortunately I don't know how they taste, as the ground below is heavily overgrown and brambly at the local nature reserve!
#WildApples #apples #photo #LongtonBrickcroft #lancashire
Some of the #phonephotos from my afternoon stroll.
#phonephotos #LongtonBrickcroft #lancashire #reflections #greysquirrel