Here is a #bloomscrolling offering for #today from the #PacificNorthwest 💚
(The fragrance in this particular zone of the garden is intense right now, as you can probably imagine.)
#bloomscrolling #today #pacificnorthwest #honeysuckle #Lonicera #pnw
Excited to see this, and hope it's not being too ambitious starting growth so early. Wasn't sure it had survived being transplanted last summer.
#honeysuckle #Lonicera #GardeningMastodon
#Lonicera periclymenum, family Caprifoliaceae, or wild #honeysuckle, or #woodbine, scrambling and cascading through trees in the woods, looking like a #Pollock painting in November
#Lonicera #honeysuckle #woodbine #pollock