When the advertiser saw the cathedral spires over the downs in the distance, he looked at them and wept.
"If only," he said, "this were an advertisement of Beefo, so nice, so nutritious, try it in your soup, ladies like it."
Any weird fiction fans here? I'm talking about the real stuff, from Weird Tales of the 1920s/30s.
I got into the genre in the usual way, through Lovecraft. And in the usual way I started exploring work of various writers in his circle, and the work of writers whom Lovecraft admired.
Hashtags for some of the weird fiction writers I like:
#hplovecraft #ClarkAshtonSmith #CLMoore #LeighBrackett #algernonblackwood #arthurmachen #LordDunsany #RobertEHoward #weirdfiction #WeirdTales #SeaburyQuinn
#hplovecraft #clarkashtonsmith #clmoore #leighbrackett #algernonblackwood #arthurmachen #LordDunsany #robertehoward #weirdfiction #weirdtales #seaburyquinn
By Lord Dunsany
When the advertiser saw the cathedral spires over the downs in the distance, he looked at them and wept.
"If only," he said, "this were an advertisement of Beefo, so nice, so nutritious, try it in your soup, ladies like it."
Bei #YuggothianRecords gibt es neben Musik auch Hörbücher von Autoren wie #ClarkAshtonSmith und #LordDunsany.
#yuggothianrecords #ClarkAshtonSmith #LordDunsany
Seen a few people listing 5-7 of their favorite authors as hashtags (so we can boost the lists we like and find each other). Here are some of mine…
#UrsulaLeGuin #UrsulaKLeGuin #Earthsea
#EdgarRiceBurroughs #Barsoom
#CJCherryh #Morgaine
#TanithLee #Cyrion #TheStormlord
#ChinaMieville #BasLag #Kraken
7 is not enough…
…I could go on
#thrillers #weirdfiction #urbanfantasy #swordandplanet #marionzimmerbradley #clivebarker #neilgaiman #leighbrackett #LordDunsany #robertehoward #kraken #baslag #ChinaMieville #RaymondChandler #thestormlord #cyrion #tanithlee #morgaine #cjcherryh #barsoom #edgarriceburroughs #earthsea #ursulakleguin #ursulaleguin
Here's my #bookstodon (first) post, of my most beloved, foundational, formatively lifechanging fav sf & f authors, some of whom have recently left us for unknown destinations, leaving me re-reading like crazy lately, doing my part to keep them in the world.
#LordDunsany #raybradbury #EdwardEager #jrrtolkien #LloydAlexander #ursulaleguin #SusanCooper #PatriciaMcKillip #TanithLee #cjcherryh #bookstodon
I wanted to post about books! I love optimistic #scifi, and some #fantasy, #historicalFiction, and #detectiveFiction. Favourite authors that occur to me include: #IainMBanks, #BeckyChambers, #LordDunsany, #TedChiang, #AdrianTchaikovsky, #RobertHarris, #HGWells, #GKChesterton, #AgathaChristie, #DorothyLSayers, #MargaretWeiss and #TracyHickman, and of course #Tolkien, who I still maintain is under-appreciated. I’m keen to discover new favourites - especially if they can diversify the list a bit.
#scifi #fantasy #historicalfiction #DetectiveFiction #iainmbanks #BeckyChambers #LordDunsany #TedChiang #AdrianTchaikovsky #RobertHarris #hgwells #GKChesterton #agathachristie #DorothyLSayers #MargaretWeiss #TracyHickman #tolkien
@nonmateria Not sure if you are familiar with #JackVance's #speculativefiction, especially his #TheDyingEarth series. It is inspired by #ClarkAshtonSmith's stories of #Zothique & #Hyperboria. Smith was a much more open than either #HPLovecraft or #RobertEHoward. His artist fascination with other cultures & languages made him a #Xenophile in comparison to their #Xenophobia. He blended the #Lovecraft's #cosmichorror with a mix of #LordDunsany's ironic tone & the sensibility of #CharlesBaudelaire.
#CharlesBaudelaire #LordDunsany #cosmichorror #lovecraft #xenophobia #Xenophile #robertehoward #hplovecraft #hyperboria #Zothique #ClarkAshtonSmith #thedyingearth #speculativefiction #jackvance