AimlessWandering · @Welshgrumpygit
614 followers · 677 posts · Server
CB Uí Foghlú · @Cbfoley
482 followers · 849 posts · Server

Really really enjoyed Pratchetts Lords and Ladies. It's one of the few that I've been disappointed it ended.
Next up - Feet of Clay coz that's what was available on BorrowBox.

1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ❌️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords and Ladies
11: Feet of Clay

#LordsAndLadies #terrypratchett #feetofclay #borrowbox #pratchett

Last updated 1 year ago

CB Uí Foghlú · @Cbfoley
478 followers · 839 posts · Server

Really REALLY enjoyed Moving Pictures 😁
I think I enjoy the Librarian a lot!
Nexy up on BorrowBox is Lords and Ladies

1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ❌️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords and Ladies

#LordsAndLadies #terrypratchett #MovingPictures #borrowbox

Last updated 1 year ago

Morning, shop.
Just stumbled upon the to get know me thing, and it sounds fun, so I'll give it a shot:

'sGuideToTheGalaxy by .





'sDaughter by .S.E.Cooney

...but I could probably do a separate thread just with books to be honest. Anything written by


#7books #thehitchhiker #douglasadams #LordsAndLadies #terrypratchett #americangods #neilgaiman #binti #nnediokorafor #TheSpaceBetweenWorlds #micaiahjohnson #saintdeath #c #romance #AlexisHall #bookstodon #books #reading

Last updated 2 years ago

Jack · @funkyduck
39 followers · 233 posts · Server


Shoot the dictator and prevent the war? But the dictator is merely the tip of the whole festering boil of social pus from which dictators emerge; shoot one, and there’ll be another one along in a minute. Shoot him too? Why not shoot everyone and invade Poland? -

#LordsAndLadies #terrypratchett

Last updated 2 years ago

Phil J · @trinnet
20 followers · 20 posts · Server


"I reckon someone's been dancing.”

Nanny Ogg gave this the same consideration as would a nuclear physicist who'd just been told that someone was banging two bits of sub-critical uranium together to keep warm.

#terrypratchett #LordsAndLadies #legoankhmorpork

Last updated 2 years ago

Ali · @miss_scatty
28 followers · 33 posts · Server

@LegoAnkhMorpork Has to be the intersection between Schrodinger's Cat theory and Greebo: "... in this case there were three determinate states the cat could be in: these being Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious."

#terrypratchett #LordsAndLadies

Last updated 2 years ago