Mourning and trial now
Lives touched by tragic events
Thoughts in disarray
#mourning #trial #lorivallow #hunterbiden #chinazoobear #memphishebrewschool #bidenspacecommand #rondesantis #haiku #poetry
#mourning #trial #LoriVallow #hunterbiden #chinazoobear #memphishebrewschool #bidenspacecommand #rondesantis #haiku #poetry
August has supermoons
Lori faces sentencing, too
Blue moon shines brightly
#augustsupermoon #lorivallow #bluemoon #carlosdeoliveria #haiku #poetry
#augustsupermoon #LoriVallow #bluemoon #carlosdeoliveria #haiku #poetry
Latest #CourtCase update on the #LoriVallow #LegalCase - provided by longtime friend & former LDS member. CW on.
My friend didn't have any choice because her parents were deep into LDS insanity. They made her go knock on doors when she was only 7. They told her to talk when ppl opened door because 'ppl won't turn cute kids away'. They abuse/manipulate kids. That entire church needs full investigations.
#courtcase #LoriVallow #LegalCase
Killing of the children
Gruesome testimony heard
No peace found here today
#lorivallow #childkilling #trial #justice #haiku #poetry
#LoriVallow #childkilling #trial #justice #haiku #poetry