John Kerry: US will not accept a bill for 'loss and damage' via #lossanddamagefinance #climatefinance
#LossAndDamageFinance #climatefinance
i do not know what world leaders do not comprehend at this point in the #ClimateCrisis. #COP27 was another failure amid so many previous opportunities to put an expiration date on fossil fuels. it is encouraging that #LossAndDamageFinance made it into the text, but it’s only a bandaid (and i am skeptical that it will be fully funded).
i do not think we can expect anything more from world leaders until corporations are banned from co-opting these events, fossil fuel lobbyists are explicitly prohibited from attending, and decision makers in developed countries finally understand that their money will not save them from a climate breakdown.
i hope #CITESCoP19 and #CBDCOP15 can achieve some measure of progress but i am short on optimism.
#ClimateCrisis #cop27 #LossAndDamageFinance #CITESCoP19 #CBDCOP15
How naive do I have to be to hope that the loss and damage commitment will quickly escalate to a scale of inescapable liability for rich countries that it impels meaningful change?
#LossAndDamageFinance #ClimateCrisis #cop27egypt
Whilst I’m thrilled that there might be financial reparations paid through #LossAndDamageFinance the cynic in me says the west will just use this as an excuse to do absolutely nothing else to keep us under/close to 1.5 degrees. I hope there’ll be more announcements about refusing new oil, coal, and gas developments.
We live in interesting times. A paralysis in neg's at #COP27 is now shifting to last-minute breakthroughs on #LossAndDamageFinance, peaking global GHGs & transition from fossil fuels. EU showing they are deft negotiators in exposing divisions in G77...
RT @EamonRyan: The oil and gas companies in the world will make €3.9 trillion this year (@IEA) - that’s twice last year.
Even a small percentage of this as part of a broader innovative funding base for #LossAndDamageFinance would make a world of difference. @COP27P #cop27IRL
#LossAndDamageFinance #COP27Irl
Day13 at #COP27, no doubt there'll be more twists and turns as we move towards the finish line.
RT @SadhbhO: We live in interesting times. A paralysis in neg's at #COP27 is now shifting to last-minute breakthroughs on #LossAndDamageFinance, peaking global GHGs & transition from fossil fuels. EU @EamonRyan @TimmermansEU showing they are deft negotiators in exposing divisions in G77...
Negotiations on #COP27 are stalling when we need action. Germany's efforts to secure #LossAndDamageFinance for the most affected countries are crucial but all partners have to pull in the same direction. We need binding pledges to cut emissions and support the Global South now!
RT @BMZ_Bund: Bei der #COP27 ist ein erstes Teilergebnis im Bereich #SchädenUndVerluste gelungen: Die Delegierten haben sich auf Struktur & Mandat für das #…
#COP27 #LossAndDamageFinance #SchädenUndVerluste
African nations can’t ‘adapt’ to the climate crisis. Here’s what rich countries must do | Vanessa Nakate | The Guardian
There are 37 million people facing starvation in the Horn of Africa. Time for wealthier countries to adopt ‘loss and damage finance’, says climate activist Vanessa Nakate
#COP27 #ClimateCrisis #ClimateJustice #Africa #LossAndDamageFinance
#cop27 #ClimateCrisis #ClimateJustice #africa #LossAndDamageFinance
Die afrikanischen Länder können sich nicht einfach an die Klimakrise „anpassen“ — der Freitag
Die ugandische Klimaaktivistin Vanessa Nakate erlebt tagtäglich die verheerenden Auswirkungen der Klimakrise auf ihre Heimat. Sie fordert: Die Verursacher müssen für den Schaden zahlen
#COP27 #Klimakrise #Klimakatastrophe #Dürre #Hungersnot #Afrika #Pakistan #Überflutung #Vanuatu #Anpassung #Klimagerechtigkeit #ClimateJustice #Schuldenfalle #KolonialesErbe #Ressourcenausbeutung #LossAndDamageFinance
#cop27 #KlimaKrise #KlimaKatastrophe #durre #Hungersnot #Afrika #pakistan #uberflutung #vanuatu #anpassung #KlimaGerechtigkeit #ClimateJustice #Schuldenfalle #KolonialesErbe #ressourcenausbeutung #LossAndDamageFinance
Rich countries account for just one in eight people in the world today but are responsible for half of greenhouse gases. These nations have a clear moral responsibility to help. Developing nations should be given enough cash to address the dangerous conditions they did little to create – especially as a global recession looms. #LossAndDamageFinance
It's sad but TRUE - we are living in unempathetic times #Solidarity #LossAndDamageFinance
#solidarity #LossAndDamageFinance
Great to join the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice in London. Lively, colourful, noisy protest to demand #ClimateReparationsNow #climatejustice #LossAndDamageFinance #endfossilfuels
#endfossilfuels #LossAndDamageFinance #climatejustice #climatereparationsnow
#ClimateJustice #LossAndDamageFinance:
"Many of the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries have done little to cause climate change, yet they are experiencing extreme heat waves, floods and other climate-related disasters."
#climatejustice #LossAndDamageFinance
Honour to meet Germany 🇩🇪 Chancellor HE today at #COP27. I urge him 🇩🇪 admit to failure in keeping temperatures below the 1.5⁰C mark, to cancel financial debt for the Global South in the name of climate justice & decarbonize transport & to pay #LossAndDamageFinance.
Which accounts should I follow for #COP27 updates?
#ClimateJustice #climatedisaster #LossAndDamageFinance #lossanddamage
#cop27 #ClimateJustice #climatedisaster #LossAndDamageFinance #lossanddamage
Flooded communities in Anambra state - Nigeria. This is what it looks like on the loss & damage from the climate crisis. There is no climate justice without #climatefinance.
#climatefinance #LossAndDamageFinance
@makepolluterpay The #IPCC report is crystal clear - vulnerable countries urgently need #LossAndDamageFinance to pay for the costs of the #ClimateCrisis they did not cause. Share the petition calling on @BorisJohnson
to back an international #LossAndDamage fund NOW.
#ipcc #LossAndDamageFinance #climatecrisis #lossanddamage