#Texhnolyze #ErgoProxy #Hellsing #XxxHolic #FullMetalAlchemist #Beastars #HPLovecraft #Portal #MyLittlePony #TerryPratchett #TheDiscworld #Netflix #Disenchantment #FinalSpace #DisneyPlus #Bluey #TurningRed #Encanto #Coco #Ferdinand #Luca #Moana #Zootopia #InsideOut #Brave #WallE #BigHero6 #Onward #CloudBabies #Music #Moby #LostFrequencies #AlleFarben #DaftPunk #EmpireOfTheSun #AltJ #Royksopp #StudioKillers #GeorgeEzra #RobinSchulz #21Pilots #Avicii #MilkyChance #Coldplay #WhoMadeWho #HarryStyles
#texhnolyze #ergoproxy #hellsing #xxxholic #fullmetalalchemist #beastars #hplovecraft #portal #mylittlepony #terrypratchett #thediscworld #netflix #disenchantment #finalspace #disneyplus #bluey #TurningRed #Encanto #coco #ferdinand #luca #moana #zootopia #InsideOut #brave #WallE #bighero6 #onward #cloudbabies #music #moby #LostFrequencies #allefarben #daftpunk #empireofthesun #altJ #royksopp #studiokillers #GeorgeEzra #robinschulz #21pilots #avicii #milkychance #coldplay #whomadewho #harrystyles
Since I like music and vinyl so much I probably should list artists that I like.
And many-many more. I like some electronic music, some folk. Indie and pop...
#KylieMinogue #fleetwoodmac #NickMulvey #Bjork #ArthurBeatrice #carlyraejepsen #Killers #BrandonFlowers #LostFrequencies #GardenCityMovement
#Scheibenhonig schon wieder Menschen, mit kultureller Aneignung. Das muss ich jetzt wohl einfach mal ausblenden um zu abzurocken!
Es gibt Dinge im Leben, die kann uns keiner nehmen!
#SunIsShining #LostFrequencies #Scheibenhonig