The good news? #RAAC isn’t always dangerous. The bad news: #ItsNotJustInSchools
Alarmist reports won’t help in the lengthy task of locating and treating buildings it’s in. We will be hearing about it for a while
#ChrisGoodier is professor of #ConstructionEngineering and materials at #LoughboroughUniversity
#LoughboroughUniversity #constructionengineering #chrisgoodier #itsnotjustinschools #raac
#Frostadon #WindowWednesday #LoughboroughUniversity
(Alt text not working, so - The window looks out on to the Hazelrigg and Rutland fountain at Loughborough University, which is covered in icicles and pretty chunks of ice, but is still spouting water)
#frostadon #windowwednesday #LoughboroughUniversity
#Chalkdust issue 16 has arrived in #Loughborough. Copies can be found outside the School of Science reception and in the lobby of the Brockington building, and may appear randomly at other locations on campus.
#LoughboroughUniversity #chalkdust16 #loughborough #chalkdust
#introduction - I’m Laura Jenkins, an #academic #researcher at #LoughboroughUniversity.
I record and analyse real conversations using #ConversationAnalysis #EMCA
Interested in all things #communication, #interaction, and #relationships, especially with #children, #youthjustice and #medicalcommunication
Find my publications here:
I also share the occasional #sunrise #fungi and #refugees #humanrights #socialjustice
#humanrights #refugees #fungi #sunrise #socialjustice #Childrights #medicalcommunication #YouthJustice #children #relationships #interaction #communication #emca #ConversationAnalysis #LoughboroughUniversity #researcher #academic #introduction
Hey Mastodon! A bit by way of introduction, you might know me from other places as MillyKateH. I’m a #PhD student at #LoughboroughUniversity working on #WeirdFiction, but also broadly in #LitStudies, #QueerStudies, and #VictorianLiterature. I’d love to make some connections on here! #Victorian #C19Studies #PhDChatter 🎓
#phd #LoughboroughUniversity #weirdfiction #litstudies #queerstudies #victorianliterature #victorian #c19studies #phdchatter
‘Jewellery for Life’ two day symposium opens on Nov 30th at Loughborough University. I’m delighted my piece, ‘Reaction’ brooch, has been selected as part of jewellery exhibition which runs alongside the event. #jewelleryforlife #klimtjewellery #goldsmithscentre #internationaljewellery #jewellerysymposium #loughboroughuniversity #sdcaloughborough
#sdcaloughborough #LoughboroughUniversity #jewellerysymposium #internationaljewellery #goldsmithscentre #klimtjewellery #jewelleryforlife