Softly singing:
I hear babies cry
I watch them grow
They'll learn much more
Than I'll ever know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
#LouisArmstrong #HashtagGames #theterminatorslastwords
@Deglassco #LouisArmstrong was an ‘#UncleTom ‘?!
That’s a joke, right? (I know you’re not joking. But how sad for any Black person to think that about such a great artist and humanitarian.)
But speaking of jokes, the up-and-rising comedian #SarahCooper knows a thing or two about Uncle Tom jokes! “Praying for #ClarenceThomas” ⬇️ 😂
#LouisArmstrong #uncletom #sarahcooper #clarencethomas
#GreatAlbums1950s - #LouisArmstrong – Plays W.C. Handy (1954). Armstrong sounds revivified and full of joy interpreting Handy’s seminal blues compositions – “St. Louis Blues,” “Memphis Blues,” “Yellow Dog Rag,” etc. Members of Pops’ small fifties combo – trombonist Trummy Young, clarinetist Barney Bigard, etc. – keep the soloing hot. Vocal trade-offs between Pops’ sandpaper voice and Velma Middleton’s smoother pipes enhance the jamboree feel of this classic set. #GreatJazzAlbums, #WCHandy, #Jazz
#Jazz #wchandy #greatjazzalbums #LouisArmstrong #greatalbums1950s
Louis Armstrong and Earl Hines - "Weather Bird" #LouisArmstrong #BOTD #jazz #EarlHines #music #musicians
#Musicians #Music #earlhines #Jazz #botd #LouisArmstrong
Louis Armstrong & His Hot Five - "Struttin' With Some Barbecue" (1927) #LouisArmstrong #BOTD #jazz #music #musician
#musician #Music #Jazz #botd #LouisArmstrong
This song has been bringing tears to my eyes. It WAS a wonderful world -- but we f*cked it up!
"I see trees of green
Red roses too
I see them bloom
For me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
I see skies of blue
And clouds of white
The bright blessed day
The dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
The colors of the rainbow
So pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces
Of people going by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying
I love you
I hear babies cry
I watch them grow
They'll learn much more
Than I'll ever know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Yes, I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Ooh, yes"
- #LouisArmstrong, 1967
#WeHadItAll #MotherEarth #LifeOnEarth
#WeKNowWhoToBlame #ExxonKnew
#LouisArmstrong #wehaditall #motherearth #lifeonearth #weknowwhotoblame #exxonknew
Es ist wieder die Zeit in der Oompfh, Oooompfh aus komplett runtergelassenen Fahrzeugfenstern mit Minimum 140dB an mein Ohr dringt. Muss also mit guter Musik zurück beschallen.
#musikbeschallung #offeneFensterSchlechteMusik #LouisArmstrong
#LouisArmstrong #offenefensterschlechtemusik #musikbeschallung
#LouisArmstrong always said today is his birthday. Music historian Tad Jones found the baptismal certificate proving the date was actually August 4, 1901. But I still take #July4th as the day to celebrate Louis.
I can already hear my friends laughing ultra-loud :
"you coffee-shop atheist, listening to negro spirituals, ultra-lol.".
I worship Satchmo and I love the whole LP, , kill me for that !
"Go down, Moses"
(Louis Armstrong.1958)
#MMRplaylist #Pouetradio #NegroSpiritual #Soul #LouisArmstrong
#MMRplaylist #pouetradio #negrospiritual #soul #LouisArmstrong
@brooklynmarie Only in the last decade or so I've learned much about the history of "#Jass" and gained an appreciation of #LouisArmstrong's contribution to the world of this #musical #art form, and what #MilesDavis did to give it so many new forms and structures while training and highlighting so many other greats of #Jazz along the way.
My brother-in-law started and still plays stand-up bass at a Jazz restaurant here in Sunrise, and my brother in #DC plays sax when he can.
#dc #Jazz #milesdavis #Art #Musical #LouisArmstrong #jass
Today In Labor History April 3, 1950: Composer Kurt Weill died. Weill’s most famous song was Mack the Knife ("Die Moritat von Mackie Messer"), which became a schlock classic after Bobby Darin’s rendition. However, Weill wrote the song as part of Bertolt Brecht’s “Three Penny Opera,” which was a socialist critique of the capitalist world. Weill was persecuted by the Nazis for his political views and his Jewish heritage. He fled to America, with his wife, singer Lotte Lenya. Some of Weill’s other well-known songs include: Alabama Song (covered by the Doors), Pirate Jenny (covered by Nina Simone), Mack the Knife (covered by Louis Armstrong), Der Kleine des Lieben Gottes (covered by John Zorn).
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #Nazis #antisemitism #holocaust #KurtWeill #LotteLenya #BertoltBrecht #socialism #communism #NinaSimone #LouisArmstrong
#workingclass #LaborHistory #nazis #antisemitism #holocaust #kurtweill #lottelenya #BertoltBrecht #socialism #communism #ninasimone #LouisArmstrong
Ja, auch mir fällt es schwer, daran zu glauben, aber ich weiß, das Louis recht hat!
#WhatAWonderfulWorld #LouisArmstrong
Louis Armstrong - Jeepers Creepers
#music #song #share #LouisArmstrong #Satchmo
#music #song #share #LouisArmstrong #satchmo
#schallplatten #vinyl #jazz #ellafitzgerald #louisarmstrong
Ich höre nur noch analoge Musik…das sanfte Knistern einer Schallplatte ist einfach toll. 🥰
#LouisArmstrong #ellafitzgerald #jazz #vinyl #schallplatten
Wishing everyone a
#HappyMardiGras Season
#NOLA #MardiGras #NewOrleans #KingCake #LouisArmstrong #BillieHoliday #Legacy #MissNewOrleans
#happymardigras #laissezlebontempsrouler #NOLA #mardigras #neworleans #kingcake #LouisArmstrong #billieholiday #legacy #missneworleans
I found a Louis Armstrong 78 in by the side of the road this morning.
Today is going to be a good day.
#RecordCollector #SeventyEightRotationsPerMinute #Jazz #LouisArmstrong
#recordcollector #seventyeightrotationsperminute #jazz #LouisArmstrong
The colors of the rainbow
So pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces
Of people going by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying how do you do
They're really saying
I love you
Louis Armstrong’s ‘What a wonderful world’ debuted in 1967.
Louis would have been proud of C!C!C! choir version of his song.
#MastoRadio #Mastodon #JohnMastodon #IAmMastodon #WhatAWonderfulWorld #LouisArmstrong #TwitterMigration #TwitterRefugee
#twitterrefugee #twittermigration #LouisArmstrong #WhatAWonderfulWorld #iammastodon #johnmastodon #Mastodon #MastoRadio