Stephen Ralph · @TheStephenRalph
1564 followers · 945 posts · Server

Tonight on BadgerWatch ™ - Two badgers this evening even though the weather's rough, wet and windy. Here's a clip from tonight's visit. I've just uploaded the entire visit to YouTube in 1080p so that I can also share it with Mastodon viewers. 😊 Here's toot one of two. Toot one is the arrival of a Badger to camera one. They munch on a small pile of chopped apple, grapes and peanuts. 1/2

#lovewildlife #LoveBadgers

Last updated 2 years ago

Stephen Ralph · @TheStephenRalph
1350 followers · 729 posts · Server

People who know me from the Bird Site know that my garden is visited by every night. I've been lucky enough to be out in the garden with them on very rare occasions. There are many threads with the hashtag on my feed.

Here's an example I uploaded to YouTube filmed on my then newish Canon EOS M6 Mk2. Usually I film them on near ground level cctv cameras. 😊

#LoveBadgers #Badgers

Last updated 2 years ago